Releases: iq-motion-control/iq-control-center
Minor Release: v1.8.0
This minor release includes:
Not displaying missing client entry errors in the header (still visible in the logs)
Popup warning if user flashes a non .zip file
Preventing users from flashing files that contain “app.bin”, “boot.bin”, or “upgrade.bin”
Adding the SKU number in the log file
Bugfix for default files
Adding new client entries:
Report Telemetry as Speed
Arming by DroneCAN ArmingStatus
DroneCAN Telemetry Style
DroneCAN, Hobby, and IQUART Throttle Priorities
Throttle Source Timeout
Re-adding Manual Arming Throttle Source client entry
Minor Release: Support Package, Added support for Paired List firmware types
This minor release includes:
- Updated Support Package export: Generate Support File will now create a .zip file containing the support file and Control Center log
- Added support for paired list firmware types
- Fixed support tab link
- Updated Resource Files
Patch: Updated Resource Files
This patch release includes updated resource file for the M39
Patch Release: Consecutive disarming throttles to disarm and LED support for 40xx and 60xx
This patch release includes:
- Added consecutive disarming throttles to disarm
- Added LED support for 40xx and 60xx
v1.6.0 Minor Release: Import Resource Pack option in Menu, Generate Support File button reformat, Volts Limit Starting Voltage client endpoint, Default Files for M34, M41, and M35
This minor release includes some minor updates:
- Added a new option in the Menu called Imported Resource Pack. This feature allows the user to import a Resource Pack .zip file. New popups will be displayed to guide the user with using this feature.
- Moved the Generate Support File button next to the Export Log button in the Support tab.
- Exposed a new client endpoint called Volts Limit Starting Voltage in the Advanced tab.
- Added new default files for the M34, M41, and M35 modules.
v1.5.3 Patch Release: Popup indication of new software update, Fixed Module ID bugs, Fixed software update notification for Mac, Updated resource file for M29
This patch release includes some minor updates and bugfixes.
- Display a popup to notify the user that a new software update is available. This popup will direct the user to the Check for Updates menu option to update IQ Control Center
- Restrict the range of values to set Module ID between 0 and 62. Before a module can be set with the ID of 63, which is not allowed.
- Fixed detection of bussing module with ID of 62. Before a module with the ID of 62 was not detected on a bus.
- Updated firmware json files for the 60XX modules. The new format accounts for hardware and electronics major versions to help deal with multiple versions of a module.
v1.5.2 Patch Release: Updated Support for Major Hardware Versions
This patch release introduces the ability to differentiate modules by their Major Hardware Version. This allows the Control Center to tell the difference between, for example, a Vertiq 81-08v1 and a Vertiq 81-08v2. This ensures safe flashing and configuration for all Vertiq modules.
Along with the backend updates, we have introduced a new style of Resource file that allow us to add more information about different module configurations and versions.
v1.5.1 Patch Release: Update resource files to new module versions, change UART Baudrate frame to be a dropdown, add link to on connection,
This patch release introduces the following:
- Changes the UART Baud Rate frame to use a dropdown selection rather than a spinbox
- Exposes the Angular Speed Max parameter for the Vertiq 40-XX and 81-XX
- Updates the minimum firmware version requirement for the Vertiq 40-06 and 40-14
- Introduces resource files for the Vertiq 40-06 770Kv Steel Shaft module
v1.5.0 Minor Release: Introducing IQUART bussing through IQ Control Center
This minor release introduces bussing to IQ Control Center Center. Bussing allows you to connect multiple Vertiq Modules to the Control Center via our proprietary serial communication protocol IQUART.
Bussing through the Control Center is not yet supported on Vertiq module firmware, but is coming soon! In order to use bussing after your module's new firmware is released, you must first give each module a unique module ID through the Advanced tab. Please note that this must be done one module at a time, and cannot be done on a bus as modules need a unique module ID in order to appear on the bus. Once all modules have a unique module ID, they can all be recognized and communicated with through IQ Control Center.
Please note that modules running older firmware will still work with IQ Control Center, but they will be unable to use the bussing feature.
We have introduced new GUI elements to make communicating with a bus easy.
You'll notice that the serial connection is completely separate from the module connections. Use the Serial window in order to connect with your FTDI or other USB-to-Serial device at the desired baud rate. The Module Connections window provides access to all of the modules on the bus. Use the "Target Module ID" dropdown to select which module you would like to connect to and target with commands. Use "IDENTIFY" to play a song on the currently targeted module. Use "DETECT" to rerun the detection procedure in order to identify any newly connected or disconnected modules. "Detected Modules" simply indicates the number of modules successfully found on the bus.
Other Bugfixes and Changes:
- Removed entries related to Hobby Calibration for 81-08 servo modules
- Fixed incorrect ordering in firmware selection warning
- Changed default firmware file type to .zip
v1.4.1 Patch Release: Reduce RAM Usage of IQ Control Center, Fix Bug Where Some Defaults Files Would Cause the Control Center to Crash, Updated Handling of Setting Via Defaults Files so Baud Rate Can be Set Reliably, Added Protections Against Flashing Incorrect Firmware in Recovery Mode
This is a patch release that adds several bug fixes and other enhancements.
- We have reduced the RAM usage of IQ Control Center. In our testing, this has greatly increased the application's speed
- We found and fixed a bug in which some Vertiq Defaults files would cause the Control Center to crash
- Up until now, setting your UART baud rate through a custom Defaults file would require two attempts. We have updated the Defaults logic to ensure that you only need to set through Defaults one time to fully set up your module
- Added more protections against flashing improper firmware while a module is in Recovery mode
- Added more detailed descriptions of firmware selection errors