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Releases: olegtarasov/esphome-opentherm


16 Dec 06:36
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Merged to ESPHome core 2024.12.0

This release was merged to dev branch of core ESPHome project and will be available starting from 2024.12.0.

🚀 Features

  • New hub configuration options that help talk with some OpenTherm boilers that require particular versions or thermostat ids.
  • Improved message ordering and sending pipeline. Initial OpenTherm messages are sent in the order that most boilers expect.
  • An ability to edit OpenTherm messages before they are sent to the boiler and before boiler response is processed. This is needed for some non-standard boilers that may use obscure message ids or data formats.
  • Improved ESP32 timer error handling to minimize problems with logging in interrupt handlers.
  • Generally improved error handling code, made it more structured and clear.


01 Dec 18:36
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v1.0.5-pre2 Pre-release

🚀 Features

  1. New hub configuration options that help talk with some OpenTherm boilers that require particular versions or thermostat ids.
  2. Improved message ordering and sending pipeline. Initial OpenTherm messages are sent in the order that most boilers expect.
  3. An ability to edit OpenTherm messages before they are sent to the boiler and before boiler response is processed. This is needed for some non-standard boilers that may use obscure message ids or data formats.
  4. Improved ESP32 timer error handling to minimize problems with logging in interrupt handlers.
  5. Generally improved error handling code, made it more structured and clear.


28 Nov 05:59
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🐛 Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue with frequent random disconnect when running on ESP8266 (#15)


05 Nov 09:48
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🚀 Features

Added an ability to specify OpenTherm version to be reported to boiler using message id 124.


04 Nov 09:01
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🐛 Bug Fixes

Added data_type property for sensor platform, so that fan_speed data type could be overriden.


31 Oct 08:30
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🚀 Features

  • Added new sensors:
    • electricity_production
    • water_filling
    • heat_mode
    • service_request
    • lockout_reset
    • low_water_pressure
    • flame_fault
    • air_pressure_fault
    • water_over_temp
    • fan_speed_setpoint

🐛 Bug Fixes

  • Fixed fan_speed sensor. It should report valid RPM values if your boiler supports it.


25 Oct 12:43
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This is a stable release that corresponds to the PR that is proposed to be merged into ESPHome.