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VTS Browser UI API

David Levinsky edited this page Apr 17, 2017 · 1 revision

VTS Browser UI API

This module provides methods for user interface.

General Methods

Method Returns Description
getControl(<String> id) Control Get UI control. The map browser has these built in controls: "compass", "scale", "zoom", "layers"
addControl(<String> id, <String> html, <Bool> visible) Control Creates a new UI control. Content of the control is defined by an HTML string.
removeControl(<String> id) null Removes a UI control.
getMapElement() Element Returns the element used for displaying the map. This element is usable for listening for events (mouse, touch, ...).

Control Methods

Method Returns Description
setVisible(<Bool> state) Control Set UI control visibility state.
getVisible() Bool Get UI control visibility state.
setHtml(<String> id, <String> html) Control Sets HTML content of the UI control.
getElement(<String> id) Element Get UI control element by HTML element id.

Element Methods

Method Returns Description
setStyle(<String> key, <String> value) Element Sets element style.
getStyle(<String> key) String Returns element style.
setClass(<String> name) Element Sets element class.
getClass() String Returns element class.
hasClass(<String> name) Bool Returns whether element has class.
addClass(<String> name) Element Adds a class to element classes.
removeClass(<String> name) Element Removes a class from element classes.
on(<String> eventName, <Function> callback) Element Adds an event listener to the element. The event names are the same as DOM event names. Callback is called with Event object as a parameter. Additional event names "drag", "dragstart", "dragend" can be used when dragging events are enabled by setDraggableState.
once(<String> eventName, <Function> callback) Element Adds an event listener to the element. This event listener is automatically removed when the callback occurs.
off(<String> eventName, <Function> callbak) Element Removes an event listener from the element.
fire(<String> eventName, <Object> data) Element Calls an event listener with custom event data.
setDraggableState(<Bool> state) Element Sets whether dragging events are enabled. Dragging events are: "drag", "dragstart", "dragend".
getDraggableState() Bool Returns whether dragging events are enabled.
getDraggingState() DraggingState Returns the state of dragging.

Event Methods

Method Returns Description
getMouseButton() String Returns the name of mouse button used. Possible values are: "left", "right", "middle". This event method is supported for the following events: "mousedown", "mouseup".
getMouseCoords() Array Returns coordinates of the mouse cursor [X,Y]. This event method is supported for the following events: "mousedown", "mouseup", "mousemove", "dragstart", "dragend", "drag".
getDragDelta() Array Returns drag delta [DX,DY]. This event method is supported for the "drag" event.
getDragButton(<String> button) Bool Returns whether the mouse button is pressed. Possible button names are: "left", "right", "middle". This event method is supported for the following events: "dragstart", "dragend", "drag".
getWheelDelta() Number Returns wheel delta. This event method is supported for the "mousewheel" event.
getTouchesCount() Number Returns the number of interacting touches. This event method is supported for the following events: "touchstart", "touchend", "touchmove".
getTouchCoords(<Number> index) Array Returns the coordinates of the touch point [X,Y]. This event method is supported for the following events: "touchstart", "touchend", "touchmove".

VTS Browser API

VTS Browser Core API

VTS File Format

VTS Browser Inspector Mode

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