Releases: comradef191/NyoomiesKME
Nyoomies KME v5r2; Woops, I made it _too_ small.
In testing, it turns out v5r1 was just barely too small, requiring sanding of the drivers and blackpill to properly fit!
This revision rectifies that, slightly widening the board by 0.75mm to allow for slightly more clearance between the MCU slot and stepper driver slots!
The mounting pattern between v5r1 & v5r2 remains the same, alongside the configs.
- MCU STM32 Config updated to properly address the STM32 pins
- Readme updated with a new source on LCSC for fuseholders, and an updated total BoM cost.
V5 R1; Now it's smaller.
Due to an overwhelming number of changes to the PCB, i felt it only apt for this to be a new version of the board rather than revision.
I have also done a MASSIVE overhaul of the BoM & ReadMe itself, plus started a Discord for future news & updates on Nyoomies and my other projects.
Changes over V4 R4.3:
- Size reduced to 56.77×84.43mm from 93.98×64.68mm, a reduction of a little over 20%!
- STM32 socket rotated to match USB orientation of Pico
- Added support for MF3 connectors for the motors - take care to use sockets which do NOT need plastic posts going trough the PCB
- More clear silkscreen indicating the direction of the USB port added
- Improved silkscreening of MCU pin connections
- Added support of HW SPI on RP2040-Based boards as well as STM32F4x1
- Routed out the sole unused pin the from Pico to the Expansion Header
- Routed out ADC-Capable* pins from the STM32 to the Expansion Header (*B9 is not ADC capable)
- Maximum capacitor diameter reduced to 12.5mm to reduce unused space on the PCB
- Disconnected GND issue of R4.3 fixed
- Fixed confusing jumper configuration with one UART pin and SPI pin being swapped
- Increased spacing between each driver socket to make motor connector access easier.
- Fixed inconsistent hole diameter on some pins within driver sockets
Nyoomies KME R4.3; Wait... that's not IO21!
Extremely minor release, this revision fixes a minor error on the silkscreen where the ChipSelect pin of M4 on the silkscreen was unintentionally marked 'IO21' rather than 'IO7', no other PCB changes made (Bar bumping revision numbers)
While I was here, I also remembered to finally add NC flags to some NC pins in the schematic!
Nyoomies KME R4.2; New BoM & Simplified Assembly
- Easier to assemble to design
- Simplified jumpers
- I/O Pin markings on PCB
- New Bill of Materials (BoM)
Simplified Jumpers...
In my original design I foolishy used 1x3 jumpers, spaced out with a 2.54mm gap to 'make soldering easier'. It did not.
Turns out, 1x3 pin headers are actually pretty hard to solder, since they REALLY don't wanna stay in the PCB
This revision changes that, moving to a single 2x3 and 3x3 pin header per socket, and soldering is vastly simplified.
Due to the more visible unused space, I was able to also add better markings as to which pairs of pins you need to bridge for SPI or UART
I have done a total revamp of the BoM, switching away from a UK Domestic parts supplier to LCSC.
The price of the board should be significantly less than the original specified BoM, It should also be far easier for parts sourcing.
I had to make a slight sacrifice with regards to sourcing, however, since I was unable to locate... any ATO fuseholders, let alone the one the board is designed for. Thus I've had to find this part from Aliexpress. Considering the low power at use here I feel this isn't a major concern though.
- Main parts source changed from CPC Farnell to LCSC
- Added jumper caps, for driver configuration
- Removed the 1x20 pin header;
- Added 2x3 & 3x3 pin headers for driver configuration
- Added 2x4 pin header; Optional, for spare STM32 I/O
Total (Excluding PCB, MCU, & Shipping): £7.26
Nyoomies KME R4.1
Back when I first started work on this project, it was suggested to me to add a pulldown to the STEP
pin of each motor.
Due to this not causing any issues, I never changed it.
Upon releasing R4, i was poked about this, and yep, turns out EN is supposed to have a pullup!
All this revision does is change the resistor inside each stepper socket to connect to the EN pin.
No BoM or config changes are necessary.
Nyoomies KME R4
Sorry for the delays, I finished this and then got distracted, it's here now though!
Unless any major issues are found, I expect this to be the last major release of Nyoomies until atleast May, afterwhich I plan to develop an SMD version of the board for PCBA and sale in fully-assembled form by any stores that wish to do so (If there's already interest, feel free to say so in the Nyoomies development thread on the Armchair Engineering discord)
Major changes that will matter to YOU as a user:
- The PDF Schematic has been updated to the latest version
- There is now a PDF showing a drawing of the PCB, its size, and the spacing of mounting holes
- UART resistor moved, allowing the MCU board to be soldered almost-flush to the PCB using pin headers
- Labelling of Endstop pinouts changed to be more clear
- Endstops and I/O headers moved for additional clearance from the USB port when using a BlackPill MCU
- There's now a small pair of solder pads in each driver socket; Bridge this if you are using BTT EZDrivers and wish to use Sensorless Homing, this jumper will connect the CLK pin to where DIAG would.
- The board now features a 'Copperfill' rather than large traces for power with a LARGE gap between it and Ground, this means you should be able to run higher amperages and voltages (Provided your drivers, capacitors and fuse are capable)
Non-User Changes:
- Totally overhauled the schematic to use hierarchical sheets rather than janky custom footprints
- PCB overhauled using separate, individual footprints and the ReplicateLayout plugin for the drivers, rather than janky custom ones
- Because of said PCB overhaul, positions of caps and stuff has also been somewhat heavily changed
- Board outlines adjusted to be less jank
- Finally added info about the board to the schematic and PCB drawings
- Board text referencing a SPECIFCC make & model of screw terminal removed, since you can just use basically any 5.08mm terminal
- Files moved ahead into KiCad 8.0
Schematics & PCB Dimensions
Nyoomies KME 3.4 (Silkscreen fix)
Nyoomies KME 3.3
- Fixes incompatible use of DATA pins
- Adds pin labels on silkscreen to full set of both MCUs pins
- Added GND and 3v3 to the extension header
- Overall cleanliness and readability of SilkScreen improved throught PCB with various tiny tweaks
Nyoomies KME 3.2
I fucked up.
When creating the footprint for and adding BlackPill support, I did not make sure to double-check dimensions of the headers for it, instead assuming it to be the same width of the Raspberry Pi Pico.
Board expected blackpill to be one pin wider than it is, making it physically impossible to connect
R3.1 Remains perfectly usable should you be planning to use only a Raspberry Pi Pico. Use of a Blackpill on that board will, unfortunately, require use of an adapter board, negaing the benefits of hardware SPI the previous release sought to bring for the Black Pill.
This release corrects this, now allowing insertion of a Black Pill natively. For realsies this time, i swear.
I apologise for not catching this earlier and releasing a correction fix until now; I was not made of aware of it, and only became aware of it ~1hr ago while working on a new project.
- STM32 Socket Corrected, now ACTUALLY possible to use a BlackPill
- Silkscreen now uses knockouts for license text, artwork on rear of board moved
- Random 2.5mm trace from earlier testing removed
Board Images (Populated)
Board Images (Unpopulated)
Nyoomies KME 3.1
This release amends the pinout used by the Black Pill to
A. Fix a driver being wired up to the RESET
B. Shuffle around the SPI pins to use Hardware SPI, not software SPI on a GPIO pin.
Minor changes made to the Pico's pinout to move some pins closer to those of the BlackPills.
This release also allows the use of larger 16mm diameter capacitors, with a pitch up to 7.5mm.