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Release 2.73 - Precise documentation for list of all applications

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@unstko unstko released this 12 Jun 12:12
· 3 commits to master since this release

As described in issue #72, not all fields of object Antrag are returned when all applications are queried. The API documentation should therefore clearly indicate which fields are filled when all applications are queried and which are not.

The following fields are currently filled when querying the list of all applications:

  • antragsNummer
  • antragsReferenz
  • datenKontext
  • entscheidungsreifeVomVertriebSignalisiert
  • letzteAenderung
  • letztesEreignis
  • zeitpunktDerAnnahme

With this release, all fields that are not filled in when all applications are requested are marked with "Not returned in the list of all applications" in their description.

The readme is also more precise and lists the fields which are filled when requesting the list of all applications.