Releases: buu342/ACS-DoomWare
Releases · buu342/ACS-DoomWare
TestBeta 1.96
- + Added 3 new minigames
- + Added 1 new wacky modifier
- * Changed Double 1Ups mod to Triple
- * Karts are now affected by sonic speed
- * Fixed Wackymods not resetting on death
- * Fixed target still being shootable in 1vM game
- * Hopefully fixed the equip weapon game
TestBeta 1.95FFF
- * Minor text fixes
TestBeta 1.95F
EDIT: This release is broken (I left debug code in). I've included the 1.95FF WAD instead, even though the source code repo will still be pointing to version 1.95F.
- + Added new wackymod
- + Added color coding to context sensitive keys
- * Fixed Pokemon HUD sometimes getting stuck
- * Fixed missing gold ore rock
- * Fixed the sky not scrolling during the boss fight
- * Fixed door HUD text colors being wrong
- - Removed Cyberdemon retaliation
TestBeta 1.95E
- + Added Unsafe database option
- * Optimized server and client code
- * Fixed arena walls blocking projectiles
- * Miscellaneous minigame rebalancing and fixes
- * Boss fight balance changes and fixes
- * Beta tester hats should work now
TestBeta 1.95D
- + Added more Pokémon
- + Added more dickfails
- * Gave more time to submit numerical answers
- * Fixed a bug with the archvile pillars
- * Fixed minor lighting bug in car tunnel
- * Fixed issue with boss fight networking
- * Fixed inverted controls on some minigames
TestBeta 1.95C
- + Added Wacky Modifiers
- + Gave Buu342 a skin
- + Made the arena walls bouncy
- + Added more server CVars
- * Various miscellaneous minigame fixes and tweaks
- * Replaced Wario heads with DoomGuy
- * Replaced grenades target minigame