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Group window

Foglio edited this page Mar 31, 2021 · 2 revisions

TCC's group window replaces ingame party and raid windows using a different layout. Party members are separated by role and distributed in three columns by default.

Group window

Window settings

  • all common windows settings
  • Raid threshold (1-30): sets the max group size at which TCC will switch to more condensed member indicators
  • Hide buffs threshold (1-30): sets the max group size at which buffs will be hidden; buffs will still be parsed and processed in background
  • Hide debuffs threshold (1-30): sets the max group size at which debuffs will be hidden; buffs will still be parsed and processed in background
  • Disable (de)buffs threshold (1-30): sets the max group size at which buffs and debuffs will be not parsed and displayed to save CPU power
  • Disable HP threshold (1-30): sets the max group size at which HP will not be tracked and HP bars will be hidden to save CPU power
  • Disable MP threshold (1-30): sets the max group size at which HP will not be tracked and MP bars will be hidden to save CPU power
  • Disable ST threshold (1-30): sets the max group size at which stamina (Rage, Willpower, etc) will not be tracked and stamina bars will be hidden to save CPU power
  • Hide me (toggle): hides you from the group window
  • Show only aggro debuff in HH (toggle): makes every buff and debuff hidden in Harrowhold, showing only Vergos' aggro stacks debuff
  • Show laurels (toggle): makes laurels visible around class icon
  • Show awaken icon (toggle): shows a small orange triangle in the rhomb right corner to indicate that a character is awakened
  • Show group info (toggle): shows a small rectangle containing some extra information about the group
  • Window mode (Role separated, Single column): allows the user to change the layout of the window: "Role separated" will separate the group members in three different columns based on their role (in order: DPSs, healers, tanks); "Single column" will display all members in the same column. When the amount of group members is too big, some players might wrap on an extra column
  • HP labels mode (None, Amount, Percentage): sets the way to display members' HP as numbers: None to hide HP numbers, Amount to show the actual amount of HP, Percentage to show the HP percentage of the player

Group info

When "Show group info", a small rectangle will appear on the right, showing some extra information about the group. The first counter indicates total members amount, the second counter indicates the alive members count. When in a raid, an additional counter for players who positively answered to a ready check will appear.


When hovering the window, some buttons will appear to the right side.

Group window showing all the action buttons

The first two buttons will always appear:

  • gear button: opens Group buffs config (see below)
  • circled X button: makes you leave the party without asking for any confirmation (equivalent to /drop in chat)

The other two buttons will appear only for group leaders:

  • rotating arrow button: resets current instance (equivalent to /reset in chat)
  • banner X button: disbands the group after asking for confirmation

Group buffs config

This window allows you to configure which buffs to display under group members HP bars.

Group buffs config window

Enabling a buff for a certain class will display said buff only if you're playing the matching class, example: enabling Kaia's Shield for Priest class, will show Kaia's Shield icon only if you're playing Priest.

Show all

Enabling "Show all" will make any buff visible.

WARNING: this will negatively impact performance as a lot of icons will be continuously showed, hidden and refreshed for each group member.