This is an unofficial reproduction of paper Moir´e Photo Restoration Using Multiresolution Convolutional Neural Networks.(PyTorch)
First of all, you need to prepare the whole dataset of this paper, which is around 100G.
dataset download link :
another download link :
- torch >= 1.6.0
- torchvision >= 0.7.0
- pillow >= 7.2.0
- GPU >= 3G
Before starting to train the model, you need to run a script to clean the training set as shown below.
All hyper-parameters follow the instructions of the paper, so you don't need to change them.W
However, you should change the path of datasets to match your local environment.
python --dataset /data_new/zxbsmk/moire/trainData --save ./model
Get PSNR of the testing set.
psnr distribution | <12 | 12~14 | 14~17 | 17~20 | 20~22 | 22~24 | >24 |
training set | 72 | 2318 | 29816 | 37089 | 21195 | 15102 | 12856 |
testing set | 8 | 227 | 2951 | 3809 | 2069 | 1463 | 1324 |
total | 80 | 2545 | 32767 | 40898 | 23264 | 16565 | 14180 |
We can see that low quality image pairs whose PSNR is lower than 12 still exist in the dataset, which is against the author's declaration.