Development of this Stack is a stepping stone for the
IGVC AutoNav Challange, Oakland University, Michigan.This is not the Complete solution for the challange but rather an attempt
to understand the various primitive techniques to make a self driving vehicle
and to learn how the Robot Operating System Environment works.
Includes Custom Scripts for :
- Visualizing 2d postion Covariance of the Robot as an ellipse in RVIZ.
- Converting Lanes from Camera Image to fake_laser Message to visualize in RVIZ,
which can also be used in gmapping, MoveBase and Costmap2d packages. - Change in heading (yaw) calculation, using basics of group theory (to be exact modular arithmetic),
for turning exact angles in degrees. - Contains a pre-build IGVC world for testing purposes.
Keep in mind that this Package is developed on ROS-Melodic.
- Navigate to your src folder
cd ~/catkin_ws/src
- Clone this package into src
git clone
- Rename the "UGV-DTU_ROS_Stack" folder to "ugv_bot"
mv UGV-DTU_ROS_Stack ugv_bot
- Navigate back to catkin workspace
cd ~/catkin_ws
- Build the package using
or alternatively you could install catkin tools and then use catkin build
sudo apt-get install python-catkin-tools
catkin build ugv_bot
- Give paths to Gazebo for Custom world models
echo "export GAZEBO_MODEL_PATH=~/catkin_ws/src/ugv_bot/models" >> ~/catkin_ws/devel/setup.bash
- Now you are all set to run the launch file.
source ~/catkin_ws/devel/setup.bash
roslaunch ugv_bot ugvbot_world.launch
The setup assumes that you have catkin_ws folder on your home directory if not, do changes accordingly.
If the gazebo shows a black screen after launching, do
and make sure that the path is correct.
Further, it may take some time in launch for the first time, dont panic enjoy the dark world for few minutes, and then ctrl+c in the terminal, and then try relaunching.