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john_brock edited this page Jan 6, 2011 · 1 revision


AOT compilation of Ruby on Rails controllers and models can be useful for protecting/hiding/obfuscating/obscuring your Ruby on Rails source code when you develop applications not hosted by you. (Naturally this is not a secure solution for protecting source code.)

JRuby 1.1 is required.


  • Compile your controller/model using jrubyc
$jrubyc your_controller.rb
  • Choose one of the following three ways:
1. Two files, different file prefixes
  • Rename your compiled file to e.g. your_controller_compiled.class and place it in the same directory as your Ruby controller/model
$mv ruby/your_controller.class ./your_controller_compiled.class
  • Replace the content of your original Ruby controller/model (e.g. your_controller.rb) with a reference to your newly compiled file
require 'your_controller_compiled'
2. Two files, same file prefix (does this work by luck, or are .class files prioritized?)
  • Move your compiled file to the same directory as your Ruby controller/model
$mv ruby/your_controller.class ./
  • Replace the content of your original Ruby controller/model (e.g. your_controller.rb) with a reference to your newly compiled file
require 'your_controller'
3. Replace your .rb file with your .class file
$mv ruby/your_controller.class ./your_controller.rb
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