New symbol types "aftik_corpse" and "inanimate" for creating locations
Luck stat, which currently influences hit/dodge rolls
Added character traits: "Big Eater", "Fast Healer", "Fragile", "Good Dodger"
Creature attributes, which slightly adjust their stats and is chosen at random by default
data file, which defines the crew used when creating a new game
It is now possible to create backgrounds with a parallax effect in backgrounds.json
Save format version 3.0, making it incompatible with previous save files
Updated readme.txt
Expanded shopkeeper definition to allow setting a custom price
Shops can now have a limited quantity of items in stock,
and the village store has been updated accordingly
Updated outdoor background textures, and added a parallax effect to these
Changed the format of the "backgrounds.json" data file
Non-controlled crew members now use held medkits on their own when in low health
Crew members now object to selling fuel cans that are needed to refuel the ship
Wounded character portrait in dialogue
Health value can be specified for placed creatures when creating locations
Initial aggressiveness can be specified for individual creatures when creating locations
Edits to the eyesaur forest location
Tweaked how attacker agility was factored into dodge rolls
Three or more alive creatures are no longer allowed to stand on the same space
You can’t perform that action at this time.