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Cälum edited this page Jan 2, 2020 · 24 revisions

SimAirport Modding Wiki

Welcome to the new wiki! The wiki has been completely refurbished and easier to browse.

Currently there are 11 pages on the wiki.

If you have an improvement to the wiki, ping either @Joscha999#8860 or @Cal#3432 on the discord hub.

Want to start modding, check the basics of modding page.

If you want to start script modding after you have learned object mods and other types of mods, check out the scripting page.

We are looking for an example mod that has:

  • ✔️ Terrain Tools

  • ✔️ Materials

  • ✔️ Placeables

  • ✔️ High Quality Textures

If you are kind enough to make a example mod with all four types, it would be much appreciated, put an issue up with the mod as an attachment to the issue if you would like to give an example mod.

Additional Help

If you know something that will help other modders or just in general will help, put an issue up, and we will add it here.

SimAirport Modding Tool (SAMT):

SAMT is a small modding tool that quickly sets your folders and files up ready to configure. It runs on windows only, sadly.

Sent in by Cal3432


SimAirport Custom Airline Guide:

This small guide on steam shows you how to create custom airlines with custom artwork.

Sent in by ModAir1000

Link to guide:

SimAirport Script Mod Template:

A script mod template for visual studio 2019, install at Documents\Visual Studio 2019\Templates\ProjectTemplates

Sent in by Cal3432

Link to download: