PyTorch implementation of bidirectional generative adversarial network (BiGAN, a.k.a. ALI) trained using Wasserstein distance (see WGAN and WGAN-GP). The code has been tested in a conda environment with Python 3 and PyTorch >= 1.0.
This repository contains code for training BiGAN on SVHN, CIFAR-10 and Celeba datasets. Our implementation is different from the original BiGAN/ALI implementation in the following ways:
- We normalize pixel values to [-1, 1].
- Our training objective is Wasserstein distance, not Jenson-Shannon divergence. Our model hence has a critic network instead of a discriminator network.
- The critic network does NOT use normalization layers (batch norm, instance norm, etc.). We found that training fails if we incorporate normalization into the critic network.
- We apply gradient penalty to stablize training.
- Update the loading and saving paths.
- Check (and update) the hyperparameters.
- Train on SVHN
python ./
- Train on CIFAR-10
python ./
- Train on Celeba
python ./
- Interpolate between two randomly generated images
python ./ --ckpt=[model path] --n=[number of interpolations] --save-path=[saving path]
All models are trained using default hyperparameter settings for 20,000 iterations. Note that the network architectures and training procedures are not carefully optimized for best performance.
- SVHN (32 x 32)
Generation | Reconstruction |
- CIFAR-10 (32 x 32)
Generation | Reconstruction |
- Celeba (aligned, 64 x 64)
Generation | Reconstruction |
We finally show the interpolation results for ten sets of randomly generated images.
Fangzhou Mu ([email protected])
title={Adversarial feature learning},
author={Donahue, Jeff and Kr{\"a}henb{\"u}hl, Philipp and Darrell, Trevor},
booktitle={International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR)},
title={Adversarially learned inference},
author={Dumoulin, Vincent and Belghazi, Ishmael and Poole, Ben and Mastropietro, Olivier and Lamb, Alex and Arjovsky, Martin and Courville, Aaron},
booktitle={International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR)},
title={Wasserstein gan},
author={Arjovsky, Martin and Chintala, Soumith and Bottou, L{\'e}on},
booktitle={International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML)},
title={Improved training of wasserstein gans},
author={Gulrajani, Ishaan and Ahmed, Faruk and Arjovsky, Martin and Dumoulin, Vincent and Courville, Aaron C},
booktitle={Advances in neural information processing systems (NeurIPS)},