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Research GitHub Repository Exploration

MEHMET_TEMIZEL_2015400075 edited this page Feb 27, 2020 · 21 revisions

Here, you can find the repositories that we find useful and the brief descriptions taken from their GitHub pages.

  • In the README file of this repository, there is a part named Contributing that explains how a user can contribute the project by submitting bugs and requests. It is the part that we like about the README file.

  • Also on the wiki page of that repository, there is detailed information about how to contribute to the Visual Studio Code Project. We think it can be useful to solve bugs and errors in the projects.

  • External links to Stack Overflow to separate bugs and feature requests from user-related problems.

Next.js is a React framework that makes server rendering React applications easier. It provides a common structure that allows you to easily build a frontend React application, and transparently handles server-side rendering for you.

The thing I like most with Next.js is that under the pages folder in the root directory of the project, the files can be reached by the filenames with not considering the route issue. In other words, Next.js serves each file in /pages under a pathname matching the filename. For example, /pages/about.js is served at

I chose this repository for two reasons. Firstly, it is a simple and nice page and easily direct you to part, that is desired, you can easily find what you want. Secondly, it has a nice and growing community, and in the issue part, you can easily find the discussion or solution that you are looking for.

Here you can find details about Next.js

"I choose Flutter as one of the repositories that I searched because it is used by lots of developers." - Halil Umut Özdemir

  • It has a good README file. In README, they provide useful links about Flutter (Documentation about Installation, Documentation of the Framework, etc.). After the documentation part, they tell the advantages of their product and basic working principle of it with using visual materials.

  • In this repository there is a set of detailed labels. They created labels for mostly asked questions and they have explanatory labels for questions of their customers. So, the developer team can answer questions faster.

  • In the wiki page of this repository, they give information about the roadmap of the project, detailed information about the installation and usage of their framework. I think this wiki file is sufficient for information with the additional links of their websites. So I think it is important to include detailed information about the installation, usage, and capabilities of the product on the wiki page.

  • It has a short and understandable README file so that beginners can easily understand the information of the installation of the library. Also, there are links for anyone that needs detailed information. A good README file gives basic information about the usage of the product and a way to find detailed information.

  • There is a help wanted label in this repository. This label can be useful in our repository, too. Anyone who needs help for a code piece can use this label.

  • It is an open-source computer vision library.

  • They have labels like effort: few days, effort: few hours, effort: few weeks which define the difficulty of the issue. It can be good to categorize issues. With these tags, members with easier work can help another member.

  • In the wiki page of the repository, there is detailed information about versions of the library. Also, they archive all of their meeting notes in their repository(2008 to 2020). In meeting notes, they explained the agenda and action items of the meeting as short as possible. This feature can make old meeting notes more reusable.

  • It has a FAQ page which is interesting to me.
  • It has very good documentation on and issuing system of it works well.
  • It uses gitter and/or irc to take other user's questions which is very interesting.
  • It has many tutorials, and examples of usage of it.
  • It uses a different documentation place that is rather than github wiki, it uses to document itself.
  • Main reason i like it that, It has "Opinions" section on wiki&readme that shows some people's opinions about api.
  • It is from a huge company as Facebook which took my interest.
  • It has very well documentation on and resource.
  • It has a showcase page which is very good for an app to show its importance.
  • Main reason i pick this, it has very wide community that contributes to its development which is interesting to see for an open-source.

The most popular HTML, CSS, and JavaScript framework for developing responsive, mobile first projects on the web.

  • Informative README file that guides the user from installation to tutorials.
  • Easily accessible bugs and feature requests that can be filtered via useful tag labels from issues according to different types of questions and solutions.
  • Useful external links in the README file that redirects to previous releases of the Bootstrap library in case one needs to access a specific version.(Bootstrap is a constantly updated library and when one re-designs or edits a pre-existing website they will be needing a specific old version of it)
  • When you research about a topic you can learn it with it's veterans so you can see this in this repository.
  • There is a GIF on top of the README file. The main reason why I choose this repository is that GIF and that is so cool. You can easily understand what the tool does and you can learn rapidly how you use.
  • This repository will increase out knowledge about what we use(GitHub).
  • There is a table of contents in README file that attractive to me. There is a list that is very useful because you can easily reach what you want to find thanks to the links on the list elements.
  • You can see some pictures about how to use this repository.

Machine Learning platform of Google.

  • I began to study machine learning with Tensorflow. It was easy to understand the documentation, so it is a good framework for new ML programmers.
  • The installation guideline is explanatory.

LocalStack provides the same functionality and APIs as the real AWS cloud environment on your local machine, and therefore it allows apps using AWS for free.

  • "The "Readme" of the repository is well written and explanatory enough"


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