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Ahmet Dadak edited this page Jan 21, 2021 · 57 revisions

Welcome to the Group 7's wiki!

About Us

  • We are some junior/senior computer students at Boğaziçi University and we take CMPE 352/451 course together. They call us Group 7 but we are a team.
  • Here you can find general documentation about our project, group members, meeting notes, and communication plan.

  • Our group members have slightly changed from CMPE352 to CMPE451. Don't worry, Group 7's spirit will always be one.

How we look (CMPE 451)

How we used to look (CMPE 352)

IMG_2192 Front line from left to right: Mehmet Temizel, H. Ramazan Yurt, Oyku Yilmaz, Meltem Arslan, Burak Omur.

Back line from left to right: Ahmet Dadak, Kerem Uslular, H. Umut Ozdemir, Alperen Divriklioglu, Ertugrul Bulbul.

Who we are



  • To see our first application click here.

🔍 Research

🕓 Communication Plan

📒 Meeting Notes

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