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leviroth committed Nov 11, 2024
1 parent 0aa5112 commit b7abe32
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Showing 61 changed files with 1,887 additions and 1,929 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion .ocamlformat
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
version = 0.21.0
version = 0.26.2
profile = janestreet
ocp-indent-compat = true
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions reddit_api_async/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ module Make (Hashable : Hashtbl.Key_plain) = struct
| false ->
Hash_queue.enqueue_back_exn hash_queue value ();
(match Hash_queue.length hash_queue > capacity with
| false -> ()
| true -> Hash_queue.drop hash_queue `front)
| false -> ()
| true -> Hash_queue.drop hash_queue `front)
212 changes: 106 additions & 106 deletions reddit_api_async/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -154,12 +154,12 @@ let live_cohttp_client library_client_user_agent : (module Cohttp_client_wrapper

let get uri ~headers =
Monitor.try_with (fun () ->
Cohttp_async.Client.get uri ~headers:(add_user_agent headers))
Cohttp_async.Client.get uri ~headers:(add_user_agent headers))

let post_form uri ~headers ~params =
Monitor.try_with (fun () ->
Cohttp_async.Client.post_form uri ~headers:(add_user_agent headers) ~params)
Cohttp_async.Client.post_form uri ~headers:(add_user_agent headers) ~params)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -200,9 +200,9 @@ module Local = struct

let get_token
(module Cohttp_client_wrapper : Cohttp_client_wrapper)
(module Cohttp_client_wrapper : Cohttp_client_wrapper)
let open Deferred.Result.Let_syntax in
Expand All @@ -227,23 +227,23 @@ module Local = struct
{ response; body = Cohttp.Body.of_string body_string })
| `OK ->
(match Jsonaf.parse body_string with
| Error error ->
{ error; response; body = Cohttp.Body.of_string body_string })
| Ok response_json ->
let token =
Jsonaf.member_exn "access_token" response_json |> Jsonaf.string_exn
let expiration =
let additional_seconds =
Jsonaf.member_exn "expires_in" response_json
|> Jsonaf.float_exn
|> Time_ns.Span.of_sec
Time_ns.add ( time_source) additional_seconds
Ok { token; expiration })
| Error error ->
{ error; response; body = Cohttp.Body.of_string body_string })
| Ok response_json ->
let token =
Jsonaf.member_exn "access_token" response_json |> Jsonaf.string_exn
let expiration =
let additional_seconds =
Jsonaf.member_exn "expires_in" response_json
|> Jsonaf.float_exn
|> Time_ns.Span.of_sec
Time_ns.add ( time_source) additional_seconds
Ok { token; expiration })
| _ ->
(Other_http_error { response; body = Cohttp.Body.of_string body_string })
Expand All @@ -266,8 +266,8 @@ module Local = struct
| No_outstanding_request None -> get_token ()
| No_outstanding_request (Some access_token) ->
(match Access_token.is_almost_expired access_token ~time_source with
| false -> return (Ok access_token)
| true -> get_token ())
| false -> return (Ok access_token)
| true -> get_token ())
match result with
| Error _ as error -> return error
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -303,53 +303,53 @@ module Local = struct

let repeat_until_finished_with_result
(state : 'state)
(f : 'state -> ([ `Repeat of 'state | `Finished of 'ok ], 'error) Deferred.Result.t)
: ('ok, 'error) Deferred.Result.t
(state : 'state)
(f : 'state -> ([ `Repeat of 'state | `Finished of 'ok ], 'error) Deferred.Result.t)
: ('ok, 'error) Deferred.Result.t
Deferred.repeat_until_finished state (fun state ->
match%bind f state with
| Ok (`Repeat state) -> return (`Repeat state)
| Ok (`Finished result) -> return (`Finished (Ok result))
| Error result -> return (`Finished (Error result)))
match%bind f state with
| Ok (`Repeat state) -> return (`Repeat state)
| Ok (`Finished result) -> return (`Finished (Ok result))
| Error result -> return (`Finished (Error result)))

let handle_request
{ auth; rate_limiter; cohttp_client_wrapper; time_source; sequencer_table }
{ auth; rate_limiter; cohttp_client_wrapper; time_source; sequencer_table }
let run () =
repeat_until_finished_with_result () (fun () ->
let open Deferred.Result.Let_syntax in
let%bind headers =
|> Deferred.Result.map_error ~f:(fun error ->
Error.Access_token_request_error error)
let%bind () = Deferred.ok (Rate_limiter.permit_request rate_limiter) in
let%bind ((response, _body) as result) = f headers in
let authorization_failed =
match Cohttp.Response.status response with
| `Unauthorized ->
Cohttp.Header.get (Cohttp.Response.headers response) "www-authenticate"
| Some "Bearer realm=\"reddit\", error=\"invalid_token\"" -> true
| Some _ | None -> false)
| _ -> false
Rate_limiter.notify_response rate_limiter response;
match authorization_failed with
| false -> return (`Finished result)
| true ->
auth.access_token <- No_outstanding_request None;
return (`Repeat ()))
let open Deferred.Result.Let_syntax in
let%bind headers =
|> Deferred.Result.map_error ~f:(fun error ->
Error.Access_token_request_error error)
let%bind () = Deferred.ok (Rate_limiter.permit_request rate_limiter) in
let%bind ((response, _body) as result) = f headers in
let authorization_failed =
match Cohttp.Response.status response with
| `Unauthorized ->
Cohttp.Header.get (Cohttp.Response.headers response) "www-authenticate"
| Some "Bearer realm=\"reddit\", error=\"invalid_token\"" -> true
| Some _ | None -> false)
| _ -> false
Rate_limiter.notify_response rate_limiter response;
match authorization_failed with
| false -> return (`Finished result)
| true ->
auth.access_token <- No_outstanding_request None;
return (`Repeat ()))
match sequence with
| None -> run ()
Expand All @@ -361,16 +361,16 @@ module Local = struct
let (module Cohttp_client_wrapper) = t.cohttp_client_wrapper in
let headers = Cohttp.Header.init () in
handle_request ?sequence t ~headers ~f:(fun headers ->
Cohttp_client_wrapper.post_form ~headers ~params uri
|> Deferred.Result.map_error ~f:(fun exn -> Error.Endpoint_error exn))
Cohttp_client_wrapper.post_form ~headers ~params uri
|> Deferred.Result.map_error ~f:(fun exn -> Error.Endpoint_error exn))

let get ?sequence t uri =
let (module Cohttp_client_wrapper) = t.cohttp_client_wrapper in
let headers = Cohttp.Header.init () in
handle_request ?sequence t ~headers ~f:(fun headers ->
Cohttp_client_wrapper.get ~headers uri
|> Deferred.Result.map_error ~f:(fun exn -> Error.Endpoint_error exn))
Cohttp_client_wrapper.get ~headers uri
|> Deferred.Result.map_error ~f:(fun exn -> Error.Endpoint_error exn))

let set_access_token t ~token ~expiration =
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -578,12 +578,12 @@ module Remote = struct

let get =
Rpc.Rpc.implement Protocol.get (fun t (sequence, uri) ->
get_body (get ?sequence t uri))
get_body (get ?sequence t uri))

let post_form =
Rpc.Rpc.implement Protocol.post_form (fun t (sequence, uri, params) ->
get_body (post_form ?sequence t uri ~params))
get_body (post_form ?sequence t uri ~params))

let implementations =
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -630,12 +630,12 @@ module For_testing = struct

let filter_string t string =
Hashtbl.fold t ~init:string ~f:(fun ~key:placeholder ~data:secret string ->
String.substr_replace_all string ~pattern:secret ~with_:placeholder)
String.substr_replace_all string ~pattern:secret ~with_:placeholder)

let insert_dummy_strings t string =
Hashtbl.fold t ~init:string ~f:(fun ~key:placeholder ~data:secret string ->
String.substr_replace_all string ~pattern:placeholder ~with_:secret)
String.substr_replace_all string ~pattern:placeholder ~with_:secret)

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -743,19 +743,19 @@ module For_testing = struct
let seal () =
printf "Please move the following to test/%s\n\n" filename;
Queue.iter queue ~f:(fun interaction ->
(match is_access_token_interaction interaction with
| false -> ()
| true ->
let _, body = interaction.response in
let json = Jsonaf.of_string body in
(match Jsonaf.member "access_token" json with
(match is_access_token_interaction interaction with
| false -> ()
| true ->
let _, body = interaction.response in
let json = Jsonaf.of_string body in
(match Jsonaf.member "access_token" json with
| None -> ()
| Some json ->
let token = Jsonaf.string_exn json in
Placeholders.add placeholders ~secret:token ~placeholder:"access_token")); interaction ~f:(Placeholders.filter_string placeholders)
|> Interaction.sexp_of_t
|> Sexp.output_mach Out_channel.stdout); interaction ~f:(Placeholders.filter_string placeholders)
|> Interaction.sexp_of_t
|> Sexp.output_mach Out_channel.stdout);
printf "\n\nPlease move the above to test/%s" filename

Expand All @@ -767,9 +767,9 @@ module For_testing = struct
(module struct
let queue : Interaction.t Queue.t =
In_channel.with_file filename ~f:(fun in_channel ->
Sexp.input_sexps in_channel
|> ~f:Interaction.t_of_sexp
|> Queue.of_list)
Sexp.input_sexps in_channel
|> ~f:Interaction.t_of_sexp
|> Queue.of_list)

let dequeue_response () =
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -802,8 +802,8 @@ module For_testing = struct
| Post_form _ -> fail ()
| Get request ->
(match Uri.equal uri request.uri && headers_equal headers request.headers with
| false -> fail ()
| true -> return (Ok response))
| false -> fail ()
| true -> return (Ok response))

let post_form uri ~headers ~params =
Expand All @@ -825,8 +825,8 @@ module For_testing = struct
&& headers_equal headers request.headers
&& [%equal: (string * string list) list] params request.params
| false -> fail ()
| true -> return (Ok response))
| false -> fail ()
| true -> return (Ok response))

let seal () = assert (Queue.is_empty queue)
Expand All @@ -841,25 +841,25 @@ module For_testing = struct
let with_t filename ~credentials ~f =
let placeholders = Placeholders.create () in
(match (credentials : Credentials.t) with
| Password { client_id; client_secret; username; password } ->
Placeholders.add placeholders ~secret:client_id ~placeholder:"client_id";
Placeholders.add placeholders ~secret:client_secret ~placeholder:"client_secret";
Placeholders.add placeholders ~secret:password ~placeholder:"password";
Placeholders.add placeholders ~secret:username ~placeholder:"username"
| Refresh_token { client_id; client_secret; refresh_token } ->
Placeholders.add placeholders ~secret:client_id ~placeholder:"client_id";
Option.iter client_secret ~f:(fun secret ->
Placeholders.add placeholders ~secret ~placeholder:"client_secret");
Placeholders.add placeholders ~secret:refresh_token ~placeholder:"refresh_token"
| Userless_confidential { client_id; client_secret } ->
Placeholders.add placeholders ~secret:client_id ~placeholder:"client_id";
Placeholders.add placeholders ~secret:client_secret ~placeholder:"client_secret"
| Userless_public ({ client_id; device_id = _ } as public_credentials) ->
Placeholders.add placeholders ~secret:client_id ~placeholder:"client_id";
~secret:(Credentials.Userless_public.device_id_or_default public_credentials)
| Password { client_id; client_secret; username; password } ->
Placeholders.add placeholders ~secret:client_id ~placeholder:"client_id";
Placeholders.add placeholders ~secret:client_secret ~placeholder:"client_secret";
Placeholders.add placeholders ~secret:password ~placeholder:"password";
Placeholders.add placeholders ~secret:username ~placeholder:"username"
| Refresh_token { client_id; client_secret; refresh_token } ->
Placeholders.add placeholders ~secret:client_id ~placeholder:"client_id";
Option.iter client_secret ~f:(fun secret ->
Placeholders.add placeholders ~secret ~placeholder:"client_secret");
Placeholders.add placeholders ~secret:refresh_token ~placeholder:"refresh_token"
| Userless_confidential { client_id; client_secret } ->
Placeholders.add placeholders ~secret:client_id ~placeholder:"client_id";
Placeholders.add placeholders ~secret:client_secret ~placeholder:"client_secret"
| Userless_public ({ client_id; device_id = _ } as public_credentials) ->
Placeholders.add placeholders ~secret:client_id ~placeholder:"client_id";
~secret:(Credentials.Userless_public.device_id_or_default public_credentials)
~secret:(Credentials.basic_auth_string credentials)
Expand Down

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