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looselytyped edited this page Jan 6, 2011 · 1 revision

How to use a servlet filter

You can use servlet filters in your rails-in-a-war-file applications. This page shows you how to use Yale's CAS-filter but you should be able to use other filters as well.

1. Add the necessary dependencies in config/war.rb

      maven_library 'cas', 'casclient', '2.1.1'
      maven_library 'commons-logging', 'commons-logging', '1.1'

2. Add your filter configuration to the web.xml template in vendor/plugins/war/lib/create_war.rb (the web.xml file is regenerated from this template each time you create the war-file). The xml is embedded in the ruby code, search for "def create_webxml".

        <filter-name>CAS Filter</filter-name>
          <param-value>your server name and port (e.g.,</param-value>
        <filter-name>CAS Filter</filter-name>

3. If you're CAS server use a certificate that has not been signed by a root-ca you need to make the certificate available to your application server. If you use Tomcat you can do this by getting the certificate into a keystore and startup tomcat like this

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