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Samples Binding Config
This page contains samples for binding configurations. These samples are sorted by binding.
<wiki:toc max_depth="2" />
This example sends the current date and time from the NTP to the KNX binding
DateTime Date "Date & Time [%1$td.%1$tm.%1$tY %1$tT]" { ntp="Europe/Berlin:de_DE", knx="11.001:0/7/1, 10.001:0/7/2" }
Items: 0/0/1 is the GA for Date 0/0/2 is the GA for Time
Additional information on date and time formatting can be found here
- OW-SERVER with Ethernet
- DS18B20-Sensors (or DS18S20) connected via 1-wire-bus
- Go to http://
/devices.htm and look for the ROMId-Value https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-XdaTtDlzyEU/Ud7_uB4fPCI/AAAAAAAALTY/pmajPpkk6uo/s300/owserver_devices.PNG - Add an Number-Item to your items-configuration like this one
// Example: Number Temp_Kitch "Küche [°C](%.1f)" { http="<[Units=\"Centigrade\">(.*?)</Temperature>.*)](*?<ROMId>A7000002CC4D2228</ROMId>.*?<Temperature)" }
Replace the ip address and the ROMId-value with your data.
Device: OW-ENV-TH (EDS0065)
// Example: Number Humidity "Humidity [%.1f %%]" { http="<[<Humidity Units="PercentRelativeHumidity">(.?).)]" }
Device: D2C (DS2406)
// Example: Number Door "Door [MAP(contact.map):%d]" { http="<[<InputLevel_A>(.?)</InputLevel_A>.)]" } You may want to change the query-interval (here 5000ms) to a few seconds. You can get the value for InputLevel_B, too. ;)
contact.map: 0=open 1=close -=UNKNOWN
Device: D2C (DS2406)
// Example: Switch Lamp "Switch [MAP(switch.map):%d]" { http="<[<InputLevel_B>(.?)</InputLevel_B>.)]" } This only reads the state of the switch.
switch.map: 1=ON 0=OFF -=undefiniert
To turn the switch on or off you need to define two rules: rule "Turn Lamp on" when Item Lamp changed to ON then sendHttpGetRequest("") end
rule "Turn Lamp off"
Item Lamp changed to OFF
item definition: Number WindowContact1 "Window 1 is [MAP(contact.map):%s]" (All) { onewire = "3C.16AA13000000#sensed.A" } Number WindowContact2 "Window 2 is [MAP(contact.map):%s]" (All) { onewire = "3C.16AA13000000#sensed.B" }
sitemap definition: Text item=WindowContact1 Text item=WindowContact2
map file contact.map 1=closed 0=opened
Sample output for this definition would then be "Window 1 is opened" or "Window 2 is closed".
/* AC-Leistung */
Number Solar_Aktuell "aktuell [%.0f W]" { http="<[http://pvserver:[email protected]/index.fhtml:60000:REGEX(.*?aktuell</td>.*? (.*?)</td>.*)]" }
/* Energie */
Number Solar_Gesamt "Gesamtenergie [%.0f kWh]" { http="<[http://pvserver:[email protected]/index.fhtml:60000:REGEX(.*?Gesamtenergie</td>.*? (.*?)</td>.*)]" }
Number Solar_Tagesenergie "Tagesenergie [%.2f kWh]" { http="<[http://pvserver:[email protected]/index.fhtml:60000:REGEX(.*?Tagesenergie</td>.*? (.*?)</td>.*)]" }
/* PV-Generator */
Number Solar_PVG_Str1_Spannung "String 1 Spannung [%.0f V]" { http="<[http://pvserver:[email protected]/index.fhtml:60000:REGEX(.*?String 1</u></td>.*?Spannung</td>.*? (.*?)</td>.*)]" }
Number Solar_PVG_Str1_Strom "String 1 Strom [%.2f A]" { http="<[http://pvserver:[email protected]/index.fhtml:60000:REGEX(.*?String 1</u></td>.*?Strom</td>.*? (.*?)</td>.*)]" }
Number Solar_PVG_Str2_Spannung "String 2 Spannung [%.0f V]" { http="<[http://pvserver:[email protected]/index.fhtml:60000:REGEX(.*?String 2</u></td>.*?Spannung</td>.*? (.*?)</td>.*)]" }
Number Solar_PVG_Str2_Strom "String 2 Strom [%.2f A]" { http="<[http://pvserver:[email protected]/index.fhtml:60000:REGEX(.*?String 2</u></td>.*?Strom</td>.*? (.*?)</td>.*)]" }
/* Ausgangsleistung */
Number Solar_AL_L1_Spannung "L1 Spannung[%.0f V]" { http="<[http://pvserver:[email protected]/index.fhtml:60000:REGEX(.*?L1</u></td>.*?Spannung.*?Spannung</td>.*? (.*?)</td>.*)]" }
Number Solar_AL_L1_Leistung "L1 Leistug [%.0f W]" { http="<[http://pvserver:[email protected]/index.fhtml:60000:REGEX(.*?L1</u></td>.*?Leistung</td>.*? (.*?)</td>.*)]" }
Number Solar_AL_L2_Spannung "L2 Spannung [%.0f V]" { http="<[http://pvserver:[email protected]/index.fhtml:60000:REGEX(.*?L2</u></td>.*?Spannung.*?Spannung</td>.*? (.*?)</td>.*)]" }
Number Solar_AL_L2_Leistung "L2 Leistug [%.0f W]" { http="<[http://pvserver:[email protected]/index.fhtml:60000:REGEX(.*?L2</u></td>.*?Leistung</td>.*? (.*?)</td>.*)]" }
Number Solar_AL_L3_Spannung "L3 Spannung [%.0f V]" { http="<[http://pvserver:[email protected]/index.fhtml:60000:REGEX(.*?L3</u></td>.*?Spannung</td>.*? (.*?)</td>.*)]" }
Number Solar_AL_L3_Leistung "L3 Leistug [%.0f W]" { http="<[http://pvserver:[email protected]/index.fhtml:60000:REGEX(.*?L3</u></td>.*?Leistung</td>.*? (.*?)</td>.*)]" }
Make sure you replace "password" with your password and edit the ip address.
This a simple example of how to command your tellstick devices from Openhab. For event triggered inbound integration, check the Integration with other applications page.
Please note that if you use the inbound integration you must name you item td_device_<number>
where <number>
is the tellstick device enumeration as listed from command: tdtool -l
. Obviously you also need to change enumeration after --on
and --off
in the exec binding.
Item definition: Switch td_device_5 "Tellstick device 5" {exec=">[ON:tdtool --on 5] >[OFF:tdtool --off 5]"}
This is an example of how to power on a TV connected to the openhab server via HDMI. First you have to install cec-client utility on your host (you can see more details in [page)
The next thing is use the exec and the samsung binding (I can't switch on the TV with the samsung binding, and I can't switch off with the cec-client). My item definition shows like:
And the script /usr/local/bin/samsungTvStart.sh is aeca1ce6aa669e26d80d13ce7735bf08
The next thing is automatically check and update the status. I use a shell script that I run every minute with cron. The script /usr/local/bin/samsungTvCheck.sh is
and you can add a line to your cron (in linux systems) with the command
Note that you have to change OPENHAB_URL, [OPENHAB_PASS and [OPENHAB_ITEM] according to your installation. This script update the status of the item, and you can see if your childs has switch on the tv ;)
- Support
- News Archive
- Presentations
- How to Contribute
- IDE Setup
- How to Implement a Binding
- How to Implement an Actions
- User Interfaces
- Classic UI
- iOS Client
- Android Client
- GreenT UI
- Bindings
- Asterisk Binding
- Bluetooth Binding
- Comfo Air Binding
- CUPS Binding
- digitalSTROM Binding
- DMX512 Binding
- EnOcean Binding
- Epson Projector Binding
- Exec Binding
- Fritz!Box Binding
- Fritz AHA Binding
- Homematic Binding
- HTTP Binding
- IHC / ELKO Binding
- KNX Binding
- Koubachi Binding
- MAX!Cube Binding
- MiLight Binding
- Modbus TCP Binding
- MPD Binding
- MQTT Binding
- Network Health Binding
- Nibe Heatpump Binding
- Nikobus Binding
- Novelan/Luxtronic Heatpump Binding
- NTP Binding
- One-Wire Binding
- Onkyo AV Receiver Binding
- OpenSprinkler Binding
- OSGi Configuration Admin Binding
- Philips Hue Binding
- Piface Binding
- Pioneer-AVR-Binding
- Plugwise Binding
- PLCBus Binding
- Pulseaudio Binding
- RFXCOM Binding
- Samsung TV Binding
- Serial Binding
- Snmp Binding
- Squeezebox Binding
- System Info Binding
- Somfy URTSI II Binding
- Sonos Binding
- TCP/UDP Binding
- TinkerForge Binding
- VDR Binding
- Wake-on-LAN Binding
- Z-Wave Binding
- Persistence
- db4o Persistence
- rrd4j Persistence
- Sql Persistence
- Sen.Se Persistence
- Cosm Persistence
- Logging Persistence
- Exec Persistence
- Automation
- Scripts
- Rules
- Actions
- Misc
- Security
- Google Calendar Support
- Twitter Action
- Service Discovery
- Dropbox Bundle
- CometVisu
- Item definitions
- Sitemap definitions
- Binding configurations
- Rules
- REST Examples
- Tips & Tricks
- XSLT Transforms
- Scripts
- Integration with other applications
- Syntax highlighting for external editors
- Update-Scripts
- Samples-Comfo-Air-Binding
Release Notes