#Doubly Charged Higgs Analysis at 8 TeV
This package is used to perform a search for a Doubly-Charged Higgs boson using
the 8 TeV CMS dataset. It runs on n-tuples produced by FinalStateAnalysis
##Producing n-tuples To produce the FSA n-tuples used by this package, you run
make_ntuples_cfg.py rerunFSA=1 channels="zz" dblhMode=1
within FinalStateAnalysis/NtupleTools/test
. The mkntuples.py
script runs on the
FSA n-tuples to produce n-tuples with the preselection and event reconstruction
applied. These n-tuples are stored as HDF5 files.
##Four-Lepton Final State In this channel, a Z decays to a H++/H-- pair. The Higgs decay to a pair of same-sign leptons, not necessarily of the same flavor.
- Triggers
- Double Muon
- Double Electron + Triple Electron
- Muon/Electron
- Electrons
- pT > 15 and |η| < 2.5
- MVA "Non-Triggers" ID
- Muons
- pT > 5 and |η| < 2.4
- pT1 > 20 and pT2 > 10
- QCD Rejection: require all lepton pairs with m > 12 GeV
- PF Relative Isolation < 0.4 for all leptons
###tt-bar Control Region
Run with python mkntuples.py tt [samples,...]
. We make the following modifications to the
- Two best isolated leptons < 0.4 and worst > 0.4
- Z-veto: for all OSSF pairs, require |m(ll) - Mz| > 20.0
- sT > 150 and MET > 30
Make plots with python mkplots.py tt
###Z Control Region
Run with python mkntuples.py z [sample,...]
. We make the following modifications to
the pre-selection:
- Z-flag: Require at least one OSSF pair with |m(ll) - Mz| < 20.0
- sT > 150
Make plots with python mkplots.py z
##Limits The branching fractions are not constrained by the model, so we test seven different branching ratio benchpoints.
- BP1: tribimaximal neutrino mixing is assumed, no CP violation, normal neutrino mass ordering and the lowest neutrino mass to be vanishing.
- BP2: same as BP1, but with the assumption of inverted neutrino mass ordering.
- BP3: same as BP1, but the lightest neutrino mass is assumed to be 0.2 eV which is at the present cosmological limit.
- BP4: all branching ratios are asummed to be equally 16.7%.
- 100% to ee
- 100% to em
- 100% to mm
Name | ee | em | et | mm | mt | tt |
BP1 | 0 | 0.01 | 0.01 | 0.3 | 0.38 | 0.3 |
BP2 | 0.5 | 0 | 0 | 0.125 | 0.25 | 0.125 |
BP3 | 0.34 | 0 | 0 | 0.33 | 0 | 0.33 |
BP4 | 1/6 | 1/6 | 1/6 | 1/6 | 1/6 | 1/6 |
To produce the datacards for a given benchpoint, run python mklimits.py [BP]
, where BP = BP1, BP2, BP3, BP4, ee100, em100, mm100
. The datacards must be uploaded to login02.hep.wisc.edu
to run the limits.
cd datacards
make upload
On login02.hep.wisc.edu
cd /afs/hep.wisc.edu/home/belknap/DblHLimits_611/src/datacards
sh run_combine.sh [BP]
Locally, run make download
to download the combine
products. To produce the limit plots, run python mklimits.py plot [BP]