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Chat window

Foglio edited this page Mar 14, 2020 · 32 revisions

TERA Toolbox

Disclaimer: some Tera publishers are against the use of software like TERA Toolbox (and even Shinra or TCC), so if your publisher decides to ban everyone who uses Toolbox and other software, I won't be responsible for any account ban, new elin-locked classes or Argon invasions.

An MMORPG chat is one of the most important ways to interact with the game and other players, therefore also TCC chat requires a way to send inputs to the game, such as requesting a tooltip for a clicked item or details for a LFG advertisement. TCC achieves this by using TERA Toolbox, which allows TCC to send data to Tera servers. More info about TERA Toolbox can be found in TERA Toolbox discord. The module which allows Toolbox-TCC communication can be found here.


Install TCC chat link via Toolbox "Get more mods" tab or manually from here.


Since v0.5.9, TCC and tcc-stub require a modified version of the S1UI_Chat2.gpk file (thanks to Neowutran and Gl0 for finding a way to make it work).

Note: this version of the chat gpk doesen't show any message.

How to install S1UI_Chat2.gpk

  • Download S1UI_Chat2.gpk from here
  • Follow Ingame UI removal instructions, but use the previously downloaded files instead of empty gpk.

How to install tcc-stub module

If you installed TCC as a module via Toolbox's Get More Mods tab, tcc-stub will be already downloaded as a dependency. For manual install you can find the repository here.

Features overview

  • No censored words
  • Mentions highlight
  • Point of interest text displays location name
  • WTS/WTB/WTT messages redirected from Global to Trade
  • +7, +8 and +9 dedicated channels
  • Configurable message cap
  • Message number count
  • Timestamps
  • Custom trade offers design
  • Spam filter
  • Custom LFG bar on top of the chat
  • Custom player tooltip displayed when clicking a player's name (works also when clicking player names ingame in LFG/friendlist windows)
  • Custom apply message design

Typing messages

TCC chat windows don't have a text box to type in. Messages are typed into ingame modded chat window, which will only display the text box and no messages. So the best way to use TCC chat is to put it on top of ingame chat window (resizing them to be the same size), making ingame text box stick out of the bottom of the overlayed window.




When one of your characters' name is written in chat, that message's header is highlighted. TCC will check if the message contains any of the names of the character on the current account.

Mentions popup


Tabs will show a counter for mentions next their name. Hovering this number will show a popup containing all the mentions in that tab. If you press Go to on a mention message, it will scroll the chat to that message. Pressing the X button will remove that mention from all the tabs containing it. The Clear all button will remove all the mentions and the counter.

Custom player tooltip


A custom tooltip with interaction options will be displayed when clicking a player's name in chat. This tooltip will be also displayed when right-clicking entries in ingame LFG window or players in your friend list. The tooltip will display target's info and some buttons for interaction (party invite, guild invite, inspect, whisper, (un)block, (un)friend).

Note: the Block action will not show any confirmation window before adding someone to block list (like it was before last patch).

Moongourd integration

Since v1.0, a new button was added to player tooltip. Hovering this button will show the 5 most recent moongourd parses for the selected player.

Point of interest


Linked locations will display <Region - Area> instead of <Point of interest.>.

Trade messages redirection


Global messages containing WTB/WTS/WTT keywords will be moved to a custom channel labeled as "Global" but using Trade chat color.

Enchant channel


System messages of +7, +8 and +9 enchants will be moved to respective custom channels, displaying only the player name and the enchanted item.

Spam filter


Before adding new messages to the chat, TCC will check if a message with the same text from the same author is already present in the last few (configurable amount) messages and the message will be discarded if the check is positive.

Custom LFG bar



Currently advertised LFG messages will be shown on a bar on top of the chat tabs. Labels display the first word of the lfg message if it's short enough, else "LFG" is displayed. Hovering an LFG will show a tooltip containing the owner name and the full lfg message. Clicking an LFG will show the in-game Group Info window (as stated in the Issues below, the message in this window will not be updated). LFGs which have not been advertised for more than 3 minutes will be automatically removed. Every time an LFG is publicized, its background will slightly flash.

Custom apply message design


Instead of showing in whisper, applies will have their own channel and message design, with Accept, Inspect and Decline buttons. All the three buttons require tcc-stub to work.

Custom trade offer design


Broker offers will be displayed in a custom message design, with Accept and Decline buttons, starting and offered prices. The buyer's name will be displayed as message author and it will be possible to click on it to show common interaction functions (whisper, inspect, etc) like any other message.

Chat window interaction

TCC chat does not provide a text input, so you'll have to use the ingame chatbox to write messages. The best way to keep things clean is to make an empty tab in ingame chat, and place TCC chat inside it, leaving the input text box under it.

The chat window behaves in a slightly different way compared to the other ones. It doesen't have a "Click through" option, but only a "Hide" option if you're not planning to use it. It doesen't have a "Scale" option (not sure if it will be added later). It will disappear when you tab out of Tera like the other windows. Unlike the other windows, it doesen't have autodim feature, but it will disappear if there are no new messages for 15 seconds. Note: when the chat window is hidden, it will NOT be clickthru, so make sure to move your mouse away from it before switching out of the game's UI mode, or it will block your mouse clicks preventing you from using skills. When the chat is not visible, you can move mouse over it to make it reappear. The 15 seconds timer will restart once the mouse is moved out of it and it will not run as long as the mouse is still over of the window.

Tabs customization guide

The popup opened by the cogwheel icon in chat window will now display the "Tabs" tab:


It will display all the current chat tabs. Click on "Add chat tab" to create a new tab:


Click on its name (next to the red X) to edit it:


If no channels/authors are added, the tab will display every message without any filter:


To add filters, you can open the dropdown menu next to the "Channels" label to select the channels you want to be displayed in that tab:


Once you selected it, press + to add it:


It will appear under the "Channels" section:


As you can see, the tab will now display only the message from the selected channel:


Note that the filtering is done live, so unlike ingame chat, new tabs will display existing messages if they match the filters (eg. a newly created guild tab will immediatly display guild messages received before the tab was created).

You can also add author filters. An author filter only displays message from that user (system messages should be filtered using the "System" author filter. To add this filter, type the name in the text box and press + to add it:


As you can see, the name has been added to the "Authors" section and the chat now only displays messages from that user, in the specified channel:


Deleting tabs and filters

Press the red X next to the tab name to delete the tab. Or press on the black X in the colored ellipse to delete a single filter.

Note: if TCC doesen't allow you to type in the text boxes, press on the chat window and select the text box again.

Note 2: channels disabled via the "Globally enabled channels" tab will not be displayed after being re-enabled, as this way of disabling channels makes TCC discard unwanted messages.

Twitch chat support

Starting with v0.8.25 it's possible to see messages from Twitch chat in TCC chat.


To configure it go to Settings > Misc settings and fill the three twitch settings fields.

  • Twitch username: your twitch username (example:
  • Twitch token: secret token generated by visiting (include the oauth: part too) -- Warning: TCC text field won't hide this token, so be careful to not show it to anyone when pasting or opening settings.
  • Twitch channel name: chat channel name you want to receive messages from. You usually want to see messages from your main chat, which usually matches the username.

twitch settings

After all fields are filled, press Connect and you should start seeing messages coming from your channel's twitch chat.

Known issues

  • LFG Group Info window title doesen't update when selecting different LFGs
  • Chat may not automatically scroll to bottom after switching tabs
  • Chat colors can't be configured
  • Some system messages may be missing or not formatted correctly (report these with screenshots if possible)
  • When inspecting via the "Inspect" button, the inspected person's window must be closed before inspecting someone else
  • (not really an issue) LFG bar shows only actually advertised lfgs (any lfg which is not being advertised will not be displayed)
  • LFG bar can display duplicated lfgs
  • (not really an issue and can't be done otherwise anyway) High CPU usage when scrolling the chat

Limitations if TERA Toolbox is not available

  • Player tooltips will not be displayed when clicking a player's name in chat
  • Default in-game player tooltips will be displayed when clicking on a player's name in LFG/friendlist windows
  • Clicking TCC's LFGs will not display its LFG details window
  • Clicking on linked items in chat won't do anything
  • Interaction with broker offer messages won't be possible
  • Interaction with party apply messages won't be possible