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Laurent Deru edited this page May 4, 2016 · 1 revision

The Node Info module collect information about the nodes on the WSN network. Basic information is gathered using the data traffic generated by the nodes. Advanced information is received using a dedicated UDP communication channel.

Sensors table

The sensor table lists all the nodes known by the Border Router.

  • Node : Node name (if Node Config is enabled) and IP address, it also link to the detailed view of the node information
  • Type : Type of the node according to its MAC address
  • Web : Quick link towards a possible HTTP server on the node
  • Coap : Quick link towards a possible CoAP server on the node
  • Parent : Name (if Node Config is enabled) and IP address of the selected parent of the node
  • Up PRR : Upstream PRR (Packet Reception Rate) of the UDP channel
  • Down PRR : Downstream PRR (Packet Reception Rate) of the UDP channel
  • Last seen : Time since any packet from the node has been received
  • Status : OK if everything is fine, NR if there is no downward route towards the node.

Node Tree

The Node Tree page display the RPL routing tree as recreated using the information received from the UDP channel


The PRR page displays the upstream and downstrean PRR of each node

Parent Switch

The Parent Switch page displays the number of time the node has changed its parent

Hop Count

The Hop Count page displays the number of hop to reach each node

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