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VTS Browser Renderer API

David Levinsky edited this page May 3, 2017 · 5 revisions

VTS Browser Renderer API

This module provides methods for rendering.

Renderer State Methods

Method Returns Description
clear(<ClearOptions> options) this Clears the renderer.
createState(<StateOptions> options) RenderState Creates a renderer state.
setState(<RenderState> state) this Sets a renderer state.

Clear Options

Option Type Default Description
clearColor bool true Sets whether the screen color buffer will be cleared.
clearDepth bool true Sets whether the screen depth buffer will be cleared.
color RGBA [255,255,255,255] Sets the color to which the color buffer will be cleared.
depth Number 1.0 Sets he depth to which the depth buffer will be cleared.

State Options

Option Type Default Description
blend bool false Sets whether the rendered primitives will be blended. Read more about the blending operation below.
stencil bool false Sets whether the rendered primitives will write and test the stencil buffer. Read more about the stencil operation below.
zoffset Number 0 Sets whether the rendered primitives will be have a depth offset.
zwrite bool true Sets whether the rendered primitives will write to the depth buffer.
ztest bool true Sets whether the rendered primitives will test the depth buffer.
zequal bool true Sets the depth buffer test. If true the test is "less or equal". If false the test is "less only".
culling bool true Sets whether the rendered polygons will be face culled.

Todo: definition of blend and stencil operation.

Resource Creation Methods

Method Returns Description
createTexture(<CreateTextureOptions> options) GpuTexture Creates a texture.
createMesh(<CreateMeshOptions> options) GpuMesh Creates a mesh.
createShader(<CreateShaderOptions> options) GpuShader Creates a shader.

Create Texture Options

Option Type Default Description
source Image/Uint8Array null Sets data source from which the texture will be created
width Number null Width of the texture. Used only when the texture is generated from a Uint8Array
height Number null Width of the texture. Used only when the texture is generated from a Uint8Array
filter String "linear" Texture filtering used for rendering. Posible values are: "nearest", "linear", "trilinear".
repeat Bool false Set whether the texture will be repeated.

Create Mesh Options

Option Type Default Description
vertices Float32Array null Sets polygon vertices.
vertexSize Number 3 Sets size of the vertex vector.
uvs Float32Array null Sets polygon uv vertices.
uvSize Number 2 Sets the size of the uv vector.

Create Shader Options

Option Type Default Description
vertexShader string null Sets vertex shader code.
fragmentShader string null Sets fragment shader code.

Resource Removal Methods

Method Returns Description
removeResource(object resource) null Destroys resources. Resource data will be removed from memory. Supported resources are: Texture, Mesh, Shader.

Render Jobs Methods

Method Returns Description
addJob(<AddJobOptions> options) this Adds a render job.
clearJobs() this Clears render jobs.

Add Job Options


Rendering Methods

Method Returns Description
drawMesh(<DrawMeshOptions> options) this Draws a Mesh.
drawImage(<DrawImageOptions> options) this Draws a 2D Image in screen space.
drawBillboard(<DrawBillboardOptions> options) this Draws a 3D Billboard.
drawLinestring(<DrawLinestringOptions> options) this Draws a Linestring in screen space.
drawJobs(<DrawJobsOptions> options) this Draws Jobs.

Draw Mesh Options

Option Type Default Description
mesh GPUMesh null Sets a mesh to be rendered.
texture GPUTexture null Sets a texture.
shader GPUShader/String "textured" Sets a shader. There is a set of named built in shaders. Supported built in shaders are: "textured", "shaded", "textured-and-shaded", "hit".
shaderAttributes Object null All object properties and values will be applied to the shader as attributes. The attributes have the following form: "attribute" : "nameInShader". Supported attributes are "vertex", "uv", "normal".
shaderVariables Object null All object properties and values will be applied to the shader as variables. The variables have the following form: "name" : ["variableType", value]. Supported variable types are: "floatArray", "float", "mat4", "vec2", "vec3", "vec4", "sampler".

Build in Shaders

name Description
textured Textured mesh without lighting. Supported variables are: "uMV" - model view matrix(mat4).
shaded Untextured mesh with lighting only.
textured-and-shaded Textured mesh with lighting.
hit Special shader used for meshes which can be detected by the getHitCoords method.

Supported variables for build in shaders are:

name type Description
uMV mat4 The model view matrix.
uProj mat4 The projection matrix.
uFogDensity float The fog factor. Zero value means no fog.
uMaterial mat4 The matrix defining material with the following form. [aR, aG, aB, 0, dR, dG, dB, 0, sR, sG, sB, 0, shininess, 0, 0, 0]. Where aR, aG, aB is ambient color, dR, dG, dB is diffuse color, sR, sG, sB is specular color. Range of values is from 0 to 255.

Draw Image Options

Option Type Default Description
rect Rect null Sets image area. Rect is defined as [left, top, width, height] in screen pixels.
texture GPUTexture null Sets the texture.
texrureRect Rect null [unimplemented] Sets texture area. Rect is defined as [left, top, width, height] in texture pixels. If this option is not defined the whole texture area will be rendered.
depth Number 0 Sets depth position of the image.
depthOffset DepthOffset null Sets depth buffer tolerance.
depthTest false null Sets whether the depth buffer will be tested.
writeDepth Bool false Sets whether depth will be written to the depth buffer.
blend Bool false Sets whether the billboard will be blended with background.
useState Bool false Sets whether the current state will be used for rendering. If state is used then options like "depthTest", "writeDepth", "blend" will be determined by the render state itself. Use of render state can speed up rendering of primitives which share the same render state.

Draw Billboard Options

Option Type Default Description
mvp Matrix null Sets the Model-View-Projection matrix.
texture GPUTexture null Sets the texture.
texrureRect Rect null [unsupported] Sets texture area. Rect is defined as [left, top, width, height] in texture pixels. If this option is not defined the whole texture area will be rendered.
depthOffset DepthOffset null Sets depth buffer tolerance.
depthTest false null Sets whether the depth buffer will be tested.
writeDepth Bool false Sets whether the depth will be written to the depth buffer.
blend Bool false Sets whether the billboard will be blended with background.
useState Bool false Sets whether the current state will be used for rendering. If state is used then options like "depthTest", "writeDepth", "blend" will be determined by the render state itself. Use of render state can speed up rendering of primitives which share same render state.

Draw Line String Options

Option Type Default Description
points Array of Point2D null Array of line points where point is defined as [left, top].
color RGBA [255,255,255,255] Color of the line.
size Number null Width of the line in pixels.
depthOffset DepthOffset null Sets depth buffer tolerance.
depthTest false null Sets whether the depth buffer will be tested
writeDepth Bool false Sets whether the depth will be written to the depth buffer.
blend Bool false Sets whether the line will be blended with background.
useState Bool false Sets whether the current state will be used for rendering. If state is used then options like "depthTest", "writeDepth", "blend" will be determined by the render state itself. Use of render state can speed up rendering of primitives which share same render state.

Canvas Methods

Method Returns Description
getCanvasCoords(<Coords> coords, <Matrix> mvp) Coords Returns the position of a 3D point in screen coordinates (pixels). Position of the 3D point has to be relative to the camera.
getCanvasSize() [width, height] Returns the size of the screen in pixels.

Definition of Coords

The coords is an array of the following values [Number x,Number y,Number z].

Definition of Matrix

The 4x4 row major matrix (array of 16 numbers).

Definition of DepthOffset

The array of 3 numbers representing [globalFactor, distanceFactor, tiltFactor]. Default value is [0,0,0]. When all three number are zeros then resulting depth is not affected. Negative values means that feature will be closer to camera. Positive values move feature farther from the camera.