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modair edited this page Aug 26, 2021 · 22 revisions

Welcome to the simcasino-modding wiki!

(in work at moment)

101 of creating a custom item

Check out how to create a custom item:

We have 2 mod editors in game , a easy IN-GAME EDITOR
and a more complex MAIN EDITOR
You will find the editors in the Sim Casino game, the In-game editor you find at your floors/walls/pictures , there is a + , with that you start the in-game editor , the main editor you can find in the Sim Casino main menu , under Mods , click on that „New Mod“ and then the editor starts. For more details just check out the sidebar (on the right side) , there are guides for both editors , for each mod type .

The In-Game editor is perfect for beginners , or for Players that want to add just a Floor/Wall/Picture to there games. But you can not do Mod packs and also no screen Video , TV Stations , or games for slotmaschines The Main Editor is more difficult , but there you can do all things , Pictures , Walls , Floors , Screen videos , TV Stations , Games for slotmaschines and also mod packs

The Upload to workshop you also find in the editors All other things you find on the right side , just check it out 😊

And start your modding adventure - Welcome to the Sim Casino modding community

PS: You also need a graphic programm for creating your Picture , Wall , Floor … etc textures ( / Gimp / Photoshop etc)

Guide: Creating a custom item

Guide: Publish a custom item


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