House Price Prediction application with neural network. It also has a GUI which is created with PyQt.
Go to your /home directory to install repo in it. It is important to be in /home directory.
cd /home
Then open terminal and paste the below command.
sudo git clone
- Tensorflow 2.6
- Numpy
- Pandas
- Ipython
- Keras-Tuner
- scikit-learn
- PyQt5
Requirements.txt and files have been created so that the requirements can be downloaded automatically. The bash script file will download the necessary libraries. Paste the code below into the terminal.
cd house_price_prediction_DNN
İnstallation of all packages can take a while.
If all the requirements have been downloaded, the interface is ready to run. Run the codes below in order.
cd house_price_pred_gui
After launching interface window, write suitable house features to the inputs. Then, press the Set Input Params button and select a model type. Then press the Predict button to see predicted house price.
After you are done with app, use can remove the repo via below command.
cd /home
sudo rm -r house_price_prediction_DNN