A Java library that calculates/validates ISO/IEC 7064 check characters.
The algorithms include all pure systems plus the pure polynomial implementations of:
- ISO/IEC 7064, MOD 11-2 for numeric strings with one check digit or the supplementary check character "X"
- ISO/IEC 7064, MOD 37-2 for alphanumeric strings with one check digit or letter or the supplementary check character "*"
- ISO/IEC 7064, MOD 97-10 for numeric strings with two check digits
- ISO/IEC 7064, MOD 661-26 for alphabetic strings with two check letters
- ISO/IEC 7064, MOD 1271-36 for alphanumeric strings with two check digits or letters
This is a full implementation of the ISO/IEC standard. Also hybrid systems are implemeted:
- ISO/IEC 7064, MOD 11,10 for numeric strings with one check digit
- ISO/IEC 7064, MOD 27,26 for alphabetic strings with one check letter
- ISO/IEC 7064, MOD 37,36 for alphanumeric strings with one check digit or letter
CheckDigit numericCheck = IsoIecPure11System.getInstance();
String checkDigit = numericCheck.calculate("123456");
boolean isValid = numericCheck.isValid("123456X");
Additionally the lib contains valdators which use the ISO-IEC_7064 systems
- LEI (Legal Entity Identifier) Validator
- Leitweg Validator
- IBAN (International Bank Account Number) Check Digit calculation/validation
- Finnish VAT identification number (VATIN) Check Digit calculation/validation
- Greek VAT identification number (VATIN) Check Digit calculation/validation
Build with maven.
<!-- https://mvnrepository.com/artifact/io.github.homebeaver/isoiec7064 -->