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Chat window

Foglio edited this page Jul 9, 2017 · 32 revisions


Disclaimer: some Tera publishers are against the use of softwares like tera-proxy (and even Shinra or TCC), so if your publisher decides to ban everyone who uses proxy and other software, I won't be responsible for any account ban, new elin-locked classes or Argon invasions.

An MMORPG chat is one of the most important ways to interact with the game and other players, therefore also TCC chat requires a way to send inputs to the game, such as requesting a tooltip for a clicked item or details for a LFG advertisement. TCC achieves this by using tera-proxy, which allows TCC to send data to Tera servers. More info about tera-proxy can be found here. The module which allows proxy-TCC communication can be found here.

How to install tcc-stub module

  • Go to the module repository here and press Clone or download --> Download ZIP.
  • Open your tera-proxy folder and go to /bin/node_modules.
  • Create a new folder tcc-stub and extract index.js there.

Features overview

  • No censored words
  • Mentions highlight
  • Point of interest text displays location name
  • WTS/WTB/WTT messages redirected from Global to Trade
  • +12 and +15 dedicated channels
  • Configurable message cap
  • Message number count
  • Timestamps
  • Custom trade offers design
  • Spam filter
  • Custom LFG bar on top of the chat
  • Custom player tooltip displayed when clicking a player's name (works also when clicking player names ingame in LFG/friendlist windows)




When one of your characters' name is written in chat, that message's header is highlighted. TCC will check if the message contains any of the names of the character on the current account.

Custom player tooltip


A custom tooltip with interaction options will be displayed when clicking a player's name in chat. This tooltip will be also displayed when right-clicking entries in ingame LFG window or players in your friend list. The tooltip will display target's info and some buttons for interaction (party invite, guild invite, inspect, whisper, (un)block, (un)friend).

Point of interest


Linked locations will display <Region - Area> instead of <Point of interest.>. Beta version will not display anything when clicking on them, since maps will be added later on.

Trade messages redirection


Global messages containing WTB/WTS/WTT keywords will be moved to a custom channel labeled as "Global" but having Trade chat color.

Enchant channel


System messages of +12 and +15 enchants will be moved to respective custom channels, displaying only the player name and the enchanted item.

Spam filter


Before adding new messages to the chat, TCC will check if a message with the same text from the same author is already present in the last few (configurable amount) messages and the message will be discarded if the check is positive.

Custom LFG bar



Currently advertised LFG messages will be shown on a bar on top of the chat tabs. Labels display the first word of the lfg message if it's short enough, else "LFG" is displayed. Hovering an LFG will show a tooltip containing the owner name and the full lfg message. Clicking an LFG will show the ingame Group Info window (as stated in the Issues below, the message in this window will not be updated). LFGs which have not been advertised for more than 3 minutes will be automatically removed. Everytime an LFG is publicized, its background will slightly flash.

Known issues

  • LFG Group Info window title doesen't update when selecting different LFGs
  • Some linked items don't show tooltips (may be fixed later, not sure)
  • Going back to character selection screen and reconnecting may crash tera-proxy
  • Large messages may temporary leave empty space in chat, until new messages fill it
  • Point of interest don't show anything if clicked, yet
  • Chat may not automatically scroll to bottom after switching tabs
  • Chat colors and tabs can't be configured (colors may become configurable via ingame chat later on)
  • Text doesen't wrap correctly in some cases (for example, items with long names are not split, but the whole item name is put on the second row)
  • Some system messages may be missing or not formatted correctly
  • When inspecting via the "Inspect" button, the inspected person window must be closed before inspecting someone else
  • When whispering via "Whisper" button, chat must be open (like when pasting dps with ShinraMeter)
  • Linked quests don't show any info (and never will - cba to parse the huge quest database only to get a "You already completed this quest." message 90% of the times)
  • (not really an issue) LFG bar shows only actually advertised lfgs (any lfg which is not being advertised will not be displayed)
  • (not really an issue and can't be done otherwise anyway) High cpu usage when scrolling the chat

Limitations if tera-proxy is not available

  • Player tooltips will not be displayed when clicking a player's name in chat
  • Default ingame player tooltips will be displayed when clicking on a player's name in LFG/friendlist windows
  • Clicking TCC's LFGs will not display its LFG details window
  • Clicking on linked items in chat won't do anything
  • Clicking on linked locations in chat won't do anything (not available yet)
  • Interaction with broker offer messages won't be possible