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Logeecom Belgrade edited this page Mar 2, 2021 · 4 revisions

General guidelines

Whenever you are experiencing some difficulties or troubles with the installation and/or configuration of the Mollie Payment module for Gambio you can check the following points to make sure the configuration is right.

  1. Perform an API Check Use the Verify token button to check if the API Key is valid. You can find the Verify token button in the configuration General section located in Modules » Modules-Center » Mollie.
  2. Check if you enabled the payment methods in the Gambio Modules » Payment System configuration
  3. Check if you enabled the payment methods in your Mollie Dashboard The payment methods are disabled by default in your account so you firstly need to activate the payment methods that you want to implement in your Mollie Dashboard.
  4. Check if the order amount min and/or max value is fulfilled
  5. Check if there is any information in the Notifications section Modules » Modules-Center » Mollie » Notifications
  6. Check if there is any information in the logfile Toolbox » Show logs


Log files grow too fast

The Mollie plugin got a makeover recently when it comes to logging. This means that both, the quality and quantity of log entries did increase. Better logs mean easier and faster support - which might even help you directly before contacting the support.

If your log files take too much disk space in a short amount of time, then it means that you probably have lots of orders. In that case, please increase the "Log Level" in the plugin configuration to INFO or above (WARNING, ERROR). This will skip all DEBUG entries which are usually multiple entries for every order.

If you still face the same issue, then you might want to even increase to WARNING and skip the INFO messages.

Payment Methods

Method does not exist in Gambio

If one or all payment methods do not exist in Gambio, please verify the following:

  • Is your payment method unlocked and enabled in the Mollie Dashboard?
  • Try to set either the LIVE API Key + Test Mode ON, or the TEST API Key + Test Mode OFF in the plugin configuration and reinstall the plugin. This should automatically fetch available payment methods from your Mollie account and create them in Gambio.


Order status is not updated in my webshop

Mollie sends a message to your website when the payment or order status changes. When the status is not updating, it is possible that Mollie was unable to reach your website or that your website was unable to process the status.

To find out the reason your status hasn't been updated try the following steps:

  • Check if the webhook call was successful by looking up the transaction in your Mollie Dashboard and checking the history (on the right of the screen).
  • Check whether you have copied and entered the correct API key in your webshop.
  • Check whether your website is running in maintenance mode. Mollie cannot access your website when it is running in maintenance mode.