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Ana S. C. Silva edited this page Jun 5, 2018 · 1 revision

This folder contains code used while working with MS2PIP.

MSF and MGF to MS2PIP SpecLib

Reads an MSF file (SQLite DB), combines it with the matched (multiple) MGF files and writes a spectral library as 1 MS2PIP PEPREC and MGF file. Filters by a given FDR threshold, using q-values calculated from decoy hits or from Percolator.
Input: MSF and MGF files
Output: Matched PEPREC and MGF file (MS2PIP spectral library)

usage: [-h] [-s MSF_FOLDER] [-g MGF_FOLDER]
                                [-o OUTNAME] [-f FDR_CUTOFF] [-p] [-c]

Convert Sequest MSF and MGF to MS2PIP spectral library.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
                        Folder with Sequest MSF files (default: "msf")
                        Folder with MGF spectrum files (default: "mgf")
                        Name for output files (default: "SpecLib")
                        FDR cut-off value to filter PSMs (default: 0.01)
  -p                    Use Percolator q-values instead of calculating them
                        from TDS (default: False)
  -c                    Combine multiple MSF files into one spectral library
                        (default: False)

Split MS2PIP Spectral Library

Split MS2PIP spectral library (PEPREC and MGF file) into a train and test set.
Input: PEPREC and MGF file
Output: PEPREC and MGF files for both train and test data set.

usage: [-h] [-o OUT_FILENAME] [-f TEST_FRACTION]
                               peprec_file mgf_file

Split MS2PIP spectral library (PEPREC and MGF file) into a train and test set.

positional arguments:
  peprec_file       PEPREC file input
  mgf_file          MGF file input

optional arguments:
  -h, --help        show this help message and exit
  -o OUT_FILENAME   Name for output files (default: "SpecLib")
  -f TEST_FRACTION  Fraction of input to use for test data set (default: 0.1)

PEPREC: Add Phospho Suffix

Adds amino acid suffix to "Phospho" modifications in PEPREC file. "Phospho" becomes, for instance, "PhosphoY". Also, for unmodified peptides, a hyphen is added to the PEPREC file.
Input: Folder with PEPREC files
Output: PEPREC files with amino acid suffix added to "Phospho" modifications

usage: [-h] [-f PEPREC_FOLDER] [-r]

Add amino acid suffix to "Phospho" in modifications column in PEPREC file(s).

optional arguments:
  -h, --help        show this help message and exit
  -f PEPREC_FOLDER  Folder with input PEPREC files (default: "")
  -r                Replace the original PEPREC files instead of writing a new
                    file (default: False)

Create PEPREC file from a FASTA file

Takes every protein in a FASTA file, generates a PEPREC file with all tryptic peptides (check global variables to set charge states, min/max lengths and number of missed cleavages)

Input: FASTA file

Output: PEPREC file

Requirements: Biopython to parse FASTA file; Pyteomics for in silico cleavage; tqdm for progress bar.

usage: [-h] fasta_file
Generate a PEPREC file for all proteins in a fasta file
positional arguments:
  fasta_file             FASTA file with proteins of interest
optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit

Create MS2+SSL files (SkyLine spectral library formats) from MS2PIP predictions

Takes spectra predicted by MS2PIP and write SkyLine spectral library format MS2+SSL

Input: MS2PIP predictions file

Output: MS2 and SSL files

Requirements: Pyteomics for mass calculations; tqdm for progress bar.

usage: [-h] pep_file
Generate MS2 and SSL files from MS2PIP predictions
positional arguments:
  pep_file             PEPREC file used to generate predictions
optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit