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config.yml Old

alex9849 edited this page Jul 23, 2023 · 2 revisions

The config.yml contains all general settings of AdvancedRegionMarket


    price: 200.0
    extendTime: 2d
    maxExtendTime: 7d
    autoPriceCalculation: static
    price: 2.0
    extendTime: 12h
    maxExtendTime: 2d
    autoPriceCalculation: per_m2
    price: 0.05
    extendTime: 7d
    maxExtendTime: 30d
    autoPriceCalculation: per_m3

If you are creating a sell-region you can write this (in this case example1, example2 or example3) instead of the price in the last line of a sell-sign and ARM will calculate the price by the settings of the autoprice. There are 3 autoPriceCalculation-settings:
static The price will is static.
per_m2 The price will be multiplied with the number of square meters inside the region
per_m3 The price will be multiplied with the number of blocks inside the region

You also have to set a maxExtendTime and a extendTime for every autoprice. These settings will only be applied on contract and rentregions. A region will not save the calculated price. It will save the autoprice. That means, if you want to change the price for all regions that have been created with the same autoprice, you can just adjust the price in the config. If ARM can't find the autoprice of a region, it will use the default autoprice.

Autoreset and takeover:

    resetAfter: '30d'
    takeOverAfter: '20d'
    resetAfter: '60d'
    takeOverAfter: '50d'
    resetAfter: 'none'
    takeOverAfter: 'none'

  resetAfter: 'none'
  takeOverAfter: 'none'

If you want that ARM resets regions of inactive players, or gives members of regions with inactive players the chance of overtake them, you can use the InactivityExpiration-system.
InactivityExpirationGroups can be assigned to players by giving them the permission arm.inactivityexpiration.INACTIVITYEXPIRATIONGROUP
For example use arm.inactivityexpiration.examplegroup1 to assign the examplegroup1 defined below to a player.
Regions that have inactivityExpiration enabled will be reset if the owner of the region does not come online for the time specified in 'resetAfter'. You can give members of the region the opportunity to become the owner the region before it gets reset. You can specify the amount of time in 'takeOverAfter'. If a player has multiple InactivityExpirationGroups assigned ARM automatically picks the group with the highest amount of days. If a player has no InactivityExpirationGroups assigned ARM will use the DefaultInactivityExpirationGroup! Use arm.inactivityexpiration.unlimited to deactivate TakeOver and InactivityReset for a player


    total: 2
      Default: -1
      starter: 1
      small: 3
      medium: 5
      large: 0
      shop: 1
      citybuild-plot: 4
    total: 10
      Default: -1
      starter: 1
      small: 2
      medium: 1
      large: 1
      shop: 1
    regionkindgroups: {}
    total: -1
      Default: -1
      starter: 1
      small: 2
      medium: 2
      large: 2
      shop: 2
    regionkindgroups: {}

Limits can be assigned to players by giving them the permission arm.limit.LIMITGROUP you can set limits by writing a regionkind and the limit behind it. Not existing regionkinds will be ignored. If you want to limit regions without a regionkind use 'Default'. If you want to limit the total amount of regions a player can own write total. With '-1' you can set the limit to unlimited. If a player belongs to more than one limit-group, ARM will merge his groups and give the player the best limits out of all the groups he belongs to. By default, all player have no limit. The permission arm.admin.bypasslimit will remove all limitations a player could have.

locale: The locale that will be used to format the price. For example:
US: 345,987.246
FR: 345 987,246
DE: 345.987,246
minimumFractionDigits: Sets the minimum amount of digids behind the comma of a number. Needs to be smaller or equal to maximumFractionDigits
maximumFractionDigits: Sets the maximum amount of digids behind the comma of a number
minimumIntegerDigits: Sets the minimum amount of digits before the comma


  userResetCooldown: 7d
  TeleportAfterSellRegionBought: true
  TeleportAfterRentRegionBought: false
  TeleportAfterRentRegionExtend: false
  TeleportAfterContractRegionBought: true
  TeleportAfterRegionBoughtCountdown: false
  SendRentRegionExpirationWarning: true
  RentRegionExpirationWarningTime: '2d'
  SendContractRegionExtendMessage: true
  SignAndResetUpdateInterval: 10
  DateTimeFormat: 'dd.MM.yyyy hh:mm'
  ShortCountdown: false
  CompleteRegionsOnTabComplete: true
  TeleporterTimer: 0
  RegionInfoParticleBorder: true
  AllowRegionfinderTeleportToBuySign: true
  RemoveEntitiesOnRegionBlockReset: true
  SendStats: true

userResetCooldown: If users have the permission arm.member.resetregionblocks they can reset their own regions.
TeleportAfterSellRegionBought: If true players will be teleported if they buy a sellregion.
TeleportAfterRentRegionBought: If true players will be teleported if they buy a rentregion.
TeleportAfterRentRegionExtend: If true players will be teleported if they extend a rentregion.
TeleportAfterContractRegionBought: If true players will be teleported if they buy a contractregion.
TeleportAfterRegionBoughtCountdown: If true players will see a countdown before they will be teleported to a region they have bought.
SendRentRegionExpirationWarning: If true players get a message on login if one of their rent regions expires soon.
RentRegionExpirationWarningTime: If a rentregion expires in less than this time the owners of it will get a warning. (Example: 1d or 30h or 7d)
SendContractRegionExtendMessage: If true players will get a message if one of their contract regions has been extended
SignAndResetUpdateInterval: (in seconds) how often signs should be checked and updated
RemainingTimeFormat: Can be %countdown% or %date%
DateTimeFormat: If RemainingTimeFormat has been set to %data% ARM will use a date to show the remaining time of a region. This is the date pattern. Use dd for days, MM for months, yyyy for years, hh for hours, mm for minutes. (For Example: dd.MM.yyyy hh:mm)
ShortCountdown: If RemainingTimeFormat has been set to %countdown% ARM will use a countdown to show the remaining time of a region. If this has been set to true ARM will shorten the countdown. This means instead of 1d12h37m59s arm would write 1 Day.
CompleteRegionsOnTabComplete: If true ARM will suggest Regions on tab-complete. Normal players will only see regions they have permission for.
TeleporterTimer: The time in seconds that a player has to wait before he gets teleported to a region. If he moves while the countdown runs the teleportation gets canceled. Set this to 0 to disable it.
RegionInfoParticleBorder: If you execute /arm info ARM will display the borders of the region by spawning particles. These partiles can only be seen by the player who executes the command
AllowRegionfinderTeleportToBuySign: If a player searches a region with the regionfinder and clicks on it, he will have the opportunity to decide if he wants to get teleported to the region or to the sell sign. If this setting is set to false he will directly be teleported to the region.
RemoveEntitiesOnRegionBlockReset: If true ARM will remove all entities within a region if it will be reset.
Sendstats: If true ARM will contact my private server every 5 minutes and will send me your servers IP-address, hostname, serverport and the number of online players. This allows me to visit your servers and is one of my biggest motivations the maintain the plugin.


Specifies the commands that will be executed if the player clicks the sign the right way. %region% will be replace with the regionID. Use buyaction to buy/rent/extend/... the region

RightClickNotSneakCmd: The command that will be executed if a player right clicks a regionsign without sneaking
RightClickSneakCmd: The command that will be executed if a player right clicks a regionsign while sneaking
LeftClickNotSneakCmd: The command that will be executed if a player left clicks a regionsign without sneaking
LeftClickSneakCmd: The command that will be executed if a player left clicks a regionsign while sneaking


  AllowSubRegionUserReset: false
  SubregionBlockReset: false
  SubregionAutoReset: true
  deleteSubregionsOnParentRegionUnsell: false
  deleteSubregionsOnParentRegionBlockReset: false
  allowParentRegionOwnersBuildOnSubregions: true

AllowSubRegionUserReset: If true the blocks on a subregion can be resetted by the owner of the subregion (set to false to prevent cheating)
SubregionBlockReset: If true the blocks on a subregion will be resetted if the region gets unsold (set to false to prevent cheating)
SubregionAutoReset: If true subregions will be resetted if the owner if it was not online for a specific amount of days.
deleteSubregionsOnParentRegionUnsell: if true all subregions will be deleted if the parent region gets unsold.
deleteSubregionsOnParentRegionBlockReset: if true all subregions on a region will be deleted it the owner of the parent region resets the blocks in his region. I would recommend to set this and the isUserResettable and the DoBlockReset setting on all regions that can create subregions to false.
allowParentRegionOwnersBuildOnSubregions: if true the owners of the parent region of a subregion will have rights to build on the subregions they have created on their regions (subregion will be set parent in worldguard) otherwise the subregion will get a higher priority (in worldguard) as the parent region.

regionblacklist.WORLDNAME: a list with all regions in that world that should be ignored by the signlinkmode. This is helpful if you have big regions that wraps in your plots and prevents you from selecting regions with the signlinkingmode

Offers.OfferTimeOut: The amount of seconds a offer should beavaiable before it gets cancelled automatically


  RegionOwnerItem: ENDER_CHEST
  RegionMemberItem: CHEST
  RegionFinderItem: COMPASS
  GoBackItem: OAK_DOOR
  WarningYesItem: MELON
  SellRegionItem: DIAMOND
  ResetItem: TNT
  ExtendItem: CLOCK
  InfoItem: BOOK
  PromoteMemberToOwnerItem: LADDER
  RemoveMemberItem: LAVA_BUCKET
  ContractItem: WRITABLE_BOOK
  SubRegionItem: GRASS_BLOCK
  TeleportToSignItem: SIGN
  TeleportToRegionItem: GRASS_BLOCK
  DeleteItem: BARRIER
  NextPageItem: ARROW
  PrevPageItem: ARROW
  HotelSettingItem: RED_BED
  UnsellItem: NAME_TAG
  DisplayRegionOwnerButton: true
  DisplayRegionMemberButton: true
  DisplayRegionFinderButton: true

Here you can change the items that will be used in the GUI. You find a list of all Materials here: click

DisplayRegionOwnerButton: If set to false ARM will hide the region-manager for owners from the GUI
DisplayRegionMemberButton: If set to false ARM will hide the region-manager for members from the GUI
DisplayRegionFinderButton: If set to false ARM will hide the region-finder from the GUI

If you disable two of these options ARM will skip the main menu of the GUI and go directly to the remaining submenu.



How it works

  • Video tutorials - Watch and learn with Major Graft.
  • Create a region
  • Region settings
  • Presets - Define region settings before creating a region.
  • Autoprices - Calculate the price of a region automatically.
  • Regionkinds - Regionkinds and RegionkindGroups can be assigned to your regions to group them together and bring them into a context.
  • Limits - Limit the number of regions a player can buy.
  • Inactivity reset & Takeover - Automatically reset a region because of inactivity or let members of regions with inactive owners become the new owner.
  • FlagGroups - Assign certain flags to a region depending on its state.
  • Entitylimits - Limit the type and number of entities a player is allowed to have on a region.



  • Discord - Get involved with other AdvancedRegionMarket Admins, Plugin Developers, Testers. Support, General Discussion welcome.


  • Sponsor - Sponsor the development of AdvancedRegionMarket
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