Chilling Spree 1.0 beta3
How to install (Linux)
Extract the archive cspree_server.tar.gz into your Quake server directory.
Edit cfgs/ports/port2751X.cfg and private.cfg to suit your needs.
How to install (Windows)
Extract the archive cspree_server.tar.gz into your Quake server directory.
Edit cfgs/ports/port27511.cfg and private.cfg to suit your needs.
Download FTE server from
Run winquicker.bat
Upgrading the server binary (Linux)
- Added a serverstate "breather" for the pause between rounds, preventing fire
- Do not autoswitch for explosive weapons (GL/RL)
- Menu restyled
Bring it on
- Tweaked timelimits in the modes to 10 mins, 20 mins for domination
- Spike pushback doubled
- Added a version and date to the serverinfo and menu
- Send SIGTERM on Linux systems instead of SIGKILL
- Added to setup ports
- Fixed so instagib works
- Some sound files that are not present yet
- Bots fixed for matchless modes
- Round limits were displayed incorrectly
- More!