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Deepdive (Experimental)

Yuzhang Hu edited this page Mar 3, 2024 · 1 revision

What's Deepdive?

Deepdive is an experimental feature for auto-news, like people asking a profound question or search from web which requires to collect / aggregate multiple sources and have in-depth analysis, that is time-consuming and most likely we don't know where to begin.

Now, the Deepdive feature comes into place, help us to initiate the question, and gather information from web, then generate a well-organized content for us to review/learn.

Please note, this one requires heavy computation and LLM cost (It is DISABLED by default).

Step to enable the DeepDive feature

  • Open build/.env, set ACTION_DEEPDIVE_ENABLED=true (default is false)
  • Run make init to deploy the build/.env to runtime
  • From any Pages takeaway prop, add the deepdive topic along with a tag action:deepdive
  • Next hours' action DAG will pick it up and have the according research for us, then generate the research report into DeepDive source in the ToRead inbox.
