D415 Extrinsic Calibration with ROS
- From catkin_ws/src directory, clone the repo
git clone https://github.com/hjsuh94/extrinsic_calibration.git
- Make
- Run D415 node in ROS by
roslaunch realsense2_camera rs_camera.launch
- Make sure the camera topics are streaming by
rostopic echo /camera/color/camera_info
(this can also be checked in rviz)
- Run the program
rosrun extrinsic_calibration calibration.py 50
where 50 is the number of frames to average from.
- Publish transforms based on calibrated extrinsics
rosrun extrinsic_calibration publish_calibration.py
to publish the transform between the camera frames and the board frame, and visualize the board frame in rviz.
Results are printed in command line, but also saved the directory where the program is run. TODO: fix this! Transformation given is FROM the camera optical frame TO the board frame. (i.e. what is the pose of my board frame seen from the camera frame?)
calibration_image.jpg : Useful to see what the board frame actually is.
calibration_log.csv : Log of 100 detected transforms.
calibration_result.csv : first 3 rows are rotation matrix,