Course material and references for Campus To Corporate course, 2017.
This repo contains notes, assignments, Java source code and other course material for a interview prep course held at K.J. Somaiya College of Engineering in 2017. It is made available under a permissive MIT License, so that it may benefit other students.
If you like this repo or use it for your own interview prep, please leave it a ⭐ :)
- Space-Time Complexity Cheatsheet
- Interactive Data Structure and Algorithm Visualizations
- A Comparative Visualization of Sorting Algorithms
- Another Visualization of Various Algorithms
- CS50 - The Quintessential Harvard Course
- Google - Coding Interview Example
- Google - Preparing for a Technical Interview
- (Especially the "Interview Preparation" and "General Coding advice" sections)
- Ineffective Sorts
- Some More Sorts
- Floating Point Woes
- Trees and Heaps
- Little Bobby Tables
- Python Rocks
- Don't Use Gotos
- Real Life Applications of Subset Sum
- Peer Reviews
- Parent-Child Bonding