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Training an MS lesion segmentation model for axial T2w scans
naga-karthik authored Nov 11, 2024
2 parents bf2c840 + 27d2999 commit 77865e4
Showing 20 changed files with 5,508 additions and 274 deletions.
174 changes: 84 additions & 90 deletions baselines/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,33 +1,7 @@
# Compare our nnUNet model with other methods (sct_propseg, sct_deepseg_sc 2d, sct_deepseg_sc 3d,
# MONAI contrast-agnostic (part of SCT v6.2)) on sci-zurich and sci-colorado datasets
# Note: subjects from both datasets have to be located in the same BIDS-like folder, example:
# ├── derivatives
# │ └── labels
# │ ├── sub-5416 # sci-colorado subject
# │ │ └── anat
# │ │ ├── sub-5416_T2w_lesion-manual.json
# │ │ ├── sub-5416_T2w_lesion-manual.nii.gz
# │ │ ├── sub-5416_T2w_seg-manual.json
# │ │ └── sub-5416_T2w_seg-manual.nii.gz
# │ └── sub-zh01 # sci-zurich subject
# │ └── ses-01
# │ └── anat
# │ ├── sub-zh01_ses-01_acq-sag_T2w_lesion-manual.json
# │ ├── sub-zh01_ses-01_acq-sag_T2w_lesion-manual.nii.gz
# │ ├── sub-zh01_ses-01_acq-sag_T2w_seg-manual.json
# │ └── sub-zh01_ses-01_acq-sag_T2w_seg-manual.nii.gz
# ├── sub-5416 # sci-colorado subject
# │ └── anat
# │ ├── sub-5416_T2w.json
# │ └── sub-5416_T2w.nii.gz
# └── sub-zh01 # sci-zurich subject
# └── ses-01
# └── anat
# ├── sub-zh01_ses-01_acq-sag_T2w.json
# └── sub-zh01_ses-01_acq-sag_T2w.nii.gz
# MONAI contrast-agnostic (part of SCT v6.2)) on bavaria-quebec-spine-ms-unstitched dataset.
# Note: conda environment with nnUNetV2 is required to run this script.
# For details how to install nnUNetV2, see:
@@ -107,8 +81,6 @@ segment_sc() {
execution_time=$(python3 -c "print($end_time - $start_time)")
echo "${FILESEG},${execution_time}" >> ${PATH_RESULTS}/execution_time.csv

# Compute ANIMA segmentation performance metrics
compute_anima_metrics ${FILESEG} ${file}_seg-manual.nii.gz
elif [[ $method == 'propseg' ]]; then

@@ -124,8 +96,6 @@ segment_sc() {

# Remove centerline (we don't need it)
rm ${file}_centerline.nii.gz
# Compute ANIMA segmentation performance metrics
compute_anima_metrics ${FILESEG} ${file}_seg-manual.nii.gz

@@ -139,7 +109,7 @@ segment_sc_nnUNet(){
# Get the start time
start_time=$(date +%s)
# Run SC segmentation
python ${PATH_NNUNET_SCRIPT} -i ${file}.nii.gz -o ${FILESEG}.nii.gz -path-model ${PATH_NNUNET_MODEL}/nnUNetTrainerDiceCELoss_noSmooth__nnUNetPlans__${kernel} -pred-type sc
python ${PATH_NNUNET_SCRIPT} -i ${file}.nii.gz -o ${FILESEG}.nii.gz -path-model ${PATH_NNUNET_MODEL}/nnUNetTrainerDiceCELoss_noSmooth__nnUNetPlans__${kernel} -pred-type sc -use-gpu
# Get the end time
end_time=$(date +%s)
# Calculate the time difference
@@ -148,20 +118,31 @@ segment_sc_nnUNet(){

# Generate QC report
sct_qc -i ${file}.nii.gz -s ${FILESEG}.nii.gz -p sct_deepseg_sc -qc ${PATH_QC} -qc-subject ${SUBJECT}
# Compute ANIMA segmentation performance metrics
compute_anima_metrics ${FILESEG} ${file}_seg-manual.nii.gz

# Segment spinal cord using the MONAI contrast-agnostic model (part of SCT v6.2)
local file="$1"
local version="$2" # v2.0 or v2.5


# Get the start time
start_time=$(date +%s)
# Run SC segmentation using SCT v6.2
sct_deepseg -i ${file}.nii.gz -o ${FILESEG}.nii.gz -task seg_sc_contrast_agnostic
if [[ $version == 'v2.6' ]]; then
# Run SC segmentation
python ${PATH_MONAI_SCRIPT} --path-img ${file}.nii.gz --path-out . --chkp-path ${PATH_MODEL} --device gpu --model monai --pred-type soft --pad-mode edge --max-feat 384
# Rename MONAI output
mv ${file}_pred.nii.gz ${FILESEG}.nii.gz
# Binarize MONAI output (which is soft by default); output is overwritten
sct_maths -i ${FILESEG}.nii.gz -bin 0.5 -o ${FILESEG}.nii.gz

# Run SC segmentation using SCT v6.2
sct_deepseg -task seg_sc_contrast_agnostic -i ${file}.nii.gz -o ${FILESEG}.nii.gz
# Get the end time
end_time=$(date +%s)
# Calculate the time difference
@@ -170,27 +151,6 @@ segment_sc_MONAI(){

# Generate QC report
sct_qc -i ${file}.nii.gz -s ${FILESEG}.nii.gz -p sct_deepseg_sc -qc ${PATH_QC} -qc-subject ${SUBJECT}
# Compute ANIMA segmentation performance metrics
compute_anima_metrics ${FILESEG} ${file}_seg-manual.nii.gz

# Compute ANIMA segmentation performance metrics
# We have to copy qform matrix from seg-manual to the automatically generated segmentation to avoid ITK error:
# "Description: ITK ERROR: SegmentationMeasuresImageFilter(): Inputs do not occupy the same physical space!"
# Related to the following issue :
sct_image -i ${file}_seg-manual.nii.gz -copy-header ${FILESEG}.nii.gz -o ${FILESEG}_updated_header.nii.gz

# Compute ANIMA segmentation performance metrics
# -i : input segmentation
# -r : GT segmentation
# -o : output file
# -d : surface distances evaluation
# -s : compute metrics to evaluate a segmentation
# -X : stores results into a xml file.
${anima_binaries_path}/animaSegPerfAnalyzer -i ${FILESEG}_updated_header.nii.gz -r ${file}_seg-manual.nii.gz -o ${PATH_RESULTS}/${FILESEG} -d -s -X

rm ${FILESEG}_updated_header.nii.gz

# Copy GT spinal cord segmentation (located under derivatives/labels)
@@ -219,51 +179,85 @@ start=`date +%s`
# Display useful info for the log, such as SCT version, RAM and CPU cores available
sct_check_dependencies -short

# custom_url=""
# sct_deepseg -install seg_sc_contrast_agnostic -custom-url ${custom_url}

# Go to folder where data will be copied and processed

# Copy source T2w images
# Note: we use '/./' in order to include the sub-folder 'ses-0X'
# We do a substitution '/' --> '_' in case there is a subfolder 'ses-0X/'
if [[ $SUBJECT =~ "sub-zh" ]]; then
# for sci-zurich, copy only sagittal T2w to save space
rsync -Ravzh ${PATH_DATA}/./${SUBJECT}/anat/${SUBJECT//[\/]/_}_*sag_T2w.* .
rsync -Ravzh ${PATH_DATA}/./${SUBJECT}/anat/${SUBJECT//[\/]/_}_*T2w.* .
rsync -Ravzh ${PATH_DATA}/./${SUBJECT}/anat/${SUBJECT//[\/]/_}_*ax_chunk-*.nii.gz .
# rsync -Ravzh ${PATH_DATA}/./${SUBJECT}/anat/${SUBJECT//[\/]/_}_*ax_T2w.nii.gz .

# Go to subject folder for source images
cd ${SUBJECT}/anat

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# T2w
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# sci-zurich
if [[ $SUBJECT =~ "sub-zh" ]]; then
# We do a substitution '/' --> '_' in case there is a subfolder 'ses-0X/'
# sci-colorado

# Copy GT spinal cord segmentation
copy_gt "${file_t2}"

# Check if file_t2 exists
if [[ ! -e ${file_t2}.nii.gz ]]; then
echo "File ${file_t2}.nii.gz does not exist" >> ${PATH_LOG}/missing_files.log
echo "ERROR: File ${file_t2}.nii.gz does not exist. Exiting."
exit 1

# Segment SC using different methods and compute ANIMA segmentation performance metrics
segment_sc "${file_t2}" 't2' 'deepseg' '2d'
segment_sc "${file_t2}" 't2' 'deepseg' '3d'
segment_sc "${file_t2}" 't2' 'propseg'
segment_sc_nnUNet "${file_t2}" '2d'
segment_sc_nnUNet "${file_t2}" '3d_fullres'
segment_sc_MONAI "${file_t2}"
# run a counter from 0 to 4 for the chunks
for i in {1..3}; do
# for i in {1}; do
# Define T2w file
# file_t2="${SUBJECT//[\/]/_}_acq-ax_T2w"

# Copy GT spinal cord segmentation
copy_gt "${file_t2}"

# Check if file_t2 exists
if [[ ! -e ${file_t2}.nii.gz ]]; then
echo "File ${file_t2}.nii.gz does not exist" >> ${PATH_LOG}/missing_files.log
echo "ERROR: File ${file_t2}.nii.gz does not exist. Exiting."
exit 1

# Segment SC using different methods and compute ANIMA segmentation performance metrics
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=2 segment_sc_MONAI "${file_t2}" 'v2.6'
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=3 segment_sc_MONAI "${file_t2}" 'v2.5'
# CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=3 segment_sc_nnUNet "${file_t2}" '3d_fullres'
# # segment_sc_nnUNet "${file_t2}" '3d_fullres'
segment_sc "${file_t2}" 't2' 'propseg'
segment_sc "${file_t2}" 't2' 'deepseg' '2d'
# segment_sc "${file_t2}" 't2' 'deepseg' '3d'


# methods_to_compare="propseg deepseg_2d deepseg_3d monai_v2.0 nnunet_2d"
methods_to_compare="propseg deepseg_2d monai_v2.5 monai_v2.6" # monai_v2.4"

# mkdir -p ${PATH_RESULTS}/GTs
# # copy the GTs to the results folder
# rsync -avzh ${PATH_DATA}/derivatives/labels/${SUBJECT}/anat/${SUBJECT//[\/]/_}_*ax_T2w_seg-manual.nii.gz ${PATH_RESULTS}/GTs

# for method in ${methods_to_compare}; do
# # create multiple sub-folders within the results folder
# mkdir -p ${PATH_RESULTS}/preds/${method}
# # Define T2w file
# file_t2="${SUBJECT//[\/]/_}_acq-ax_T2w"
# # copy the predictions to the results folder
# rsync -avzh ${file_t2}_seg_${method}.nii.gz ${PATH_RESULTS}/preds/${method}
# done

for i in {1..3}; do

mkdir -p ${PATH_RESULTS}/GTs/chunk-${i}
# copy the GTs to the results folder
rsync -avzh ${PATH_DATA}/derivatives/labels/${SUBJECT}/anat/${SUBJECT//[\/]/_}_*ax_chunk-${i}_T2w_seg-manual.nii.gz ${PATH_RESULTS}/GTs/chunk-${i}

for method in ${methods_to_compare}; do
# create multiple sub-folders within the results folder
mkdir -p ${PATH_RESULTS}/preds/${method}/chunk-${i}
# Define T2w file
# copy the predictions to the results folder
rsync -avzh ${file_t2}_seg_${method}.nii.gz ${PATH_RESULTS}/preds/${method}/chunk-${i}


# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# End

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