744 remove azuread dependency #837
Build #2027 had test failures
- Failed: 26 (0.09%)
- Passed: 27,673 (99.51%)
- Other: 111 (0.40%)
- Total: 27,810
Check failure on line 216 in Build log
azure-pipelines / d365fo.tools-PR-Test
Build log #L216
PowerShell exited with code '1'.
Check failure on line 77 in Build log
azure-pipelines / d365fo.tools-PR-Test
Build log #L77
PowerShell exited with code '1'.
azure-pipelines / d365fo.tools-PR-Test
Verifying integrity of module files.Validating PS1 Script files.[functions\import-d365entraiduser.ps1] Should have UTF8 encoding
Expected strings to be the same, but they were different.
Expected length: 4
Actual length: 7
Strings differ at index 1.
Expected: 'UTF8'
But was: 'Unknown'
Raw output
at <ScriptBlock>, D:\a\1\s\d365fo.tools\tests\general\FileIntegrity.Tests.ps1: line 41
41: Get-FileEncoding -Path $file.FullName | Should -Be 'UTF8'
Check failure on line 1 in Test help for Import-D365EntraIdUser.should not be auto-generated
azure-pipelines / d365fo.tools-PR-Test
Test help for Import-D365EntraIdUser.should not be auto-generated
Expected like wildcard '*`[`<CommonParameters`>`]*' to not match '
Import-D365EntraIdUser [-Users] <string[]> [[-StartupCompany] <string>] [[-DatabaseServer] <string>] [[-DatabaseName] <string>] [[-SqlUser] <string>] [[-SqlPwd] <string>] [[-TenantId] <string>] [[-ClientId] <string>] [[-CertificateName] <string>] [[-IdPrefix] <string>] [[-NameSuffix] <string>] [[-IdValue] <string>] [[-NameValue] <string>] [-SkipEntraID] [<CommonParameters>]
Import-D365EntraIdUser [-EntraIDGroupName] <string> [[-StartupCompany] <string>] [[-DatabaseServer] <string>] [[-DatabaseName] <string>] [[-SqlUser] <string>] [[-SqlPwd] <string>] [[-TenantId] <string>] [[-ClientId] <string>] [[-CertificateName] <string>] [[-IdPrefix] <string>] [[-NameSuffix] <string>] [[-IdValue] <string>] [[-NameValue] <string>] [-ForceExactGroupName] [<CommonParameters>]
Import-D365EntraIdUser [-EntraIDGroupId] <string> [[-StartupCompany] <string>] [[-DatabaseServer] <string>] [[-DatabaseName] <string>] [[-SqlUser] <string>] [[-SqlPwd] <string>] [[-TenantId] <string>] [[-ClientId] <string>] [[-CertificateName] <string>] [[-IdPrefix] <string>] [[-NameSuffix] <string>] [[-IdValue] <string>] [[-NameValue] <string>] [<CommonParameters>]
', but it did match.
Raw output
at <ScriptBlock>, D:\a\1\s\d365fo.tools\tests\general\Help.Tests.ps1: line 73
73: $Help.Synopsis | Should -Not -BeLike '*`[`<CommonParameters`>`]*'
azure-pipelines / d365fo.tools-PR-Test
Test help for Import-D365EntraIdUser.gets description for Import-D365EntraIdUser
Expected a value, but got $null or empty.
Raw output
at <ScriptBlock>, D:\a\1\s\d365fo.tools\tests\general\Help.Tests.ps1: line 82
82: $Help.Description | Should -Not -BeNullOrEmpty
azure-pipelines / d365fo.tools-PR-Test
Test help for Import-D365EntraIdUser.gets example code from Import-D365EntraIdUser
Expected a value, but got $null or empty.
Raw output
at <ScriptBlock>, D:\a\1\s\d365fo.tools\tests\general\Help.Tests.ps1: line 91
91: ($Help.Examples.Example | Select-Object -First 1).Code | Should -Not -BeNullOrEmpty