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Releases: kirderf1/aftiktuna


06 Jul 16:46
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v0 9 0 screenshot


After releasing this version, I realized that I had made an oversight (involving file paths to the location json files) that breaks backwards-compatibility with save files from v0.8.0. If you're not bringing save files from v0.8.0 to v0.9.0 (which I expect is true for everyone), then you will be fine.


  • New data file character_profiles.json, used for randomly-selected characters
  • New aftik colors and character profiles
  • Containers that can be searched for items (types include: tents, cabinets, drawers, crates, chests)
  • Two new items that can change character stats
  • "Hunting missions" where a character gives a reward for killing specific creatures
    (one such mission has been added to the village location)


  • Save format version 3.1
  • Crew size limit when recruiting has been raised from 2 to 3
  • Characters may now push crew members that are in the way for certain actions
  • Recruitable characters and crew members in json definitions can now be set to use a random character profile
  • Aftik corpses can now be set to use a color from a random character profile
  • The "recruitable" symbol type (for location defintions) has now been replaced by a more general "character" symbol type
  • Loot tables are no longer hardcoded, and can be defined in assets/loot_table/
  • Locations now use new loot tables resource and tool,
    which together cover the same items as the original regular loot table
  • All locations have been updated to use some degree of visually-connected paths
  • The tent in the eyesaur forest is now a searchable container
  • Containers have been added in a lot of places in most locations
  • "status" command now also shows ship fuel status and number of food rations in the ship
  • Slight changes to how dialogue goes with recruitable characters


  • Save file is now removed when reaching the victory/game over frame
  • After victory/game over, the game returns to the main menu
  • "Load Game" button is no longer shown when the save file is absent
  • The player may no longer command a character to talk to themselves
  • Made certain action failures more visible, updated some action failure messages
  • Tweaked rendered offset between objects at the same coordinate
  • Improved how adjacent objects are rendered over each other
  • Space out text from "status" command with empty lines between characters
  • Crew members told to wait will now stop waiting when they leave the ship from arriving at a new location
  • Tooltips now go in front of the input field
  • Tooltips are now clamped to not go below the bottom of the game window
  • Change the type of click to advance to the next frame,
    fixes accidentally advancing a frame when clicking something else that is in the same area as the text box


  • Default symbols for most items have been removed from symbols.json
    (these symbols are instead now defined at the specific areas where they are used)
  • The regular loot table has been removed in favor of using resource and tool
  • Crowbars and bats have been removed from the valuable loot table


07 Jun 11:01
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  • New symbol types "aftik_corpse" and "inanimate" for creating locations
  • Luck stat, which currently influences hit/dodge rolls
  • Added character traits: "Big Eater", "Fast Healer", "Fragile", "Good Dodger"
  • Creature attributes, which slightly adjust their stats and is chosen at random by default
  • crew_data.json data file, which defines the crew used when creating a new game
  • It is now possible to create backgrounds with a parallax effect in backgrounds.json


  • Save format version 3.0, making it incompatible with previous save files
  • Updated readme.txt
  • Expanded shopkeeper definition to allow setting a custom price
  • Shops can now have a limited quantity of items in stock,
    and the village store has been updated accordingly
  • Updated outdoor background textures, and added a parallax effect to these
  • Changed the format of the "backgrounds.json" data file
  • Non-controlled crew members now use held medkits on their own when in low health
  • Crew members now object to selling fuel cans that are needed to refuel the ship
  • Wounded character portrait in dialogue
  • Health value can be specified for placed creatures when creating locations
  • Initial aggressiveness can be specified for individual creatures when creating locations
  • Edits to the eyesaur forest location
  • Tweaked how attacker agility was factored into dodge rolls
  • Three or more alive creatures are no longer allowed to stand on the same space


21 May 19:23
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  • Main Menu
  • Loot symbol for location definitions which spawns an item from a builtin loot table
  • Builtin loot tables "regular" and "valuable"
  • "check " command, which gives information on an item
  • "go to ship" command
  • "tell _ to wait at ship" command
  • New alternative for fortuna encounter
  • Very basic texture loading screen


  • Save format version 2.1
  • The displayed name of dead creatures is now prefixed as "Corpse of ..."
  • Non-crew creatures now remain as corpses when they die
  • All creatures now have a wounded texture variant
  • Locations now use random loot
  • Other minor adjustments to locations
  • Reduced value of blowtorches
  • Tweaked some command parsing error messages
  • Encountering a foe now comes with a message and the foe turning to face the character
  • Certain creatures will now not start attacking immediately
  • Aftik colors are no longer hardcoded, and their color values are now defined in "aftik_colors.json"
  • Some locations now have multiple possible landing spots
  • Texture loading errors are now displayed in the game window
  • All command suggestions except for "buy" now show up when clicking anywhere in the store


  • Reassign symbols on conflict between labels in the textual version of the game


05 Oct 16:59
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  • Food ration item
  • Crew members remain as corpses after dying
  • Ship controls object, which is the target of the "launch ship" command
  • "refuel ship" command
  • Command suggestions on click for location choice
  • Command suggestions on click for "give", "wield", "sell" and "sell all"
  • Defined prices for more items types, allowing more items as stock in stores or to be sold to stores


  • Save format version 2.0, making it incompatible with previous save files
  • "use fuel can" is now equivalent to "refuel ship" instead of "launch ship"
  • Reduced healing when moving from one location to the next
  • Healing between locations now requires a food ration
  • Updated items in all locations to add some food availability
  • Increase the price of swords
  • Background types are no longer hardcoded, making it possible to introduce new types with just the background data file and location files
  • Object textures are now loaded lazily instead of all at once
  • The cut variant for doors is now handled through texture layers in the same texture data file instead of with separate texture data files


  • Clamp tooltip position so that tooltips does not extend outside the right edge of the game window


09 Sep 10:58
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  • Added dialogue alongside the actions to "recruit _", "trade" and "give _ _"
  • Added "talk to _" command
  • Added "tell _ to wait" and "tell _ to follow" commands for controlling when other crew members follow along
  • Background json data has been extended with data on the background used during dialogue
  • Other crew members can help force doors open if they have the right tool for it
  • Warning message when close to leaving without all crew members on board the ship
  • Add message for when crew members are actually left behind
  • Aftik and portrait texture update
  • Save data format is now 1.1


31 Aug 20:22
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  • Added Scarvies and Voracious frogs
  • Tweaks to existing locations
  • A more proper store view that also has command suggestions for stock items
  • Some outdoor background improvements, creature texture size tweaks and an item texture tweak
  • The controlled character should now always be drawn over other characters
  • Some frames are now combined, such as with the "take all" command
  • Added location symbol data variants and a base symbol palette data file
  • Texture data files for regular textures and a data file for background info
  • New flag "--new-game" for the binary
  • Save format version 1.0, dropping compatibility with older save files


23 Aug 16:53
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  • Save file that is loaded or save automatically when the application opens or closes
  • "--disable-autosave" flag for the binary
  • Command suggestions on click
  • Draw tooltip on top of text box
  • Adjusted text box and name tooltip margins
  • Ending screens now drawn as blank screens
  • Tweak some edge cases of the attack action/command
  • Capture frame for failed actions
  • Updated readme.txt


14 Aug 12:58
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  • Adds location with the fortuna chest, which is reached as the fourth and last location.
  • New win condition with new command open fortuna chest.
  • Extended the format of locations.json.
  • Adds game introduction message.
  • Adds status messages relating to stamina.
  • A few other message tweaks.
  • Texture variant for the shack with a cut door.
  • Slightly adjusted behavior when waiting for a crew member to wield an item.


09 Aug 19:49
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  • The rest command may now consider the other crew member too
  • Tweaked message when a creature blocks the path of an action
  • Doors cut with a blowtorch get a different texture
  • Arrow icons for when the camera can be moved
  • Minor adjustments to some textures
  • Minor improvements to input field focus


07 Aug 11:43
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  • Render wielded items
  • More preliminary checks for cancelling a player command without triggering a turn
  • If the other crew member gets a new weapon to wield, the game will wait for them to wield it