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HendrikHuebner committed Apr 28, 2024
1 parent 2e910a3 commit 3030ba6
Showing 1 changed file with 186 additions and 0 deletions.
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@@ -0,0 +1,186 @@
title: Endliche Automaten und reguläre Ausdrücke
author: Hendrik Hübner
id: 3709563985
- type: latex_plus
front: Def. Konkatenation von Sprachen
back: |+
[$]AB = \{xy \mid x \in A \land y \in B\}[/$]
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front: Def. Kleene Stern bei Sprache A
back: |+
[$]A^* = \bigcup_{i=0}^{\infty} A^i[/$]
- type: latex_plus
front: Def. Kleene Plus bei Sprache A
back: |+
[$]A^+ = \bigcup_{i=1}^{\infty} A^i = AA^*[/$]
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front: [$]A \emptyset = ?[$]
back: |+
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front: [$]A(B \cup C) = [/$]
back: |+
[$]AB \cup AC[/$]
- type: latex_plus
front: Def. Grammar
back: |+
[$]G = (V, \Sigma, P, S)[$]
[$]V[/$] is the set of non-terminal symbols.
[$]\Sigma[/$] is the set of terminal symbols.
[$]P \subseteq (V \cup \Sigma)^* \times (V \cup \Sigma)^*[/$] is the set of production rules.
[$]S[/$] is the start symbol.
- type: latex_plus
front: Def. Chomsky Hierarchy
back: |+
Type 0: All grammars
L = \{ w \in \Sigma^* \mid w \text{ can be derived from the start symbol using any production rule} \}
Type 1: Context sensitive Grammars
L = \{ w \in \Sigma^* \mid \text{there exists a production } \alpha \rightarrow \beta \text{ such that} |\alpha| \leq |\beta| \text{ and} w = \alpha u \gamma \text{ where} u \in \Sigma^* \text{ and} \gamma \in \Sigma^* \}
Type 2: Context free Grammars
L = \{ w \in \Sigma^* \mid S \Rightarrow^* w \}
Type 3: Regular languages
L = \{ w \in \Sigma^* \mid w \text{ can be derived from the start symbol using production rules of the form} A \rightarrow aB \text{ or} A \rightarrow a \text{ where} A,B \in V \text{ and} a \in \Sigma \}
- type: latex_plus
front: Def. DFA
back: |+
[$]DFA[/$] = (Q, \Sigma, \delta, q_0, F)[/$]
[$]Q[/$] is the set of states.
[$]\Sigma[/$] is the input alphabet.
[$]\delta: Q \times \Sigma \rightarrow Q[/$] is the transition function.
[$]q0 \in Q[/$] is the initial state.
[$]F \suseteq Q[/$] is the set of accepting (final) states.
- type: latex_plus
front: Def. NFA
back: |+
[$]NFA[/$] = (Q, \Sigma, \delta, q_0, F)[/$]
[$]Q[/$] is the set of states.
[$]\Sigma[/$] is the input alphabet.
[$]\delta: Q \times \Sigma \rightarrow \mathcal{P}(Q)[/$] is the transition function.
[$]q0 \in Q[/$] is the initial state.
[$]F \suseteq Q[/$] is the set of accepting (final) states.
- type: latex_plus
front: Def. [$]\hat{\delta}(q, w)[/$]
back: |+
The state which is reached with w from q
[$]\hat{\delta}(q, \epsilon) = q[/$]
[$]\hat{\delta}(q, aw) = \hat{\delta}(\delta(q, a), w)[/$]
- type: latex_plus
front: Welche gestalt haben Produktionen bei einer rechtslinearen Grammatik?
back: |+
[$]A \rightarrow a \mid aB [/$]
- type: latex_plus
front: Was gilt für rechtslineare Grammatiken?
back: |+
- Es existiert ein äquivalenter DFA (und umgekehrt)
- type: latex_plus
front: Def. [$]\bar{\delta}(S, a)[/$]
back: |+
The state which is reached with w from q
[$]\bar{\delta}(S, a) = \bigcup\limits{q \in S} \delta(q, a} [/$]
- type: latex_plus
front: Was ist die Potenzmengenkonstruktion?
back: |+
Sei N ein NFA
Def. [$]DFA M = (\mathcal{P}(Q), \Sigma, \bar{\delta}, q_0, F_M)[/$]
Mit [$]F_M := {S \subseteq Q \mid S \cap F \neq \emptyset}[/$]
Der enstehende DFA hat bis zu 2^|Q| zustände
- type: latex_plus
front: Def. pumping lemma
back: |+
A language $L$ is regular if and only if there exists a constant $p \geq 1$ such that for any string $s \in L$ with $|s| \geq p$, $s$ can be decomposed as $s = xyz$ satisfying the following conditions:
\item $|xy| \leq p$: The length of the prefix $xy$ is at most $p$.
\item $|y| \geq 1$: The substring $y$ is non-empty.
\item For all $i \geq 0$, $xy^iz \in L$: Repeating the substring $y$ any number of times ($i \geq 0$) and concatenating it with $xz$ results in a string in $L$.
- type: latex_plus
front: Was gilt für [$]\epsilon[/$]-NFAs?
back: |+
Es existiert immer ein äquivalenter NFA und damit auch DFA
- type: latex_plus
front: Welche sechs erweiterungen von Regulären Ausdrücken für UNIX haben wir kennengelernt?
back: |+
. = beliebiges Zeichen des Alphabets
[a1 ... an] = beliebiges Zeichen aus {a1 ... an}
[^a1 ... an] = beliebiges Zeichen NICHT aus {a1 ... an}
w? = leeres Wort oder w
w+ = ww*
w{n} = www...ww (n mal)
- type: latex_plus
front: Satz von Kleene?
back: |+
Eine Sprache ist genau dann als regulärer ausdruck darstellbar, wenn sie regulär ist
- type: latex_plus
front: Def. Ardens lemma
back: |+
Sind \alpha, \beta und X reguläre ausdrücke mit \epsilon \notin L(\alpha), so gilt:
X \equiv \alpha X \mid \beta \Rightarrow X \equiv \alpha^*\beta
- type: latex_plus
front: Zeitkomplexität umwandlung RE -> e-NFA?
back: n -> Q in O(n)

- type: latex_plus
front: Zeitkomplexität umwandlung NFA -> DFA?
back: n -> Q in O(2^n)

- type: latex_plus
front: Zeitkomplexität umwandlung NFA -> RE?
back: |+
n -> länge RE in O(3^n)
- type: latex_plus
front: Zeitkomplexität umwandlung e-NFA -> NFA?
back: Q -> Q

- type: latex_plus
front: Wann sind zwei Reguläre Ausdrücke oder Automaten äquivalent?
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[$] \alpha \equiv \beta \Leftrightarrow L(\alpha) = L(\beta) [/$]
- type: latex_plus
front: Def. Produktautomat
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Sind [$]M_1[/$] und [$]M_2[/$] DFAs so ist der Produktautomat wie folgt definiert:
(Q_1 \times Q_2, \Sigma, \delta, (s_1, s_2), F_1 \times F_2)
wobei, \delta((q_1, q_2), a) = (\delta_1(q_1, a), \delta_2(q_2, a))
Der Produktautomat akzeptiert L(M_1) \cap L(M_2)

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