In order to generate fairface results on arl model do the following
python python python
install conda env via environment.yaml in order to run the repo.
download the fairface database from here:
@inproceedings{karkkainenfairface, title={FairFace: Face Attribute Dataset for Balanced Race, Gender, and Age for Bias Measurement and Mitigation}, author={Karkkainen, Kimmo and Joo, Jungseock}, booktitle={Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision}, year={2021}, pages={1548--1558} }
@article{lahoti2020fairness, title={Fairness without demographics through adversarially reweighted learning}, author={Lahoti, Preethi and Beutel, Alex and Chen, Jilin and Lee, Kang and Prost, Flavien and Thain, Nithum and Wang, Xuezhi and Chi, Ed}, journal={Advances in neural information processing systems}, volume={33}, pages={728--740}, year={2020} }