Encodings for the robot-scheduling paper
- The Juggling robots problem consists of:
- a set of pickup and putdown tasks
- a set of robots
- an assignment of robots to tasks in some order
- a directed graph of nodes
- a route through the graph and conflict free schedule that satisfies the assigned tasks in the correct order
The fact format for the encoding (which should remain consistent with the format used for the paper).
Fact Format (Graph and Tasks) | Description |
edge(V,V',Weight) |
Warehouse graph (unidirected) edges between vertices |
robot(R) |
R is a robot |
home(R,V) |
The docking home for R - always plan to return here |
start(R,V) |
The start location for R - different to home for replanning |
conflict(v,V,V') |
Vertex conflict between V and V' |
conflict(e,(V1,V1'),(V2,V2')) |
Edge conflict between (V1,V1') and (V2,V2') |
task(T,V) |
Task T has an action to be executed at V (eg. pickup action) |
depends(wait,T,T') |
Action for T' cannot be executed until T has been executed |
depends(deliver,T,T') |
T is a pickup action and T' the corresponding putdown action |
A rough starting structure:
File/Directory | Description |
sourceme.sh |
Setup the paths for the scripts |
encodings/ |
Directory for different encodings |
instances/ |
Some randomly generated problem instances |
tests/ |
Tests for debugging the encodings |
scripts/ |
Bash scripts |
and clingo-dl
need to be installed:
conda install -c potassco clingo clingo-dl
For testing the encoding install networkx
conda install networkx
conda install -c potassco clorm
- There are two Difference Logic (DL) based encodings: walk encoding and path encoding.
- The two encodings are the same in how they assign tasks to robots and the sequence in which the tasks are executed.
- However, they vary in how they assign the movements of the robots:
- The walk encoding is the most general and intuitive, and matches closely to
the formalization:
- Each robot is assigned a sequence of moves that traverses the graph from its starting location and must end at its home location.
- The sequence of moves is a walk through the graph, since it can visit any given vertex multiple times.
- A given robot's walk must visit the appropriate task's vertex in the correct order.
- A walk encoding requires the specification of a step horizon, which is the maximum number of steps allowed for any one robot.
- In contrast to the walk encoding, the path encoding adds an abstraction layer
by constructing the moves of a robot in terms of a set of distinct paths:
- Each task is associated with a path; and there is also a return home path for each robot.
- A path traverses the graph from a source to a destination vertex but a single path can visit a given vertex only once.
- Moves are chosen at the path level; with the additional requirements to ensure that the sequence of paths assigned to a given robot must match up.
- The path encoding does not require the specification of a horizon.
- There are two additional things to note:
- The robot/path move choices are independent of timing. The move assignment is handled in ASP while the the timing of when a robot arrives and leaves a vertex is handled by the DL constraints. This dramatically reduces the state space for both the walk and path encodings.
- Every path encoding solutions can be mapped to a walk encoding solution (with an appropriate step horizon). The opposite does not hold, so the walk encoding is strictly more general than the path encoding. This can be realised simply by the fact that in the walk encoding a robot can visit a vertex any number of times, whereas for the path encoding a robot can visit a vertex only once as part of any given path.
There are some additional rules that can be added to the encoding that can potentially improve performance.
Task sequence acyclicity. This variant applies to both the walk and path encodings. The pure ASP code to assign tasks to robots and to construct a sequence of tasks for a given robot can generate some invalid task sequences. In particular, there can be cyclic task sequences. Only when it is combined with the DL timing constraints that these invalid sequences are removed. To acheive a pure ASP correct assignment requires ensuring that the task sequences are acyclic. This variant uses Clingo's special support for cycle detection.
- We consider two variants for generating the task sequences:
- The default is to use a single choice rule to connect any two tasks in the sequence.
- A second variant uses two choice rules to connect task sequences; by chosing who to connect to and who to connect from. While technically redundant this second rule can potentially improve performance (especially as the number of tasks increase). Note: more experiments required.
- There are some enhancements that can take advantage of pre-computed shortest path information for the graph.
- The rationale is that a graph corresponds to a given warehouse and so this graph will rarely change. Therefore pre-computing shortest path information for the graph is a one-off cost that can be computed off-line.
- For the sake of our testing framework we run the shortest path calculation on each problem instance (which includes both the graph and tasks) to generate the supplementary shortest path information for that instance.
The path encoding allows for a number of additional rules to provide improved performance. These improvements are based on using the shortest path data for each instance.
Corridor limted moves. By default the moves of any given path can range over any vertex in the graph; provided it ends at the appropriate vertex. The corridor concept restricts the allowable moves associated with a path to a more restricted set of vertices based around the shortest path from the source to the destination vertex.
Lower bounds. Using the shortest path information it is possible to determine a realistic lower bounds for the shortest time it could possibly take for a robot to arrive at a path destination from a given source. This can help general solving; but is particularly important if we want to calculate the minimum makespan.
Move domain heuristic. Domain heuristics allow for domain information to be injected into Clingo's heuristic search algorithm. The move heuristic guides the move choices to those are likely to be both correct and good. In particular moves along the shortest paths are preferred over longer routes.
In order to provide bounded behaviour some rules can be added to enforce a strict time limit on the time between the pickup of an item and the putdown of its replacement empty pallet.
This enhancement works best on a structured environment (rather than randomly generated data) to determine what are reasonable bounds.
There are a number of different solving options. But the high-performance options rely on pre-computed shortest path information.
To generate a shortest path instance:
shortest_path.py <input-instance> > <output-instance>
For example:
shortest_path.py tests/instances/instance1.lp > tmp.lp
The directory
contains randomly generated instances without shortest-path data and the matching shortest path versions ininstances/sp
The walk encoding closely follows the formalisation
You need to specify a maximum horizon
solve_walk.sh -m <max_horizon> <instance-name>
For example:
cd tests/instances ; solve_walk.sh -m 20 instance1.lp -r
For options:
solve_walk.sh -h
solve_full.sh <instance-name>
For options:
solve_full.sh -h
In particular to run a high-performance variant:
solve_full.sh -v tsa_corr_lb_mh instances/sp/20x4_15_1_75_100_2_6_3_replenish_many_edges.lp
Tracks only the arrival times of a robot at a node.
solve_fast.sh <instance-name>
For options and an explanation of the different variants:
solve_fast.sh -h
In particular to run a high-performance variant:
solve_fast.sh -v t1_corr2_lb2_mh1 instances/sp/20x4_15_1_75_100_2_6_3_replenish_many_edges.lp