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DEPRECATED Fixed cooldowns bar configuration

Foglio edited this page Jul 25, 2018 · 1 revision

v1.0 Update

Starting with v1.0, skills can be configured directly via UI. Click the settings button next to cooldown bar and drag any skill, item or buff to the cooldown bar, then you can drag them to reorder.


Skills showed in fixed mode can be configured via xml file located in {TCC folder}/resources/config/{class}-skills.xml.

If this file doesen't exist, TCC will create a default one.

This file will look like this:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
  <Skill id="181100" row="0" />
  <Skill id="41100" row="1" />
  <Skill id="110800" row="2" />

A list of all skills IDs can be found on Moongourd.

The row attribute is used to choose where the skill will appear:

  • row="1": the skill will be placed in the main black bar and it will be always visible;
  • row="2": the skill will be placed under the main bar and it will be always visible;
  • row="0": the skill will not be normally visibile, but if it is used, it will be placed next to the skills with row="2" and it will disappear when cooldown expires (same way as TCC standard cooldown window)
  • row="3" : the skill will be discarded and won't be showed anywhere

If you want to add more skills you can add an entry like this:

<Skill id="your_skill_id" row="preferred_row" />

Since v0.9 it will be possible to add items and passives:

<Item id="your_item_id" row="preferred_row" />
<Passive id="your_passive_id" row="preferred_row" />

The order of the skills in the xml files defines the order those skills will appear in the window. All the unlisted skills and passives will be considered as having row="0", so you can just set your always-visible skills and ignore all the rest. Unlisted (or row="0") items will be placed on top of row 1 and aligned to the right side and displayed using smaller icons.

In the following example there are Dragon Ruler passive and Marrow Brooch item in row 2. The [Event] Astral Gift wasn't included in the file, so it's placed in items' default position:


The default warrior-skills.xml produces the following skills setup:


All the row="0" or missing skills will appear to the right of Backstab.