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Releases: dvdvideo1234/TrackAssemblyTool

TA 5.425

10 Dec 17:40
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Updated: Drawing relation assist now displays all the track ends
Updated: Intersect ray clear now outputs the entity if valid

TA 5.424

10 Dec 15:25
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Fixed: Some comments typos
Fixed: Relation ray not removed on some rare cases
Fixed: Clearing anchor will not flood clear events to client
Added: Clearing anchor will display the last selected anchor
Added: Assistant to every working mode in the DrawHUD hook
Updated: Max stack count upper limit is now 800
Updated: Some panel translation and capitalized control KEYS
Updated: General file read is now controlled by EOF flag
Renamed: Field definition to column definition
Factorized: SQL type matching

TA 5.399

02 Oct 20:20
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Fixed: Open frequent pieces causing error in some cases
Fixed: Synced the data across sever/client when user selects invalid model

TA 5.397

02 Oct 19:05
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Fixed: Relation ray data synchronization via tool think hook
Fixed: Relation ray can now be cleared from the client
Fixed: Relation ray is cleared when working mode is changed
Changed: Drawing relation ray now uses existance of relation ray inserted /drwrelate/
Removed: Variable /drwrelate/ as it is not needed anymore
Added: Drawing intersection pillar when the user wants to snap too high at the top or too low at the bottom

TA 5.391

01 Oct 12:00
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Fixed: Piece spawns a bit inside the ground when mass-centre is checked
Fixed: Piece usser offsets to the left instead of right when mass-centre is checked
Fixed: Library function /GetActionCode(sKey)/ not showing the missed key in the logs
Fixed: Wire extension bound error mode and maximum mass are now retrieved from convars on piece creation
Added: Action handler /PLAYER_QUIT/ clearing player data after disconnect
Added: Dedicated network messages /NET_%_RELATION/ handling the client relation ray
Added: Dedicated draw relation variable /drwrelate/
Renamed: Trasnlation key/function for /spawn in mass-centre/ to /spawn in centre/
Updated: Library player cache managment /PLAYER --> %Ply()/ on /PlayerDisconnected/ hook
Updated: Both spawn methods now require a player dedicated spawn data
Removed: Intersection top and bottom location vectors for /IntersectRayModel(sModel, nPntID, nNxtID)/

TA 5.379

19 Sep 19:46
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Fixed: User is now able to select a zero yaw snap which disables the feature completely
Fixed: /function TOOL:DrawRelationRay(oScreen, oPly, stSpawn)/ drawing at zero position/angle on no relation
Fixed: Relation ray is drawn at zero position/angle when the holder piece has only one active point
Added: Intersect relation flag /ray_inter_relayenb/ controlling the relation draw on zero position and orientation
Changed: Intersection missing relation ray now outputs general notification instead of error report
Changed: User is now able to snap a piece to the trace if no relation ray is found resulting in skipping intersection
Updated: Convar lower bounds of /GetActiveRadius/ to zero for user to evade the active points
Updated: /GetNormalAngle/ with Angle:SnapTo("yaw")
Updated: /GetNormalAngle/ now has trace surface snap and yaw-snap simultaneously or separately or none
Removed: /function SnapValue(nvVal, nvSnap)/ due to using a library function

TA 5.374

14 Sep 10:20
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Updated: Ray entity micro-optimization

TA 5.373

14 Sep 10:10
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Fixed: Double quote multiply on author-removed pieces when syncing DSVs
Added: Ray intersection world origin/angle update allowing the relation to be moved across the map
Added: Ray intersection read now includes ray world origin/angle update on query
Updated: InsertRecord now logs the data on missing PK
Updated: InsertRecord now logs model with the registered trace class

TA 5.370

13 Sep 15:20
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Fixed a bunch of runtime arrors and made it work
Fixed: Anchor ray refresh when changing working modes
Fixed: Offsets are nor sharable across sessions
Fixed: Some function name error mismatches
Fixed: Lua error when the timer freezes invalid physics model
Added: Working mode selection to the crash log
Added: Player notify on clearing relation when clear is called direct
Added: Ray intersection. Finished ray trace
Added: Tool working mode. Only one active move can be selected at a time
Added: Storing new ideas for ray intersection
Added: Dedicated tool method tor ray anchor clear
Added: IntersectClear entity check
Added: Working mode HUD
Added: Tool screen working mode status
Updated: Tool method mnemonics interface
Updated: Bring the changes from the main branch. Add extra pieces/categories
Updated: Track ray snap ID is now 2
Updated: IntersectRayClear clears only on existing
Changed: GetWorkingMode now resets working state
Relocated some intersect ray handling functions

TA 5.367

11 Aug 22:24
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Fixed: Model to name conversion setting not working in some cases
Fixed: DSV not working if the /exp/ folder is not created
Fixed: Logging date skipping date-time format
Updated: Slig's Minis to "Minitrains"
Removed: Extra parameter for time format color