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Releases: europace/baufismart-antraege-api

Release 2.76 - Partner gets flag "Mitarbeiter von Kreditinstitut" (the partner works for a banking institute) for advisor and clerk

19 Aug 08:03
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Adds the flag mitarbeiterKreditinstitut at Partner and ProduktAnbieter. Use this flag to recognize if a partner works for a banking institute.

Release 2.75 - New KfW-Programm 308

07 Aug 07:37
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Add the new KfW-Programm 308 (PROGRAMM_308)

Release 2.74 - Aufenthaltstitel BlueCard

17 Jul 12:26
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Adds the new Aufenthaltstitel BLAUE_KARTE_EU (EU Blue Card).

Release 2.73 - Precise documentation for list of all applications

12 Jun 12:12
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As described in issue #72, not all fields of object Antrag are returned when all applications are queried. The API documentation should therefore clearly indicate which fields are filled when all applications are queried and which are not.

The following fields are currently filled when querying the list of all applications:

  • antragsNummer
  • antragsReferenz
  • datenKontext
  • entscheidungsreifeVomVertriebSignalisiert
  • letzteAenderung
  • letztesEreignis
  • zeitpunktDerAnnahme

With this release, all fields that are not filled in when all applications are requested are marked with "Not returned in the list of all applications" in their description.

The readme is also more precise and lists the fields which are filled when requesting the list of all applications.

Release 2.72 - New KfW programs 358 and 359

22 May 09:30
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Add two new KfW programs: 358 and 359

Release 2.71 - Add bausparSumme to Bauspardarlehen

10 May 09:17
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Add field bausparSumme (building savings amount) to Darlehen (loan details). The new filed is only available when darlehensTyp equals BAUSPAR_DARLEHEN.

Release 2.70 - Add list of features specific to the credit product

25 Apr 07:03
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Add field produktFeatures as list with values KONTO_CHECK and ONE_CLICK to Darlehen

Release 2.69 - Renaming the patch endpoint for setting the loan officer

04 Apr 09:09
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There is one patch path to set the loan officer itself and one to set the loan officer contact details. However, both paths contain the term "Ansprechpartner" in the sense of the contact person on the loan provider side. However, the "Ansprechpartner" actually means the person on the sales side (clerk). This ambiguity is hereby resolved.

Set loan officer

PATCH /v2/antraege/ABC12F/1/1 HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer {{access-token}}
Content-Length: 116

        "op": "replace",
        "path": "/kreditSachbearbeiter/partnerId",
        "value": "XYZ55"

Set loan office contact details

PATCH /v2/antraege/ABC12F/1/1 HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer {{access-token}}
Content-Length: 263

        "op": "replace",
        "path": "/kreditSachbearbeiter/externerPartner",
        "value": {
            "kreditBetriebPartnerId": "MYID03",
            "name": "Frau Angela Anaconda", 
            "telefonnummer": "0170 7717789"

The old patch paths /ansprechpartner/partnerId and /ansprechpartner/externerPartner are deprecated. They can still be used, but will be removed in a future major release.

Release 2.68 - Add patch endpoints for antragstellerAblehnungsgrund and produktanbieterAblehnungsgrund

27 Feb 16:19
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Release 2.67 - Replace not working Ablehnungsgrund with AntragstellerAblehnungsgrund and ProduktanbieterAblehnungsgrund

26 Feb 16:01
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Ablehnungsgrund inside AntragsStatus and StatusDTO did not work. It is replaced by AntragstellerAblehnungsgrund and ProduktanbieterAblehnungsgrund.

AntragstellerAblehnungsgrund is the reason for rejection by customer.
ProduktanbieterAblehnungsgrund is the reason for rejection by loan provider.