22 commits
to master
since this release
This is an emergency pre-release since I will be gone for a while.
Some features are not stable
- Adding items on a custom library hasn't been implement
- Your current providers will be removed but the configs/settings will not be deleted.
- UI lags on settings (probably)
- idk anymore, will add here if theres more
due to
- update to latest dependencies (commit by @rhenwinch):update to latest dependencies
due to
- add migration that may remove previous providers (commit by @rhenwinch):add migration that may remove previous providers
✨ New Features
- settings: add a general settings option for auto-update app (commit by @rhenwinch)c0bd1da
- providers: add an updater use case for online providers (commit by @rhenwinch)46b4373
- provider: add more helper/util methods for provider system (commit by @rhenwinch)8b52df4
- provider ui: remove possible scrolling on ProviderSettingsScreen (commit by @rhenwinch)cd44eb6
- provider ui: let provider settings handle their own paddings. (commit by @rhenwinch)a22e33d
- ui: re-design the ui of provider's screens (commit by @rhenwinch)aa7532c
- ui: add provider what's new screen and init provider test screen (commit by @rhenwinch)7a76a52
- about-ui: indicate pre-release status (commit by @rhenwinch)27fc0eb
- updater: add helper method String.fromGitmoji() to parse Gitmoji on release notes (commit by @rhenwinch)6fa0895
- watchlist: add 'addedOn' column for sorting by date (commit by @rhenwinch)4554e93
- network: add support for a throwable message in Resource sealed class (commit by @rhenwinch)3b1e18b
- home: add provider catalog support on home screen items (commit by @rhenwinch)1f430d3
- provider: add flexibility on the properties of the provider's catalog models. (commit by @rhenwinch)c621289
- see-all-ui: remove filter button on SeeAllScreen for provider catalogs (commit by @rhenwinch)ef2455c
- util: add actualMessage extension property for Exception (commit by @rhenwinch)22925aa
- home: add a verbose and better film card placeholder (commit by @rhenwinch)9a3c4c1
- film-ui: use season's name from metadata rather than hardcoding it (commit by @rhenwinch)d30b7f7
- search-ui: add provider catalog cards (commit by @rhenwinch)e957861
- tmdb: remove filter ability on search method (commit by @rhenwinch)7a03bb4
- search-ui: add capability to search from providers rather than just from TMDB (commit by @rhenwinch)fd1fef4
- ui: emphasize alert dialog elements with 1F alpha background color (commit by @rhenwinch)7177f71
- ui: create a common usable alert/notice dialog for the whole app (commit by @rhenwinch)70d9dff
- search-ui: add search history feature (commit by @rhenwinch)172a532
- settings: add clear search history option (commit by @rhenwinch)7638bc9
- player-ux: enhance auto-quality selector and add more possible preferred video qualities (commit by @rhenwinch)44b33b1
- film-ux: sort collection by release date (commit by @rhenwinch)ba98085
- player: support more ffmpeg codecs (commit by @rhenwinch)3b3b930
- player: add brightness manager (commit by @rhenwinch)5112641
- player: add volume manager (commit by @rhenwinch)3a63c0b
- player: add volume booster (commit by @rhenwinch)8647b1a
- settings: add audio language option (commit by @rhenwinch)916d599
- player: add decoder priority option (commit by @rhenwinch)23018c0
- settings: add clear cached links option (commit by @rhenwinch)4539308
- player-ux: make source links copyable by long clicking server items (commit by @rhenwinch)c3baa20
- search: add dynamic filter mechanism on search screen (commit by @rhenwinch)4e6c891
- search: add the missing half of filter components on the filter mechanism (commit by @rhenwinch)10dd42f
- provider: change provider stubs structure (commit by @rhenwinch)f5091c7
- provider: add a Throwable parameter on ProvierWebViewCallback's onStop method (commit by @rhenwinch)bb3588e
- provider: add a webview state message for providers that uses WebViews (commit by @rhenwinch)8f9519e
- provider: add a crash handler when ProviderApi.getApi method fails (commit by @rhenwinch)06db037
- provider-test: add provider test screen UI components [not final] (commit by @rhenwinch)c941892
- provider: configure test provider use case (commit by @rhenwinch)98c2a91
- provider-ux: add message popups on provider-test screen (commit by @rhenwinch)aadb2d7
- provider-ui: replace vital sign icon with circle progress indicator for running tests (commit by @rhenwinch)ea24d39
- provider-ux: add item padding for each result card on provider test screen (commit by @rhenwinch)44fa8b8
- provider-ui: tidy up provider test screen buttons and padding (commit by @rhenwinch)00c2d5b
- provider-ui: add sort option for provider test results (commit by @rhenwinch)4fec8fc
- provider-ux: make test result cards expandable (commit by @rhenwinch)6f08fb1
- provider-ux: add full log dialog (commit by @rhenwinch)e246016
- provider-ux: modify emphasized button on provider info screen for better UX (commit by @rhenwinch)5dbdc09
- provider-ui: add clear tests button on provider test screen (commit by @rhenwinch)ea0d4a9
- provider-ui: add header buttons on main providers screen (commit by @rhenwinch)12c0399
- provider: make disabled providers testable (commit by @rhenwinch)a1787f7
- provider-ui: make backdrop on provider test dynamic based on the api being tested (commit by @rhenwinch)2b0d584
- settings: add option to enable/disable PiP mode (commit by @rhenwinch)cdcb853
- settings: add description on volume booster option (commit by @rhenwinch)6fc93bb
- network: add cf challenge interceptor (commit by @rhenwinch)33fc93b
- network: create a better common WebView class (commit by @rhenwinch)7e9b915
- provider: add testing support for ProviderWebView (commit by @rhenwinch)11f47d7
- coroutines: add more coroutine helpers (commit by @rhenwinch)eccedae
- provider-ui: improve ProviderUninstallNoticeDialog button UX (commit by @rhenwinch)c4c9a6f
- player: improve automatic subtitle picker (commit by @rhenwinch)ccc7649
- provider: make link loader prioritize providers with matching film language (commit by @rhenwinch)bf87982
- network: add latest user-agents manager and interceptor (commit by @rhenwinch)6bf2253
- network: add a centralized user-agent manager (commit by @rhenwinch)c3c8039
- provider-ui: make sub details on provider-info reactive (commit by @rhenwinch)19a55f5
- ui: create common mobile empty data label (commit by @rhenwinch)495c034
- provider-ui: improve empty providers message (commit by @rhenwinch)1e69eab
- ui: add app changelogs screen for major app changes (commit by @rhenwinch)78e2e1b
- markdown-ux: improve hyperlinks (commit by @rhenwinch)a0635ca
- provider: finish up provider's help guide (commit by @rhenwinch)3506718
- provider-ui: add welcome dialog on providers screen (commit by @rhenwinch)5e8a417
- ui: standardize look for all app dialogs (commit by @rhenwinch)ccb1e63
- provider: add unsafe installation warning (commit by @rhenwinch)95a3f33
- provider-help: add "How to configure a provider?" section (commit by @rhenwinch)a18d681
- dokka: init dokka (commit by @rhenwinch)157abb8
- ux: animate list items enter/exit (commit by @rhenwinch)b141034
- app: add conditional fallbacks when calling configs safely (commit by @rhenwinch)0a282cd
- splash-screen: allow users to bypass initialization errors (commit by @rhenwinch)418ab9e
- ui: enhance verbose error handling (commit by @rhenwinch)ad4eab8
- provider-ux: add provider card enter/exit animation (commit by @rhenwinch)27d7c91
- tmdb: add legal and trusted watch providers (commit by @rhenwinch)32cba9a
- ui: enhance media link loader UI (commit by @rhenwinch)9a1bee8
- ux: make error texts selectable (commit by @rhenwinch)cc41057
- player-ui: update provider link loading state dialog (commit by @rhenwinch)9808a6f
- prefs-ui: init new look (commit by @rhenwinch)d635c91
- settings-ui: partially finalize new look (commit by @rhenwinch)e9f293c
- settings-ui: add version footer (commit by @rhenwinch)0ddeb40
- settings-ui: add avatars and adaptive UI background (commit by @rhenwinch)4018f0f
- settings-ui: init adaptive settings UI (commit by @rhenwinch)0019f96
- settings-ui: init general settings (commit by @rhenwinch)9edf9f8
- settings-ui: finalize general settings (commit by @rhenwinch)164adf9
- user: add test onUserRepository
(commit by @rhenwinch)e87948d
- user: initUserSessionManager
(commit by @rhenwinch)545292d
- settings-ui: initSettingsViewModel
(commit by @rhenwinch)60917a8
- data-user: change data-user test source set (commit by @rhenwinch)61b95b2
- data-user: remove data-user tests (commit by @rhenwinch)1e5f66c
- domain-user: re-write tests (commit by @rhenwinch)b9c7728
- settings-ui: add separate subtitle settings screen (commit by @rhenwinch)562828f
- settings-ui: finish settings tweaks lists (commit by @rhenwinch)38aea25
- user-ui: add horizontal pager mode on user profiles screen (commit by @rhenwinch)c447b3f
- user-ux: change hover+click effect on UsersProfileScreen pager (commit by @rhenwinch)f38a999
- user-ui: add scaffold and top bar for UserProfilesScreen (commit by @rhenwinch)e6024f9
- common-ui: add adaptive dp and label styles getter (commit by @rhenwinch)e7fcc1c
- user-ui: add grid mode view when selecting profiles (commit by @rhenwinch)3ee5bb2
- user-ui: add continue screen afteronSelect
callback (commit by @rhenwinch)5c846ae
- user-ui: finalize continue screen on user profile selection (commit by @rhenwinch)1a4113e
- user-edit: inituser-edit
module (commit by @rhenwinch)52a28ce
- user-edit-ui: initUserEditScreen
(commit by @rhenwinch)32b3c45
- user-edit-ui: initDataTweak
for edit profile section (commit by @rhenwinch)4a78e6c
- ui: addgetAdaptiveEmphasizedBody
(commit by @rhenwinch)49e8760
- user-edit-ui: finalize UI components for user-edit module (commit by @rhenwinch)6712f27
- navigation: implement out new screens (commit by @rhenwinch)083e04c
- user-add: init first on-boarding screen forAddUserScreen
(commit by @rhenwinch)e8b420d
- user-add-ui: finish avatar step and root adaptive screen layout (commit by @rhenwinch)e0a5ba7
- ui: initAdaptiveIcon
(commit by @rhenwinch)32f5735
- user-add-ui: add pin setup step (commit by @rhenwinch)792495c
- user-edit-ui: add selected parameter for avatar selection screen (commit by @rhenwinch)f7fffa3
- user-edit-ui: remove bloated data class navarg onUserEditScreen
(commit by @rhenwinch)0f4bd28
- navigation: add new navigations for user-add module (commit by @rhenwinch)5bff262
- tmdb: add an unreliablegetPosterWithoutLogo
image getter method (commit by @rhenwinch)3668a34
- user-add-ui: add dynamic on-boarding background (commit by @rhenwinch)64e68a7
- database: add pin column to User entity (commit by @rhenwinch)c4731f8
- user-edit-ux: add clear name TextField button (commit by @rhenwinch)59bd7e3
- user: add pin hint column andPinSetupScreen
(commit by @rhenwinch)04d90d6
- database: add migration from schema 6 to 7 for user-based libraries (commit by @rhenwinch)a202417
- user-edit-ui: addonClearLibraries
function (commit by @rhenwinch)de808ab
- profiles-ui: display lock icon for users with a PIN (commit by @rhenwinch)b6d213b
- ui: improve adaptive util/helpers (commit by @rhenwinch)95da360
- user-add-ux: disable Finish button until PIN setup is complete (commit by @rhenwinch)6590b97
- settings-ui: init tweak components per screen (commit by @rhenwinch)a7aaee6
- settings-ui: addsteps
option on slider tweaks (commit by @rhenwinch)c46697f
- datastore: migrate to user-based preferences (commit by @rhenwinch)fc375eb
- settings-ux: disable clear search history button when empty (commit by @rhenwinch)a1df142
- provider: add migration that may remove previous providers (commit by @rhenwinch)5ce1d6e
- datastore: addshouldAddDebugPrefix
preference for provider debugging (commit by @rhenwinch)b81b612
- provider-ux: improve drag and reorder feels of provider screen (commit by @rhenwinch)5f8343d
- settings: add test category on providers settings (commit by @rhenwinch)4eff33c
- splash-screen-ui: add gen-ai notice (commit by @rhenwinch)c1919be
- settings-ux: make gradient color fade on scroll (commit by @rhenwinch)14309c6
- settings-ui: add search feature onDetailsScaffold
(commit by @rhenwinch)fe5696f
- splash-screen-ui: improve permissions requesting (commit by @rhenwinch)17cc81a
- settings-ui: introduce subtitle color pickers (commit by @rhenwinch)9925fb8
- settings-ux: optimize recompositions on setting screens (commit by @rhenwinch)e3a9150
- settings-ux: add support for profile switching (commit by @rhenwinch)21704c4
- library-ui: init library screen (commit by @rhenwinch)2b7e79d
- provider-manage-ui: improveProviderManagerScreen
top bar ui (commit by @rhenwinch)9c0d7ac
- repo-manage-ui: improve UI ofRepositoryManagerScreen
(commit by @rhenwinch)40fffb9
- repo-manage-ui: add multi copy link button on top bar (commit by @rhenwinch)d84f98e
- mobile-ui: improve code ofCommonTopBar
(commit by @rhenwinch)634de00
- provider-add-ui: init add provider screen (commit by @rhenwinch)6ab9700
- user-add: finalizeAddProviderViewModel
(commit by @rhenwinch)06aaab9
- database: support creating custom library lists (commit by @rhenwinch)2ab559c
- library-ui: initCompactLibraryCard
(commit by @rhenwinch)423126a
- library-ui: initLibraryScreen
(commit by @rhenwinch)a4311e1
- library-ui: add testable preview (commit by @rhenwinch)b05a67d
- library-ui: add filter bottom sheet (commit by @rhenwinch)bc4d45f
- library-manage-ui: finalize screen appearance (commit by @rhenwinch)0ef9682
- library-manage: finalizeManageLibraryViewModel
(commit by @rhenwinch)77e2ad6
- library-manage-ui: add watchlist and recently watched on library screen (commit by @rhenwinch)acd48b9
- library-manage-ui: implement the "create a library" fab (commit by @rhenwinch)4b54e30
- library-details: initlibrary-details
module (commit by @rhenwinch)019725c
- library-details-ui: init ui look on preview (commit by @rhenwinch)8b83ef4
- library-details-ui: init the ViewModel class and finalize screen for debugging (commit by @rhenwinch)dcf1d6e
- library-manage-ux: setup navigation to library-details feature (commit by @rhenwinch)
🐛 Bug Fixes
- Remove prerelease workflow (commit by @rhenwinch)3f1a93e
- workflow (commit by @rhenwinch)d924c6c
- workflow not running concurrently. (commit by @rhenwinch)22a3d6a
- workflow job should be on tags only. (commit by @rhenwinch)d7c8885
- build workflow doesnt have key pwd (commit by @rhenwinch)ae2804e
- cache clogging (commit by @rhenwinch)09b176d
- resource linking failed (commit by @rhenwinch)9191a32
- remove override android-34 on release CI (commit by @rhenwinch)6f4c3f0
- tv home items scroll temp workaround (commit by @rhenwinch)a2bd5b3
- source data dialog not centered (commit by @rhenwinch)2b54dd6
- tidy up intended ui behavior for film screen (commit by @rhenwinch)8170c09
- film screen focus behavior (commit by @rhenwinch)dbfa660
- episodes panel focus behavior (commit by @rhenwinch)084dd72
- player manager not really testable (commit by @rhenwinch)8c70c07
- tv player screen bottom control buttons (commit by @rhenwinch)c07e764
- tv player screen seek behavior (commit by @rhenwinch)5bfd448
- sync subtitle panel text animation (commit by @rhenwinch)85aa62e
- LifecycleAwarePlayer doesn't react to new app settings (commit by @rhenwinch)5c44ad0
- display title and playback speed button (commit by @rhenwinch)90526f9
- episode not loading and subs not hiding while style panel is opened (commit by @rhenwinch)30742b3
- player side panels don't focus on their respective selected indices. (commit by @rhenwinch)41f8736
- player showing source data dialog (commit by @rhenwinch)4efca8d
- subtitle bottom padding on tv (commit by @rhenwinch)5d964f3
- next ep not working properly (commit by @rhenwinch)de8ed5b
- error snackbar not shown at top center (commit by @rhenwinch)900eae8
- player screen and film screen incorrect behavior (commit by @rhenwinch)4289022
- incorrect navigation rails DP on film screen (commit by @rhenwinch)9283e2b
- remove dependency on providers_config (commit by @rhenwinch)ce5ea97
- film screen error snackbar not centered (commit by @rhenwinch)7f53ec9
- flixhq changed upcloud to vidcloud (commit by @rhenwinch)cb2cec7
- pip params being updated on tv screen. (commit by @rhenwinch)2434695
- infinite carousel continue watching list. (commit by @rhenwinch)ad1232b
- ambient color on focus on watched films (commit by @rhenwinch)a5e725c
- proper focus behavior for nav drawer <-> main content (vice versa) (commit by @rhenwinch)a7d9ad7
- scrim on background tv (commit by @rhenwinch)c3fb42a
- incorrect backdrop position (commit by @rhenwinch)ccc86a0
- remove tv screens transition horizontal slide (commit by @rhenwinch)79e4578
- initial focus position on home films rows and doesnt show films sometimes. (commit by @rhenwinch)c5050e3
- player to film screen transition behavior (commit by @rhenwinch)b3ac785
- janky launch on home screen (commit by @rhenwinch)47c8eae
- search screen incorrect layouts (commit by @rhenwinch)5bf5908
- film details not showing when cancelling load links job (commit by @rhenwinch)b9b6de8
- search screen incorrect ui behavior (commit by @rhenwinch)d66c78f
- nav drawer focus behavior and back handling (commit by @rhenwinch)445b1ee
- invalidate focus movements while seeking (commit by @rhenwinch)ad4d3ae
- change release to pre-release (commit by @rhenwinch)70956b0
- film overview not hiding when starting player (commit by @rhenwinch)08d5911
- search keyboard symbols not centered (commit by @rhenwinch)b9b4272
- workflow add permissions and a pre-release build (commit by @rhenwinch)b4d69cf
- pre-release workflow is not specified to app module. (commit by @rhenwinch)b3de321
- pre-release is not signed (commit by @rhenwinch)3cd2c89
- response bodies weren't closed (commit by @rhenwinch)a558130
- film screen panel behavior (commit by @rhenwinch)c680459
- remove R8 minification on prereleases (commit by @rhenwinch)ca455c9
- embedded testUnits interrupts builds. (commit by @rhenwinch)d1db336
- plugin/provider stubs not included on jar file (commit by @rhenwinch)9de9801
- refactor public methods for plugins use (commit by @rhenwinch)ec232bd
- random ahh circular dependency when pushing to jitpack (commit by @rhenwinch)7a298c4
- remove jitpack (commit by @rhenwinch)8cd99d1
- Plugin.load structure (commit by @rhenwinch)6f62fe6
- FlixHQ emergency fix (commit by @rhenwinch)8dd593f
- (commit by @rhenwinch)ae7e587
- Multiple backstack not working. (commit by @rhenwinch)1c1b585
- Crash when playing a video #54 (commit by @rhenwinch)b37d34f
- FlixHQ sometimes decrypted (commit by @rhenwinch)598ac7e
- providers screen (abt 40%) (commit by @rhenwinch)d518ea8
- crash mobile screen bottom insets (commit by @rhenwinch)ef9d11a
- tidied up UX on new providers screens (commit by @rhenwinch)7258d32
- provider card icon placeholders (commit by @rhenwinch)60cd875
- top bar bottom padding on ProvidersScreen (commit by @rhenwinch)187990b
- top bar height on RepositorySearchTopBar.kt (commit by @rhenwinch)7c341a0
- app bottom bar incorrect item spacing (commit by @rhenwinch)06a7567
- TopCardContent showing incorrect author names. (commit by @rhenwinch)f521f10
- incorrect install icon on RepositoryScreen (commit by @rhenwinch)72c0e40
- ProviderManager not loading providers properly. (commit by @rhenwinch)5584b4c
- ProviderSettingsScreen cant load Provider custom settings screen (commit by @rhenwinch)12817d8
- Provider SettingsScreen kdoc (commit by @rhenwinch)adc8031
- ProviderSettingsScreen reflection invocation incorrect arguments (commit by @rhenwinch)604d880
- remove debuggable url in ProviderManager (commit by @rhenwinch)ed326d2
- ProviderManager not debug-friendly. (commit by @rhenwinch)ea85ad1
- WebView content loading (commit by @rhenwinch)8f05522
- ProviderCard icon incorrect placeholder visibility (commit by @rhenwinch)b955a7c
- ProviderCard not draggable (commit by @rhenwinch)41aee14
- ProviderSettingsScreen incorrect top bar label (commit by @rhenwinch)ff110a0
- UI of more info on ProviderSettingsScreen (commit by @rhenwinch)0837a9d
- ProvidersScreen swap, uninstall, toggle functions (commit by @rhenwinch)a053ba1
- incorrect repository link parsing on RepositoryScreen (commit by @rhenwinch)564e040
- WebView pausing player when queueing next episode. (commit by @rhenwinch)51f0dad
- workflow (commit by @rhenwinch)34b74ec
- SplashScreen mobile appearance (commit by @rhenwinch)3768fa9
- SourceDataDialog doesn't appear on main screens. (commit by @rhenwinch)ccb085e
- Local providers aren't loaded (commit by @rhenwinch)cbf9ac3
- WebView keeps running on background after closing SourceDataDialog (commit by @rhenwinch)ee9b143
- WebView-built providers interrupts other providers when finding link sources (commit by @rhenwinch)d7616e0
- recommendations are missing on home screen (commit by @rhenwinch)8918b81
- recently watched films are not sorted on a descending manner (commit by @rhenwinch)47008ca
- Continue Watching category does not filter out finished films. (commit by @rhenwinch)ee84a6d
- SourceLinksProviderUseCase does not queue next episode properly. (commit by @rhenwinch)c655b77
- InstalledProviderCard draggable state. (commit by @rhenwinch)528a8c1
- Build.yml default release notes (commit by @rhenwinch)0709d1a
- UpdateScreen layout (commit by @rhenwinch)892f9dc
- UpdateScreen doesn't appear on SplashScreen (commit by @rhenwinch)a883c0b
- "Failed to check for updates" warning. (commit by @rhenwinch)827a050
- incorrect 'unavailable' message when fetching links (commit by @rhenwinch)2b0a140
- local debugging providers are not properly loaded. (commit by @rhenwinch)5b615c1
- update: fix glitching/twitching markdown text when updating (commit by @rhenwinch)c819506
- tmdb: fix conditional error checker on search method (commit by @rhenwinch)8b62249
- providers: fix scoped capabilities to create grouped providers (commit by @rhenwinch)0bade31
- player: add support for m3u8 files with weird txt extensions (commit by @rhenwinch)a939986
- source api: fix use case for fetching media id. (commit by @rhenwinch)85832e1
- updater: fix ProviderUpdaterUseCase inverted update checking (commit by @rhenwinch)f5eb846
- ui: fix cranky repository screen top bar (commit by @rhenwinch)dc14152
- player: fix decoder issue on some low-end devices. (commit by @rhenwinch)f7d575c
- provider: change required ProviderApi methods to optional (commit by @rhenwinch)8323a4f
- player: add exception handling on connection timeout (commit by @rhenwinch)2209abe
- player ui: fix floating snackbar while player is locked (commit by @rhenwinch)073b695
- provider: change provider system base classes to be more uniform (commit by @rhenwinch)edb7e53
- provider: add referer support for source link. (commit by @rhenwinch)0a20356
- provider: change referer property to customHeaders instead (commit by @rhenwinch)235a223
- player: add the custom headers on the okhttp data source factory (commit by @rhenwinch)d7c1ad9
- network: fix recursive fromJson util method (commit by @rhenwinch)0b62a9c
- ui: fix provider's what's new button not navigating to respective screen (commit by @rhenwinch)3afa2f0
- provider-ux: fix ProvidersScreen's top bar not snapping smoothly (commit by @rhenwinch)1ff94df
- settings: fix toggling of pre-release updates card (commit by @rhenwinch)2d9147c
- player-ui: support multi-line text in player's snackbar and dialogs (commit by @rhenwinch)189cdd5
- player: fix onProviderChange functionality (commit by @rhenwinch)d25573e
- player-ui: allow snackbar to handle multiple messages simultaneously for errors (commit by @rhenwinch)e6dfc52
- splash-screen-ui: add insets to splash screen (commit by @rhenwinch)5371317
- player: support three-letter language codes in getPreferredSubtitleIndex (commit by @rhenwinch)20b7d5b
- app-updater: fix app-independent updater throwing HTTP 404 (commit by @rhenwinch)b4ef2fa
- player: prevent start when no links are loaded and extracted (commit by @rhenwinch)582488b
- ui: add insets to internet monitor snackbar on splash screen (commit by @rhenwinch)8626831
- player: cancel link loading job to prevent re-navigation [#79] (commit by @rhenwinch)bcae8e4
- player: correct MIME type for subtitles (commit by @rhenwinch)7250a85
- film-ux: retain last selected tab row state (commit by @rhenwinch)5d4fe3b
- database: resolve syntax error when dropping column during SQL migration (commit by @rhenwinch)b2cc887
- provider: ensure correct watch ID resolution (commit by @rhenwinch)93aebea
- database: resolve JsonSyntaxException during database schema migration (commit by @rhenwinch)4767f8f
- home-ux: cherry pick relevant films only for the header item (commit by @rhenwinch)f3e3e81
- film: fix FilmScreen crashing when pressing film type genre pill. (commit by @rhenwinch)b080327
- provider: fix provider cannot load catalogs (commit by @rhenwinch)80588a9
- film-ui: fix film images are not being loaded properly (commit by @rhenwinch)f997d4f
- provider: fix NetworkOnMainThreadException when fetching category items (commit by @rhenwinch)44154af
- player: fix NullPointerException when finishing a movie (commit by @rhenwinch)b91d8dc
- provider: make providers be allowed to use their own FilmDetails data for the FilmScreen (commit by @rhenwinch)920895d
- provider: allow fetching links from different providers regardless of film provider source (commit by @rhenwinch)ae8ef24
- home: add a safe catching block when getting providers catalog for safety [#85] (commit by @rhenwinch)9f444f7
- home: optimized home items scraping logic for faster home screen navigation after splash screen (commit by @rhenwinch)e864049
- splash-screen-ui: fix circular progress indicator not appearing on splash screen (commit by @rhenwinch)cc32f09
- home: fix duplicates of category leads to app crashing (commit by @rhenwinch)eaaab63
- see-all: fix viewmodel not correctly fetching/paginating items (commit by @rhenwinch)c978c50
- film: resolve issue where season drop down is not changing its label (commit by @rhenwinch)530cb9e
- player-ui: fix crashes when player error snackbar is toggled (commit by @rhenwinch)5b5aed5
- player: fix source link provider passing incorrect watch id to provider apis (commit by @rhenwinch)a14b666
- film-ui: fix issue where incorrect season names are showing on initialization (commit by @rhenwinch)b481bee
- player: fix obtaining episode links failed due to incorrect source of metadata (commit by @rhenwinch)422510e
- player: change season provider logic to support custom metadata from providers (commit by @rhenwinch)4496872
- home: optimize home header fetching to be faster (commit by @rhenwinch)27f0d40
- player: fix player crashing due to incorrect season source [2] (commit by @rhenwinch)05f1df3
- provider-ui: make image fit instead of center crop on provider cards (commit by @rhenwinch)21fd402
- provider: correct provider toggle and re-trigger catalogs (commit by @rhenwinch)3f73359
- player: prevent re-triggering exhaustive scrape by keeping cached links (commit by @rhenwinch)13fd495
- provider: resolve issue with provider not being used on first install (commit by @rhenwinch)6746d1e
- player-ui: fix brightness issue where it is initially set at max brightness [attempt #1] (commit by @rhenwinch)4bb1832
- database: fix search history migration (commit by @rhenwinch)e88f7ae
- search-ux: search history item arrow button does not work when clicking (commit by @rhenwinch)92ce5c0
- player-ux: make player auto-select audio language (commit by @rhenwinch)debcd4c
- player-ux: make player use preferred resize mode (commit by @rhenwinch)76fc51a
- player-ui: fix resize mode not reflecting properly on player ui (commit by @rhenwinch)9c44e29
- search-ux: fix clicking on a search item does not work as intended (commit by @rhenwinch)7b245c9
- player: fix muted audio on some streams (commit by @rhenwinch)b863a52
- player: fix regex matching when auto selecting preferred quality (commit by @rhenwinch)624afac
- player-ux: make slider values state responsive (commit by @rhenwinch)d09e519
- settings-ux: fix onclick toggle of volume booster option (commit by @rhenwinch)ed40689
- player-ui: change size of selected check mark icon on option dialogs (commit by @rhenwinch)a9dc516
- settings-ux: fix non-reactive cache links size (commit by @rhenwinch)e00412d
- repository-ux: fix NullPointerException when loading repository URLs (commit by @rhenwinch)e576c62
- player-ux: fix NullPointerException during formatPlayerTitle (commit by @rhenwinch)bce88c2
- player: fix player does not update watch progress (commit by @rhenwinch)75ad8ba
- player: fix player does not change selected subtitle and audio (commit by @rhenwinch)3008709
- home: handle a potential NPE on home screen after deep sleep/background (commit by @rhenwinch)4a2496c
- repository-ux: fix regex bug on Android M and below (commit by @rhenwinch)63c527f
- player-ux: fix cranky double taps (commit by @rhenwinch)13f6193
- player-ux: fix volume slider gesture not properly sliding (commit by @rhenwinch)776dd99
- provider: fix automatic provider updates not working (commit by @rhenwinch)126e777
- player: enhance m3u8 auto-parsing (commit by @rhenwinch)d980e45
- provider: fix incorrect cast when checking if a film is a tv show (commit by @rhenwinch)ef38c3a
- provider: replace Exception as Throwable instead to prevent Error instances (commit by @rhenwinch)2255d33
- provider: change mapAsync to forEach to prevent initialization inconsistencies (commit by @rhenwinch)8d4ac73
- provider: avoid loading links from incorrect provider (commit by @rhenwinch)37a21d9
- provider: prevent player from starting if there are no stream links found (commit by @rhenwinch)60463aa
- common-ui: fix CommonNoticeDialog incorrect height (commit by @rhenwinch)8e63bea
- provider: fix provider not testing duplicate providers (commit by @rhenwinch)89b9a92
- provider-ui: fix invisible bottom insets on provider test's snackbar (commit by @rhenwinch)b81f7f5
- provider-ux: fix reversed button functionality on repetitive test dialog (commit by @rhenwinch)add1660
- provider: fix start button on provider test does not work anymore after skipping once (commit by @rhenwinch)fb31022
- provider-ux: pressing skip does not close dialog on provider test 'repetitive test' notice dialog (commit by @rhenwinch)f017a33
- provider-ux: test count suffix on provider test does not increment properly (commit by @rhenwinch)b22c446
- provider-ux: stopping the provider test function does not reset stage state (commit by @rhenwinch)8f9c0ed
- provider: skipping provider tests does not skip at all due to incorrect filter block (commit by @rhenwinch)dfb1103
- provider-ux: fix text animations on provider test screen header labels (commit by @rhenwinch)8d5f71d
- provider-ui: fix FullLogDialog improper sizing (commit by @rhenwinch)a5245a3
- provider-ui: adjust theme buttons and cards on providers screen (commit by @rhenwinch)e2772e1
- provider-ux: fix clear button crankiness on provider test screen (commit by @rhenwinch)8f96610
- provider: fix provider webview not showing correct error on failure (commit by @rhenwinch)db59eb5
- provider: fix provider WebView not collecting links (commit by @rhenwinch)0cf21b2
- provider: fix provider link loader not showing proper error message (commit by @rhenwinch)e2935ac
- provider: fix cloudfare interceptor not clearing expired cookies (commit by @rhenwinch)c1d2a07
- provider: fix get links test case logic error (commit by @rhenwinch)984579e
- coroutines: fix non provided main coroutine dispatcher (commit by @rhenwinch)92123be
- webview: fix WebViewDriver recursively destroying itself (commit by @rhenwinch)b4b0637
- provider: fix getLinks of WebView blocking main thread (commit by @rhenwinch)d8d8283
- provider-ui: fix dynamic resource loading for android marshmallow and below. (commit by @rhenwinch)e67c189
- provider-ui: fix common dialogs incorrect height (commit by @rhenwinch)1754e4c
- splash-screen: fix privacy notice can't be scrolled (commit by @rhenwinch)0f83037
- provider: fix GetMediaLinksUseCase loading empty links (commit by @rhenwinch)48a26c9
- provider-ui: clean up ProvidersScreen UI/UX crankiness (commit by @rhenwinch)7843b6d
- provider-ui: resolve issue with providers not listed after closing search bar (commit by @rhenwinch)2707750
- dokka: attempt to fix ignored sourceLink block (commit by @rhenwinch)36853b5
- player-ui: resolve bottom bar seeker misalignment on large screens (commit by @rhenwinch)f218769
- player-ux: fix player forced preferred subtitle mapping (commit by @rhenwinch)d8e6073
- home: resolve catalogs hot reloading (commit by @rhenwinch)5598f14
- home: fix blinking huge error on home screen (commit by @rhenwinch)6424ecf
- splash-screen: fix splash screen bypassing initialization phase (commit by @rhenwinch)0a8d1ab
- provider: resolve duplicated links (commit by @rhenwinch)bdfe0f3
- home-ui: remove weird dot on ContinueWatchingCard (commit by @rhenwinch)fac5e6e
- player-ui: revert back old slider UI (commit by @rhenwinch)456a7d6
- provider: fix no error displayed when no available providers are found (commit by @rhenwinch)b132517
- provider: incorrect provider order when updates are available (commit by @rhenwinch)12c9cc0
- provider: attempt to fixConcurrentModificationException
on updater (commit by @rhenwinch)20a3406
- provider: fix incorrect download path for local updates (commit by @rhenwinch)c270c99
- episode progress tracking across seasons (commit by @Simayon)cf121bf
- splash-screen-ux: clanky UX animation of circular loading progress (commit by @rhenwinch)e203124
- user-ux: remove cranky AnimatedVisibility on edit button (commit by @rhenwinch)cd27e72
- ui: fix base Icon and Text Alert Dialogs' dismiss btn corner size (commit by @rhenwinch)ed77979
- user-add: provide open result recipient forAddUserScreen
(commit by @rhenwinch)6a46896
- user-add-ui: add navigation bar padding (commit by @rhenwinch)98a8aa8
- navigation: fix navigation bug from splash-screen to user profiles/add screens (commit by @rhenwinch)6ff88cf
- profiles-ui: fix non-reactive username when editing it (commit by @rhenwinch)809b101
- profiles-ui: change max to min height of top bar forContinueScreen
(commit by @rhenwinch)f7975d8
- user-add: restrict profile sign-in to splash screen (commit by @rhenwinch)f840679
- profiles-ux: make onBack clickable in tag-only top bar (commit by @rhenwinch)596ca38
- profiles-ux: move edit button to top in GridMode (commit by @rhenwinch)ffe047d
- profiles-ux: ensure carousel starts on the first item (commit by @rhenwinch)6160b7f
- profiles-ux: prevent back icon from navigating to splash screen (commit by @rhenwinch)b4501a8
- user: ensure user edits update the database correctly (commit by @rhenwinch)d4c7274
- user-add: prevent initializing new user with pre-defined PIN lock (commit by @rhenwinch)06dd4a3
- profiles-ui: fix height ofTopBar
components (commit by @rhenwinch)ca548c6
- user-edit-ui: change adaptive layout for Medium width/height devices (commit by @rhenwinch)8eccdf2
- settings-ui: improve TweakGroup label UI (commit by @rhenwinch)e86e814
- settings-ui: change labels to their actual labels instead of Object names (commit by @rhenwinch)af34cac
- settings-ux: disable other tweaks when subtitles are off (commit by @rhenwinch)59a81c7
- settings-ui: remove incorrect bottom padding onDetailsScaffold
(commit by @rhenwinch)6b5e88b
- settings-ui: adjust hierarchy padding of tweak components (commit by @rhenwinch)879f6d5
- settings: use string for scaffold navigator key (commit by @rhenwinch)59cd906
- settings: restore navigation to subtitles screen (commit by @rhenwinch)afb6a24
- ui: change unsafeviewModelScope
launches (commit by @rhenwinch)d769a26
- provider: prevent updater from notifying when no updates are available (commit by @rhenwinch)7e1a534
- provider: resolve issue with provider downloads (commit by @rhenwinch)85520c4
- provider: change crash message when loading provider (commit by @rhenwinch)dcf0655
- datastore: prevent uninitialized exception when accessing user prefs (commit by @rhenwinch)0c420fe
- provider-ui: resolve provider state list not reflecting updates (commit by @rhenwinch)cea3d65
- datastore: initialize default preferences during updateUserPrefs (commit by @rhenwinch)6b7b890
- datastore: resolve user session manager defaulting to userId 0 (commit by @rhenwinch)d1a8a8b
- provider-ui: resolve non-reactive provider list (commit by @rhenwinch)400e7f6
- provider: resolve ConcurrentModificationException in ProviderRepository (commit by @rhenwinch)1ba9fba
- provider: resolve IndexOutOfBoundsException during list reorder (commit by @rhenwinch)2bc8fc2
- datastore: prevent duplicates by correctingequals()
in ProviderFromPreferences (commit by @rhenwinch)f37cdc3
- provider: handle initial provider load gracefully and fix API loading (commit by @rhenwinch)97ab056
- splash-screen-ui: makeUnderstood
button sticky (commit by @rhenwinch)2a45fd6
- settings-ux: add better details scaffold animation (commit by @rhenwinch)ac16756
- theme: remove frustrating ActionBar caused byTheme.SplashScreen
(commit by @rhenwinch)313cf26
- settings-ui: resolve resize mode and quality tweaks not reactively changing (commit by @rhenwinch)64cc6a2
- settings-ui: resolve crash caused by system tweaks toast messages (commit by @rhenwinch)ef46d37
- settings-ux: make scaffold initialize on Appearance settings screen (commit by @rhenwinch)b940555
- splash-screen-ux: ensure notifications permissions dialog is not skipped (commit by @rhenwinch)515d809
- settings-ui: resolve missing top bar on details scaffold (commit by @rhenwinch)90b2cc3
- splash-screen: preventConcurrentModificationError
on required permissions (commit by @rhenwinch)43a55d8
- settings-ux: enhance janky scaffold transition (commit by @rhenwinch)df38e11
- datastore: makecurrentUser
get latest data from Room (commit by @rhenwinch)f7c337d
- user-edit: remove unsafe viewModelScope write functions (commit by @rhenwinch)845abe3
- settings-ux: expand MenuItem indication on root screen (commit by @rhenwinch)79ae4cb
- user-edit: navigate to root graph after deleting logged-in profile (commit by @rhenwinch)9754d36
- user-add: improve pre-loading of on-boarding images (commit by @rhenwinch)856b018
- profiles-ux: resolve navigation issue caused by incorrect onBack logic (commit by @rhenwinch)f6affc4
- ui: change unselected icon for library on bottom bar (commit by @rhenwinch)f7f16ca
- settings-ui: avoid non-unique key error by adding random key on divider ui (commit by @rhenwinch)0c6153d
- settings-ui: tidy up navigations and UI on provider settings (commit by @rhenwinch)375267c
- splash-screen-ui: remove unnecessary permissions (commit by @rhenwinch)594c556
- provider: ensure providers are cleared when switching profiles (commit by @rhenwinch)3ef9af6
- user-edit: delete all associated data when deleting a profile (commit by @rhenwinch)0efb510
- build-logic: resolveMETA-INF
package exclusion error (commit by @rhenwinch)4ed128c
- splash-screen-ux: resolve missing window insets on Understood button (commit by @rhenwinch)7083fba
- user-add-ux: resolve onboarding images not loading on first start (commit by @rhenwinch)9feb69f
- splash-screen: resolve not navigating to profile screen (commit by @rhenwinch)4aaae78
- navigation: resolve empty destinations on library screen (commit by @rhenwinch)
♻️ Refactors
- settings: restructure logic code behind settings screen (commit by @rhenwinch)72192f6
- compose: migrate Divider code to updated functions (commit by @rhenwinch)76080c5
- app-updater: improved pre-release readiness check (commit by @rhenwinch)3c2b771
- tmdb: introduce new catalog system for providers (commit by @rhenwinch)c2c2483
- provider: change season and episode params into Episode object instead (commit by @rhenwinch)7c31ddc
- film: make customProperties as abstract (commit by @rhenwinch)27d3e91
- database: silence the noisy error logs of film type converter (commit by @rhenwinch)5d0052f
- film-ui: silence noisy try-catch blocks when formatting film infos (commit by @rhenwinch)8fe315f
- search-ui: change from title case to sentence cased the search bar label (commit by @rhenwinch)2a43f0c
- settings: clean up settings code because its a mess (commit by @rhenwinch)e566cff
- module: reorganize ui-mobile-common module (commit by @rhenwinch)fb29cfd
- settings: update default test film (commit by @rhenwinch)67251ff
- provider: redo ProviderWebView logic (commit by @rhenwinch)b03916a
- provider: make context parameter non-null on provider class (commit by @rhenwinch)6b426ac
- provider: redo ProviderWebView logic [#2] (commit by @rhenwinch)b8d01dc
- provider: change fetch links state messages (commit by @rhenwinch)56e2eda
- provider: change WebView structure and getLinks logic again (commit by @rhenwinch)78b0a80
- network: change cf webview interceptor to a dynamic webview resolver instead (commit by @rhenwinch)22d21a0
- provider: update structure of Extractor class (commit by @rhenwinch)e573c86
- provider: make ProviderWebView be a sub-class of WebViewDriver (commit by @rhenwinch)d4f72cb
- webview: ensure destroy and loadUrl methods run on main thread (commit by @rhenwinch)7908d28
- network: define constant to eliminate duplicated string literal (commit by @rhenwinch)7874839
- ui: change dialog confirm colors (commit by @rhenwinch)9cdc96c
- config: remove premature abstraction on :data:configuration module (commit by @rhenwinch)bf1c5e5
- provider: define constant for duplicated "/updater.json" literal (commit by @rhenwinch)db08de3
- home: reduce code complexity on HomeItemsProviderUseCase (commit by @rhenwinch)daab36d
- ui: migrate from changelogs assets to xml strings (commit by @rhenwinch)55b38cc
- ui: rename changelogs feature to markdown instead (commit by @rhenwinch)e1e4064
- provider: update stubs to separate Android and local/unit testing (commit by @rhenwinch)f222fea
- provider: convert private context to protected on ProviderWebViewApi (commit by @rhenwinch)c6c3e9e
- dokka: make all public feature modules internal (commit by @rhenwinch)3b841c6
- dokka: make app module internal (commit by @rhenwinch)368bc73
- dokka: internalize some irrelevant code in :core module (commit by @rhenwinch)c3a08de
- migrate to new repository owner (commit by @rhenwinch)d6fd383
- migrate to new repository owner [part 2] (commit by @rhenwinch)541ddb3
- migrate to new repository owner [part 3] (commit by @rhenwinch)9f559fc
- migrate to new repository owner [part 4] (commit by @rhenwinch)7906af0
- compose-ux: migraterememberRipple
(commit by @rhenwinch)6d20644
- ui: migrate tonal elevations of Material3 Cards (commit by @rhenwinch)8c4c985
- app: enhance auto-app updater (commit by @rhenwinch)c3d807c
- home: optimize home catalogs loader (commit by @rhenwinch)8fcc4c6
- prefs: renamepreferences
as the newsettings
module (commit by @rhenwinch)24dfacb
- settings-ui: huge UI logic refactor again for settings UI (commit by @rhenwinch)eea5e45
- splash-screen: change splash-screen code (commit by @rhenwinch)28a1288
- ui: improveCommonTopBar
code (commit by @rhenwinch)7829ef8
- ui: addborderWidth
param onUserAvatar
(commit by @rhenwinch)24765d5
- ui: makeAdaptiveStylesUtil
better (commit by @rhenwinch)f25725d
- navigation: change user-edit navigator to a common interface (commit by @rhenwinch)85b4d0b
- database: redo migrations 5-7 to handle userId = 0 (commit by @rhenwinch)484a68d
- provider-ux: remove animating scale and elevation when dragging (commit by @rhenwinch)8b0f3d8
- domain: split ProviderManager into use case classes for clarity (commit by @rhenwinch)fd59d1b
- domain: MoveloadFromApiFromProvider
to ProviderApiRepository (commit by @rhenwinch)f1b4065
- domain: make ProviderApiRepository use aReactiveMap
(commit by @rhenwinch)30ce4a9
- settings: renameGroupLabel
(commit by @rhenwinch)ec27674
- navigation: clean up messy navigation code (commit by @rhenwinch)6d39a8d
- ui: move global scaffold padding to separate screens (commit by @rhenwinch)d7bc5d5
- repo-manage: renamerepository-search
module torepository-manage
(commit by @rhenwinch)668c364
- provider-manage: renameprovider-search
module toprovider-manage
(commit by @rhenwinch)25bbbe2
- provider-details: renameprovider-info
module toprovider-details
(commit by @rhenwinch)6d88a44
- repo-details: renamerepository
module torepository-details
(commit by @rhenwinch)151298f
- settings-ui: move repo management and provider testing to settings (commit by @rhenwinch)a3abfb1
- mobile-ui: moveCommonTopBar
to core-mobile-ui module (commit by @rhenwinch)f03cab9
- database: redo library list-related entities (commit by @rhenwinch)
👷 Build System
- workflow: update GitHub workflow for prerelease handling and release logs (commit by @rhenwinch)cc6c7ce
- workflow: add changelogs automation to GitHub release (commit by @rhenwinch)413081c
- workflow: fix tags are not getting updated (commit by @rhenwinch)96bf4fe
- workflow: use EndBug's action to update tags (commit by @rhenwinch)c78407b
- workflow: switch to requarks/changelog-action@v1 for automating changelogs (commit by @rhenwinch)9d3935f
- bump app version to v2.0.0 (commit by @rhenwinch)4d3cdc4
- ci: add archive builds [#87] (commit by @rhenwinch)c282819
- ci: add date on archive builds (commit by @rhenwinch)22de0fd
- ci: add pull request template and workflow (commit by @rhenwinch)66cf47d
- ci: add time of upload on archive apks (commit by @rhenwinch)ba8dc1a
- ci: fix workflow cannot push archive apk to archives branch due to incorrect filename (commit by @rhenwinch)972cae3
- deps: update provider sdk gradle to 1.1.2 (commit by @rhenwinch)11bc3de
- deps: update compose-markdown to 0.5.4 (commit by @rhenwinch)6118bfe
- app: update version build to trigger new updates (commit by @rhenwinch)a956384
- app: prepare for new 2.1.0 pre-release (commit by @rhenwinch)e30ec3b
- ci: add Dokka.yml workflow (commit by @rhenwinch)f78706d
- dokka: exclude irrelevant modules (commit by @rhenwinch)786f353
- ci: fix 403 on dokka push (commit by @rhenwinch)62080b5
- app: update to 2.0.1 (commit by @rhenwinch)fd5d6bb
- jitpack: expose common stubs and util tools to jitpack (commit by @rhenwinch)ccd322f
- deps: migrate from local to jitpack stubs (commit by @rhenwinch)3a8df87
- deps: remove dokka (commit by @rhenwinch)f26acac
- ci: remove generate stubs job (commit by @rhenwinch)92d0099
- deps: update core-stubs 1.0.5 (commit by @rhenwinch)6ebd0c4
- ci: update Build workflow (commit by @rhenwinch)51673e4
- deps: update core-stubs to 1.1.1 (commit by @rhenwinch)ae0d260
- deps: update compose BOM (commit by @rhenwinch)e613c89
- ci: enhance Build CI (commit by @rhenwinch)3438465
- ci: fix permission denied when archiving a build [skip ci] (commit by @rhenwinch)bd11de3
- ci: fix pre-release tag not updating (commit by @rhenwinch)d768117
- ci: improveCreate release
job (commit by @rhenwinch)2590208
- deps: update core-stubs to 1.2.0 (commit by @rhenwinch)2a6a5dd
- deps: update media3 (1.4.1) and nextlib (0.8.2) (commit by @rhenwinch)17e2a47
- ci: update outdated PullRequest.yml (commit by @rhenwinch)261e620
- ci: move APK archives to another repo (commit by @rhenwinch)2d2f5ca
- ci: improve Build workflow to only create releases on tag pushes (commit by @rhenwinch)d29de53
- manifest: remove TV launcher for a meantime (commit by @rhenwinch)b6b8adb
- deps: update coil to 3.0.4 (commit by @rhenwinch)ce53888
- deps: migrate to fallback compose-markdown - my own repo (commit by @rhenwinch)9e989e5
- upgrade targetSdk to 34 for testing (commit by @rhenwinch)2e09a46
- gradle: update wrapper to 8.12 (commit by @rhenwinch)24af8ad
- deps: update to latest dependencies (commit by @rhenwinch)6dad6f9
- deps: update to latest dependencies (commit by @rhenwinch)32b1575
- add ktlint plugin (commit by @rhenwinch)dafe56a
- remove gradle doctor plugin (commit by @rhenwinch)da6099d
- fix compose-rules name (commit by @rhenwinch)5911aab
- ci: update Build workflow to use dynamic pre-release tags (commit by @rhenwinch)
📝 Documentation Changes
- update (commit by @rhenwinch)82f54c2
- add solar quality gate block (commit by @rhenwinch)5469288
- refactor extension words to provider instead (commit by @rhenwinch)4276102
- add outdated label to screenshot section (commit by @rhenwinch)06afe49
- add contributors section on (commit by @rhenwinch)349f3b2
- edit github documentation [skip ci] (commit by @rhenwinch)
🎨 Code Style Changes
- player: refactor error logs (commit by @rhenwinch)f97fb43
- player: refactor error logs AGAIN (commit by @rhenwinch)ba1089a
- settings-ui: re-phrase auto-update app on settings to notify about new updates (commit by @rhenwinch)c0eaed5
- provider: rename datastore properties and functions for clarity (commit by @rhenwinch)
🔧 Chores
- drawable: delete close_square.xml and move outline_close_square.xml to common package (commit by @rhenwinch)95d3bd0
- search-ui: rename SearchProviderCard to SearchProviderBlock (commit by @rhenwinch)9090858
- clean up single quotes on libs.versions.toml (commit by @rhenwinch)b7e2dc1
- deps: bump media3 from 1.2.0 to 1.3.1 (commit by @rhenwinch)9a7fef2
- deps: bump material from 1.11.0 to 1.12.0 (commit by @rhenwinch)55caf9c
- deps: bump lifecycle runtime from 2.6.2 to 2.8.3 (commit by @rhenwinch)c0ef74b
- deps: bump hilt navigation from 1.1.0 to 1.2.0 (commit by @rhenwinch)c1f4f32
- deps: bump compose alpha from 1.6.0-alpha07 to 1.6.8 (commit by @rhenwinch)7ae8da5
- deps: bump espresso core from 3.5.1 to 3.6.1 (commit by @rhenwinch)8dbf7b2
- deps: bump compose BOM from 2024.04.00 to 2024.06.00 (commit by @rhenwinch)d195e27
- deps: bump androidx core from 1.12.0 to 1.13.1 (commit by @rhenwinch)0b4941e
- deps: bump datastore from 1.0.0 to 1.1.1 (commit by @rhenwinch)c1bad33
- deps: bump compose alpha from 1.6.8 to 1.7.0-beta04 (commit by @rhenwinch)11efce0
- deps: bump media-ffmpeg from 1.0.0 to 1.1.0 (commit by @rhenwinch)9ba4c52
- deps: use nextlib's media-ffmpeg instead (commit by @rhenwinch)6a07401
- update issue templates [skip ci] (commit by @rhenwinch)054381c
- player: clean up controls code mess (commit by @rhenwinch)e7d5062
- provider-ui: fix typo on kdoc (commit by @rhenwinch)222d3a3
- provider-ui: fix typo on error message for get film details (commit by @rhenwinch)e7a2062
- provider-ui: remove unused drawable/icon vital_sign.xml (commit by @rhenwinch)453ddbf
- provider: use tmdb id as default id in default test film (commit by @rhenwinch)2b5b2f8
- provider: clean up formatting and unused code (commit by @rhenwinch)dd0b1d9
- webview: annotate all WebViewDriver sub-classes with @mainthread (commit by @rhenwinch)9c2f8d6
- strings: change error description for null contexts exceptions [skip ci] (commit by @rhenwinch)7c9eed2
- deps: remove 4 major modules (commit by @rhenwinch)fea75c9
- app: increment patch (2.1.3) (commit by @rhenwinch)e3746c8
- compose: migrate deprecatedLocalLifecycleOwner
to new package (commit by @rhenwinch)533f35a
- code: cleanMediaLinkResourceState
's QoL conditional properties (commit by @rhenwinch)e6df932
- gitignore: change root .gitignore [skip ci] (commit by @rhenwinch)2e55504
- move outline_subtitles_24.xml to ui-common module (commit by @rhenwinch)9fb8d35
- settings: remove local provider ofonChangeAppSettings
callback (commit by @rhenwinch)4de489e
- move feature-mobile-user to feature-mobile-profiles (commit by @rhenwinch)e5e4234
- tmdb: make search-domain as one with tmdb module (commit by @rhenwinch)1fe1399
- ui: create common text style for top bar label headliners (commit by @rhenwinch)ced732f
- remove old watchlist module (commit by @rhenwinch)d6aeb44
- ci: upgrade GitHub Actions artifact download/update to v4 (commit by @rhenwinch)95f2d8d
- ci: fix "get previous tag" steps (commit by @rhenwinch)ea580b1
- ci: fix "manage release" steps (commit by @rhenwinch)
🛸 Other Changes
- remove messyTODO
codes (commit by @rhenwinch)766b4b2
- removesettings-old
folder (commit by @rhenwinch)d690566
- user-edit: remove a draft TODO (commit by @rhenwinch)5e5d5f0
- add.editorconfig
for ktlint plugin (commit by @rhenwinch)ba718df
- clean gradle warnings (commit by @rhenwinch)
Variant | SHA-256 |
release | 89fea1b30168214925e9d568b0b9e1da0fa00985ec9c2b46f8c5f27af914e0a7 |