This repo contains simple reference implementation of common C++ (using C++11) data structures and basic searching/sorting algorithms I did on my own free time and decided to upload here. It is not intended to replace or be faster than anything, just to serve as a helper on common implementations.
I tried to limit inclusion of additional header files to a minimum, e.g., only including cstddef and type_traits for basic type support, etc. Any STL headers included are required only for testing the algorithms and/or for providing some debug functionality. One obvious limitation is the absence of any move constructor/assignment functionality that I might add at a later time.
To use a file in your own code you need to include the associated header (.h) and inline (.inl) file. Exceptions are some containers, i.e., Array, Vector, Stack, PriorityQueue, that require the base classes (listed below) as well.
Base classes:
Name | Files | Description |
Iterators | Iterators.h | Base/Input/Output/Forward/Bidirectional/Random access iterator |
Allocators | Allocators.h | Basic allocator functionality |
Available data structures:
Name | Header File | Implementation File |
Array | Array.h | Array.inl |
Vector | Vector.h | Vector.inl |
Queue | Queue.h | Queue.inl |
Stack | Stack.h | Stack.inl |
Linked List | LinkedList.h | LinkedList.inl |
Double Linked List | DoubleLinkedList.h | DoubleLinkedList.inl |
Binary Tree | BinaryTree.h | BinaryTree.inl |
Binary Search Tree | BinarySearchTree.h | BinarySearchTree.inl |
Priority Queue | PriorityQueue.h | PriorityQueue.inl |
Available searching/sorting algorithms (all in a single file):
Name | Files |
Linear search | Sorting.h |
Binary search | Sorting.h |
Selection sort | Sorting.h |
Insertion sort | Sorting.h |
Bubble sort | Sorting.h |
Merge sort | Sorting.h |
Quick sort | Sorting.h |
mkdir build
cd build
# Windows (VS 2017)
cmake -G "Visual Studio 15 2017 Win64" ..
# MinGW 7.3
# GCC 7.3
cmake -G "Unix Makefiles" -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ..
make -j<number of jobs>
make test
Example output:
$ make test
Running tests...
Test project C:/data_structures/build
Start 1: allocators
1/12 Test #1: allocators ....................... Passed 0.01 sec
Start 2: iterators
2/12 Test #2: iterators ........................ Passed 0.01 sec
Start 3: array
3/12 Test #3: array ............................ Passed 0.01 sec
Start 4: vector
4/12 Test #4: vector ........................... Passed 0.01 sec
Start 5: stack
5/12 Test #5: stack ............................ Passed 0.01 sec
Start 6: queue
6/12 Test #6: queue ............................ Passed 0.01 sec
Start 7: linkedlist
7/12 Test #7: linkedlist ....................... Passed 0.01 sec
Start 8: doublelinkedlist
8/12 Test #8: doublelinkedlist ................. Passed 0.02 sec
Start 9: binarytree
9/12 Test #9: binarytree ....................... Passed 0.01 sec
Start 10: binarysearchtree
10/12 Test #10: binarysearchtree ................. Passed 0.01 sec
Start 11: priorityqueue
11/12 Test #11: priorityqueue .................... Passed 0.01 sec
Start 12: sorting
12/12 Test #12: sorting .......................... Passed 0.34 sec
100% tests passed, 0 tests failed out of 12
Total Test time (real) = 0.50 sec
A Doxygen file, called Doxyfile is included in the root folder. The generated .html files are available in the Docs folder.