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Releases: flixclusiveorg/Flixclusive


16 Feb 10:39
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PR-c62ada6 Pre-release

✨ New Features

  • 4cad4d3 - provider: create separated cached links repository (commit by @rhenwinch)

πŸ› Bug Fixes

  • fe6de65 - provider: resolve provider toggling issue (commit by @rhenwinch)
  • ffc8928 - provider: ensure "-debug" prefix is applied to debug providers (commit by @rhenwinch)
  • 8f27253 - provider-manage-ui: resolve incorrect index on provider order change [attempt 2] (commit by @rhenwinch)
  • 13aed68 - player-ui: resolve player not preparing on initialization phase (commit by @rhenwinch)
  • 1c661ae - provider-manage-ui: resolve empty providers list after app exit [attempt 2] (commit by @rhenwinch)
  • c62ada6 - home-ui: resolve home items not loading after profile selection (commit by @rhenwinch)

πŸ‘· Build System

  • f7402b7 - convention: add turbine flow testing on testing convention plugin (commit by @rhenwinch)


Variant SHA-256
release 6471db673fad7395d2b4591106c14eb86152219f71570d69dfffc8c76323c428


11 Feb 17:45
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PR-95a045c Pre-release

πŸ› Bug Fixes

  • 118a4e0 - provider-manage-ui: resolve incorrect index on provider order change (commit by @rhenwinch)
  • efc88a2 - provider-manage-ui: resolve empty providers list after app exit [attempt 1] (commit by @rhenwinch)
  • 9f76eca - updater: update AppUpdateChecker logic after recent CI changes (commit by @rhenwinch)
  • 7145df3 - player: resolve mismatched selection between audio and subtitle tracks (commit by @rhenwinch)
  • 66212f8 - player: resolve snapshot state read exception [attempt 1] (commit by @rhenwinch)
  • 7a0575a - player: resolve provider order not followed during content generation (commit by @rhenwinch)
  • 95a045c - player: bring back subtitles due to new Media3 changes (commit by @rhenwinch)


Variant SHA-256
release 00b35307673818767497256f9f297691e06afe2a4daaa79bc6286ccdca64150f


10 Feb 17:08
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PR-49d83e5 Pre-release

πŸ› Bug Fixes

  • cb8fcbc - provider: resolve debug providers not initialized properly (commit by @rhenwinch)
  • 1d17f7a - player: resolve PlaybackException due to incorrect "Off" subtitle (commit by @rhenwinch)
  • 46e0d19 - player: resolve subtitles won't appear after screen time out (commit by @rhenwinch)
  • 49d83e5 - player: unlock brightness control after disposing player screen [attempt 1] (commit by @rhenwinch)

πŸ“ Documentation Changes

πŸ”§ Chores

  • a095e6f - provider: log api crash logs instead of toast message (commit by @rhenwinch)


Variant SHA-256
release 41b5c48e34f0d80d73619e0b3d5023fee74b0b384bd1bae9c8327dbc9c91f735


09 Feb 08:30
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PR-ea580b1 Pre-release

This is an emergency pre-release since I will be gone for a while.

Some features are not stable

  • Adding items on a custom library hasn't been implement
  • Your current providers will be removed but the configs/settings will not be deleted.
  • UI lags on settings (probably)
  • idk anymore, will add here if theres more



  • due to 6dad6f9 - update to latest dependencies (commit by @rhenwinch):

    update to latest dependencies

  • due to a1df142 - add migration that may remove previous providers (commit by @rhenwinch):

    add migration that may remove previous providers

✨ New Features

  • bee5056 - settings: add a general settings option for auto-update app (commit by @rhenwinch)
  • c0bd1da - providers: add an updater use case for online providers (commit by @rhenwinch)
  • 46b4373 - provider: add more helper/util methods for provider system (commit by @rhenwinch)
  • 8b52df4 - provider ui: remove possible scrolling on ProviderSettingsScreen (commit by @rhenwinch)
  • cd44eb6 - provider ui: let provider settings handle their own paddings. (commit by @rhenwinch)
  • a22e33d - ui: re-design the ui of provider's screens (commit by @rhenwinch)
  • aa7532c - ui: add provider what's new screen and init provider test screen (commit by @rhenwinch)
  • 7a76a52 - about-ui: indicate pre-release status (commit by @rhenwinch)
  • 27fc0eb - updater: add helper method String.fromGitmoji() to parse Gitmoji on release notes (commit by @rhenwinch)
  • 6fa0895 - watchlist: add 'addedOn' column for sorting by date (commit by @rhenwinch)
  • 4554e93 - network: add support for a throwable message in Resource sealed class (commit by @rhenwinch)
  • 3b1e18b - home: add provider catalog support on home screen items (commit by @rhenwinch)
  • 1f430d3 - provider: add flexibility on the properties of the provider's catalog models. (commit by @rhenwinch)
  • c621289 - see-all-ui: remove filter button on SeeAllScreen for provider catalogs (commit by @rhenwinch)
  • ef2455c - util: add actualMessage extension property for Exception (commit by @rhenwinch)
  • 22925aa - home: add a verbose and better film card placeholder (commit by @rhenwinch)
  • 9a3c4c1 - film-ui: use season's name from metadata rather than hardcoding it (commit by @rhenwinch)
  • d30b7f7 - search-ui: add provider catalog cards (commit by @rhenwinch)
  • e957861 - tmdb: remove filter ability on search method (commit by @rhenwinch)
  • 7a03bb4 - search-ui: add capability to search from providers rather than just from TMDB (commit by @rhenwinch)
  • fd1fef4 - ui: emphasize alert dialog elements with 1F alpha background color (commit by @rhenwinch)
  • 7177f71 - ui: create a common usable alert/notice dialog for the whole app (commit by @rhenwinch)
  • 70d9dff - search-ui: add search history feature (commit by @rhenwinch)
  • 172a532 - settings: add clear search history option (commit by @rhenwinch)
  • 7638bc9 - player-ux: enhance auto-quality selector and add more possible preferred video qualities (commit by @rhenwinch)
  • 44b33b1 - film-ux: sort collection by release date (commit by @rhenwinch)
  • ba98085 - player: support more ffmpeg codecs (commit by @rhenwinch)
  • 3b3b930 - player: add brightness manager (commit by @rhenwinch)
  • 5112641 - player: add volume manager (commit by @rhenwinch)
  • 3a63c0b - player: add volume booster (commit by @rhenwinch)
  • 8647b1a - settings: add audio language option (commit by @rhenwinch)
  • 916d599 - player: add decoder priority option (commit by @rhenwinch)
  • 23018c0 - settings: add clear cached links option (commit by @rhenwinch)
  • 4539308 - player-ux: make source links copyable by long clicking server items (commit by @rhenwinch)
  • c3baa20 - search: add dynamic filter mechanism on search screen (commit by @rhenwinch)
  • 4e6c891 - search: add the missing half of filter components on the filter mechanism (commit by @rhenwinch)
  • 10dd42f - provider: change provider stubs structure (commit by @rhenwinch)
  • f5091c7 - provider: add a Throwable parameter on ProvierWebViewCallback's onStop method (commit by @rhenwinch)
  • bb3588e - provider: add a webview state message for providers that uses WebViews (commit by @rhenwinch)
  • 8f9519e - provider: add a crash handler when ProviderApi.getApi method fails (commit by @rhenwinch)
  • 06db037 - provider-test: add provider test screen UI components [not final] (commit by @rhenwinch)
  • c941892 - provider: configure test provider use case (commit by @rhenwinch)
  • 98c2a91 - provider-ux: add message popups on provider-test screen (commit by @rhenwinch)
  • aadb2d7 - provider-ui: replace vital sign icon with circle progress indicator for running tests (commit by @rhenwinch)
  • ea24d39 - provider-ux: add item padding for each result card on provider test screen (commit by @rhenwinch)
  • 44fa8b8 - provider-ui: tidy up provider test screen buttons and padding *(commit by @r...
Read more


08 Nov 16:58
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PR-a700c7a Pre-release
NOTE: Android TV is incomplete, the providers on this port are not yet installable. Though, you could test it now.

🐞 Known issues

  • TV focus crashes. Compose TV is bugged af; we wait til the new update.

πŸ› Bug Fixes

  • - provider: incorrect provider order when updates are available (commit by @rhenwinch)
  • - provider: attempt to fix on updater (commit by @rhenwinch)
  • - provider: fix incorrect download path for local updates (commit by @rhenwinch)


Variant SHA-256
release 92c727e914469a68bca6edacc6ff9b50363a59ad8c6ecbfe9a93b9551e91ea32


01 Oct 11:51
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NOTE: Android TV is incomplete, the providers on this port are not yet installable. Though, you could test it now.

🐞 Known issues

  • TV focus crashes. Compose TV is bugged af; we wait til the new update.

✨ New Features

  • - ui: enhance verbose error handling (commit by @rhenwinch)
  • - provider-ux: add provider card enter/exit animation (commit by @rhenwinch)

πŸ› Bug Fixes

  • - splash-screen: fix splash screen bypassing initialization phase (commit by @rhenwinch)


Variant SHA-256
release 7df6bc864be7d5ff89b2f986397505089fdfa49cedf6513b2d9d46a0ef1f0504


30 Sep 16:46
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NOTE: Android TV is incomplete, the providers on this port are not yet installable. Though, you could test it now.

🐞 Known issues

  • TV focus crashes. Compose TV is bugged af; we wait til the new update.

✨ New Features

  • - app: add conditional fallbacks when calling configs safely (commit by @rhenwinch)
  • - splash-screen: allow users to bypass initialization errors (commit by @rhenwinch)

πŸ› Bug Fixes

  • - home: resolve catalogs hot reloading (commit by @rhenwinch)
  • - home: fix blinking huge error on home screen (commit by @rhenwinch)

♻️ Refactors

  • - home: optimize home catalogs loader (commit by @rhenwinch)


Variant SHA-256
release 4cac277d5e9d594ce955d70f613eb103e9f4c05df24d4306066764d586d70d95


30 Sep 14:50
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NOTE: Android TV is incomplete, the providers on this port are not yet installable. Though, you could test it now.

🐞 Known issues

  • TV focus crashes. Compose TV is bugged af; we wait til the new update.

✨ New Features

  • - ux: animate list items enter/exit (commit by @rhenwinch)

πŸ› Bug Fixes

  • - player-ui: resolve bottom bar seeker misalignment on large screens (commit by @rhenwinch)
  • - player-ux: fix player forced preferred subtitle mapping (commit by @rhenwinch)

♻️ Refactors

  • - compose-ux: migrate to (commit by @rhenwinch)
  • - ui: migrate tonal elevations of Material3 Cards (commit by @rhenwinch)
  • - app: enhance auto-app updater (commit by @rhenwinch)

πŸ”§ Chores

  • - deps: remove 4 major modules (commit by @rhenwinch)


Variant SHA-256
release 2f259c5d55a17ac602c6c8092569ab3ceec80933516a0e397079dcb725410322


14 Sep 09:11
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NOTE: Android TV is incomplete, the providers on this port are not yet installable. Though, you could test it now.

🐞 Known issues

  • TV focus crashes. Compose TV is bugged af; we wait til the new update.

πŸ‘· Build System

  • Repository and owner migration!
  • Contains the hotfix patch for the 2.0.0 issue


Variant SHA-256
release 36d79d41c242a375df32fffdca528ad8d32e2938c4d40728ba29076ffa8c057d


12 Sep 12:49
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NOTE: Android TV is incomplete and broken, the providers on this port are not yet installable. Though, you could test it now.

2.0.0 - The Providers System Update

I would like to introduce to y'all the latest stable version of Flixclusive!

I don't got much to say but It's been months since the last major update and I had promised to make a lot of changes and I am still doing that until now. We are now on the initial phases of the provider system, hopefully, we can get more creative from here on out and make the app community-friendly to other devs!

I thank you all for the patient support!


Variant SHA-256
release 7b565c7db3c7d991d6a8707919f6bcb669ce7b0179817ffc8806d1f7e1172631