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DirectDraw to Direct3D9 Conversion Status
Elisha Riedlinger edited this page Jan 18, 2025
20 revisions
For this page I will be talking about the status of the work to convert DirectX 1-7 to DirectX 9. This is a more technical discussion. For game compatibility check out this page here: Dd7to9 Compatibility
Note | --Status-- |
The function is fully implemented. |
The function is partially implemented. It may work in some circumstances but not all. |
The function is either not implemented at all or not enough to work correctly. |
Function | Notes | -Support- |
Compact() | Not implemented in DirectDraw. |
CreateClipper() |
CreatePalette() | Using Direct3D9 pixel shader for handling the palette colors. Does not support DDPCAPS_PRIMARYSURFACELEFT flag. |
CreateSurface() | Does not support: CubeMaps, zPixels, BumpDUDV, BumpLuminance, Linear |
DuplicateSurface() |
EnumDisplayModes() |
FlipToGDISurface() | Does not properly flip to GDI surface. |
GetCaps() |
GetDisplayMode() |
GetFourCCCodes() |
GetGDISurface() | Does not properly get the GDI surface. |
GetMonitorFrequency() |
GetScanLine() |
GetVerticalBlankStatus() |
Initialize() |
RestoreDisplayMode() |
SetCooperativeLevel() |
SetDisplayMode() |
WaitForVerticalBlank() | Loops until vertical blink. |
GetAvailableVidMem() | Does not always properly get the available memory in all cases. |
GetSurfaceFromDC() | Not implemented. |
RestoreAllSurfaces() |
TestCooperativeLevel() |
GetDeviceIdentifier() |
StartModeTest() | Not implemented. |
EvaluateMode() | Not implemented. |
Function | Notes | -Support- |
AddAttachedSurface() | This function is emulated. Does not supporting adding MipMaps through this function. |
AddOverlayDirtyRect() |
Blt() | Partially emulated. Does not support non-Windows raster operations, depth fill, zBuffer, alpha flags. |
BltBatch() | Same as Blt() |
BltFast() |
DeleteAttachedSurface() |
EnumAttachedSurfaces() |
EnumOverlayZOrders() |
Flip() | This function is emulated. |
GetAttachedSurface() | This function is emulated. |
GetBltStatus() |
GetCaps() |
GetClipper() |
GetColorKey() |
GetDC() |
GetFlipStatus() |
GetOverlayPosition() |
GetPalette() |
GetPixelFormat() |
GetSurfaceDesc() |
Initialize() |
IsLost() |
Lock() | May have issues with concurrent locks to the same surface |
ReleaseDC() |
Restore() |
SetClipper() | Clipper is being set, but does not do anything yet. |
SetColorKey() |
SetOverlayPosition() | Just stored the position value |
SetPalette() |
Unlock() |
UpdateOverlay() | Uses Blt to emulate this. Does not support DDOVER_AUTOFLIP, alpha flags, BOB, interleaving, scale factors, dirty rect or refreashing overlay |
UpdateOverlayDisplay() |
UpdateOverlayZOrder() |
GetDDInterface() |
PageLock() | Does nothing since it is not needed for Blt() in dxwrapper. |
PageUnlock() | Does nothing since it is not needed for Blt() in dxwrapper. |
SetSurfaceDesc() | Only supports DDSD_LPSURFACE flag. |
SetPrivateData() | Private Data may be deleted prematurely in some cases. |
GetPrivateData() | Private Data may be deleted prematurely in some cases. |
FreePrivateData() |
GetUniquenessValue() |
ChangeUniquenessValue() |
SetPriority() | Priority can be set, but is not used. |
GetPriority() |
SetLOD() | LOD can be set, but is not used. |
GetLOD() | Not always getting the correct LOD |
Function | Notes | -Support- |
GetClipList() | Ignores the RECT sent in. |
GetHWnd() |
Initialize() |
IsClipListChanged() | Emulated and does not report the true state of the cliplist. |
SetClipList() | ClipList can be set, but is not used. |
SetHWnd() | HWnd can be set, but is not fully used. |
Function | Notes | -Support- |
GetCaps() |
GetEntries() |
Initialize() |
Function | Notes | -Support- |
GetColorControls() |
SetColorControls() | Color can be set, but is not used. |
Function | Notes | -Support- |
GetGammaRamp() |
SetGammaRamp() | Using a shader for gamma support. |
Function | Notes | -Support- |
Initialize() |
EnumDevices() |
CreateLight() |
CreateMaterial() |
CreateViewport() |
FindDevice() |
CreateDevice() | Does not properly handle the CLSID sent in to this function. |
CreateVertexBuffer() |
EnumZBufferFormats() | Does not properly handle IID_IDirect3DRampDevice. |
EvictManagedTextures() | Just returns OK, as texture eviction happens automatically in Direct3D9. |
Function | Notes | -Support- |
Initialize() |
GetCaps() |
SwapTextureHandles() | This function is emulated. |
CreateExecuteBuffer() |
GetStats() |
Execute() | Does not support D3DOP_PROCESSVERTICES and D3DOP_SPAN. Partial support for D3DOP_SETSTATUS and D3DOP_BRANCHFORWARD |
AddViewport() |
DeleteViewport() |
NextViewport() |
Pick() |
GetPickRecords() |
EnumTextureFormats() |
CreateMatrix() |
SetMatrix() |
GetMatrix() |
DeleteMatrix() |
BeginScene() |
EndScene() |
GetDirect3D() |
SetCurrentViewport() |
GetCurrentViewport() |
SetRenderTarget() |
GetRenderTarget() |
Begin() |
BeginIndexed() |
Vertex() |
Index() |
End() |
GetRenderState() |
GetLightState() |
SetLightState() |
SetTransform() |
GetTransform() |
MultiplyTransform() |
DrawPrimitive() |
DrawIndexedPrimitive() |
SetClipStatus() | Just stored the status, does nothing with it. Does not support D3DCLIPSTATUS_EXTENTS2 or D3DCLIPSTATUS_EXTENTS3 |
GetClipStatus() |
DrawPrimitiveStrided() |
DrawIndexedPrimitiveStrided() |
DrawPrimitiveVB() |
DrawIndexedPrimitiveVB() |
ComputeSphereVisibility() | Just returns all visible |
GetTexture() |
SetTexture() |
GetTextureStageState() |
ValidateDevice() |
Clear() |
SetViewport() |
GetViewport() |
SetMaterial() |
GetMaterial() |
SetLight() |
GetLight() |
BeginStateBlock() |
EndStateBlock() |
PreLoad() | Just returns OK, as texture as there is no need to preload textures in Direct3D9. |
ApplyStateBlock() |
CaptureStateBlock() |
DeleteStateBlock() |
CreateStateBlock() |
Load() |
LightEnable() |
GetLightEnable() |
SetClipPlane() |
GetClipPlane() |
GetInfo() |
Function | Notes | -Support- |
Initialize() |
GetViewport() |
SetViewport() | 'Scale homogeneous' Not Implemented |
TransformVertices() |
LightElements() |
SetBackground() |
GetBackground() |
SetBackgroundDepth() |
GetBackgroundDepth() |
Clear() |
AddLight() |
DeleteLight() |
NextLight() |
GetViewport2() |
SetViewport2() | 'clip volume' Not Implemented |
SetBackgroundDepth2() |
GetBackgroundDepth2() |
Clear2() |
Function | Notes | -Support- |
Initialize() |
GetHandle() |
PaletteChanged() | Just returns OK, as there is no need to notify a texture about the palette change as it happens automatically with the current implementation. |
Load() |
Unload() | Just returns OK, as texture unloading happens automatically in Direct3D9. |
Function | Notes | -Support- |
Initialize() |
SetMaterial() | RampSize Not Implemented |
GetMaterial() |
GetHandle() |
Reserve() |
Unreserve() |
Function | Notes | -Support- |
Initialize() |
SetLight() |
GetLight() |
Function | Notes | -Support- |
Initialize() |
Lock() |
Unlock() |
SetExecuteData() |
GetExecuteData() |
Validate() |
Optimize() |
Function | Notes | -Support- |
Lock() | Does not support DDLOCK_WRITEONLY |
Unlock() |
ProcessVertices() |
GetVertexBufferDesc() |
Optimize() | Just returns ok, as may not be needed for Direct3D9 |
ProcessVerticesStrided() |