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Tutorial : How to install Arduino Designer ?

Mélanie Bats edited this page Feb 18, 2015 · 23 revisions

This tutorial describes how to setup the Arduino Designer.

Install the Arduino IDE

First step is to download and install the Arduino IDE. Download the zip according to your operating system.

Pay attention in order that Arduino Designer works on Windows please install the older version 1.0.5 of the Arduino IDE.

Then extract the zip file in order that there is no space in the path (C:\Arduino or /home/melanie/Arduino).

And launch the arduino executable : Arduino IDE Executable

If the Arduino IDE is well installed, you will see :

Arduino IDE

Close the Arduino IDE.

Install the Arduino Designer

Next step is to download the Arduino Designer.

Extract the zip. Pay attention that there is no space in the path (C:\ArduinoDesigner or /home/melanie/ArduinoDesigner). And run the arduinodesigner executable to start it. Arduino Designer Executable

The UI of the Arduino Designer defines no menu, just one toolbar with 4 different buttons to : manage the project, define the hardware modules used and to define the software that would be uploaded on the hardware platform.

In Arduino Designer, you will have to set the path of the Arduino IDE.

Go to the Preferences :


Set the path to the Arduino IDE folder which contains the arduino executable: Preferences dialog

And define also the Arduino serial port. Common values are:

  • Windows: COM3
  • Linux: /dev/ttyACM0 or /dev/ttyACM1
  • Mac: /dev/tty.usbmodem621

See also the Arduino FAQ for more details on how to find which serial port should be used.