fix: No context menu item for paste in an input table #3981
1 error, 3 warnings, and 1 notice
Merge into HTML Report:
1) [webkit] › ../../../../../work/tests/table-multiselect.spec.ts:104:7 › multiselect string filters › Filter is › Apply filter
Error: Screenshot comparison failed:
884 pixels (ratio 0.01 of all image pixels) are different.
Expected: /work/tests/table-multiselect.spec.ts-snapshots/string-1-is-webkit-linux.png
Received: /work/test-results/table-multiselect-multiselect-string-filters-webkit/string-1-is-actual.png
Diff: /work/test-results/table-multiselect-multiselect-string-filters-webkit/string-1-is-diff.png
Call log:
- expect.toHaveScreenshot(string-1-is.png) with timeout 15000ms
- verifying given screenshot expectation
- waiting for locator('.iris-grid-column')
- locator resolved to <div class="iris-grid-column">…</div>
- taking element screenshot
- disabled all CSS animations
- waiting for fonts to load...
- fonts loaded
- attempting scroll into view action
- waiting for element to be stable
- 884 pixels (ratio 0.01 of all image pixels) are different.
- waiting 100ms before taking screenshot
- waiting for locator('.iris-grid-column')
- locator resolved to <div class="iris-grid-column">…</div>
- taking element screenshot
- disabled all CSS animations
- waiting for fonts to load...
- fonts loaded
- attempting scroll into view action
- waiting for element to be stable
- captured a stable screenshot
- 884 pixels (ratio 0.01 of all image pixels) are different.
57 | await page.getByRole('button', { name: filterType, exact: true }).click();
58 | await waitForLoadingDone(page, '.iris-grid-loading-status-bar');
> 59 | await expect(page.locator('.iris-grid-column')).toHaveScreenshot(
| ^
60 | screenshotName
61 | );
62 | });
at /work/tests/table-multiselect.spec.ts:59:53
at filterAndScreenshot (/work/tests/table-multiselect.spec.ts:54:3)
at /work/tests/table-multiselect.spec.ts:121:9
at /work/tests/table-multiselect.spec.ts:120:7
Merge into HTML Report:
../../tests/notebook.spec.ts took 39.2s
Merge into HTML Report:
../../tests/shortcuts.spec.ts took 37.7s
Merge into HTML Report:
../../tests/figure.spec.ts took 24.3s
Merge into HTML Report
1 flaky
[webkit] › ../../../../../work/tests/table-multiselect.spec.ts:104:7 › multiselect string filters
317 passed (5.2m)