A multiplayer car sandbox used to learn state synchronization, client-side prediction, & various types of interpolation.
Subjects Covered and Implemented:
- Air and Rolling Resistance
- Client-Side Predition:
- Syncing Client and Server DeltaTime
- Client Stays Ahead of Server: Server Plays The Unacknowledged Moves That The Client Playied When The Client Was At That Point In Time.
- Interpolation Mesh Offset on Simulated Proxy to Stop Inconsistant Collision States
- Linear Interpolation of Location
- Spherical Linear Interpolation of Rotation
- Cubic Interpolation
Git Hub link: [https://github.com/Wylie-Modro/GGJ2019]
udemy Unreal Multiplayer Master course: [https://www.udemy.com/unrealmultiplayer/]