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Foglio edited this page Apr 10, 2019 · 52 revisions

TCC is a material design-like style replacement for some of the TERA Online UI elements.

Important note

As opposed to what many people think, TCC was not meant to increase TERA fps. Some people report to have had fps gains by removing ingame UI and using TCC only. This may be true on some setups, but in general having an additional graphical application running on top of your game is likely to negatively affect game performance in low-mid tier computers. As TCC is a graphical application rendering many items with animations in real time, it will require a certain amount of CPU/GPU resources. If this is too much for your system you'll notice fps drops, stuttering, slowing down of other software or proxy modules. If this is the case consider tweaking TCC settings to:

  • remove TCC elements you may not need
  • disable some other features like party members MP, buffs, chat messages animations, etc.
  • disable high priority
  • disable software rendering if you're on dual GPU system


Same requirements as ShinraMeter.

Download & changelogs



  • How can I stream TERA including TCC?

    • Use Screen Capture mode.
  • I want to revert my chat, but after restoring the file my ingame chat is still broken.

    • Try to resize it or just reset UI settings.
  • How do I remove ingame UI?

  • TCC is still not working. What do?

  • I press X button but it does nothing.

    • Most of interactive features in TCC require proxy (and some of these require modded S1UI_Chat2.gpk too). Here's a list of these features:
      • Leave party
      • Loot settings
      • Disband party
      • Delegate leader
      • Kick player
      • Add to friends
      • Remove friend
      • Invite to party
      • Invite to guild
      • Inspect
      • Open LFG window
      • Accept LFG apply
      • Refuse LFG apply
      • Post/Edit LFG message
      • Publicize LFG message
      • Remove LFG message
      • Apply to LFG
      • Reset instance
      • Block/Unblock user
      • Show player menu
      • anything else related to chat.

    So make sure that your proxy is running, that tcc-stub is installed correctly and that TCC is connected to it.

Basic usage

Just open the application before starting tera (just like DPS meter). Note: UI will not be showed if Tera is in Fullscreen mode, so run Tera in Windowed or Windowed Fullscreen modes to be able to see it.

TCC runs minimized in system tray. Right click icon to close the app; double click to show settings window.

Manual icon database download

Sometimes TCC is unable to check for database updates for some users. If this happens you can download it manually from this repository by clicking Clone or download > Download ZIP and extracting everything in TCC/resources/images/.


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